Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

I take it you've never seen Die Hard? ("NO FUCKING SHIT LADY DO I SOUND LIKE I'M ORDERING A FUCKING PIZZA!?!?!? :D)

hahahahaha of course I´ve seen Die Hard, it´s been a few years so I didn´t remember that scene. Never saw the latest Die Hard, like they wanted to make it sound modern and technological by putting a .0 after the 4.

Anyone seen that one? how was it?
Much love for Die Hard series here! I'll tell you one thing only (spoiling,but trailer shows that scene...)

McClane "hits" somehow a helicopter with a car... And that's not even at the final scene,it's in the middle of the movie...
Get Thrashed 7.5
Not much room for the european thrash and I hated the editing, but it was alright.

The Decline Of Western Civilization II 7
Lulz were brought.

A Headbanger's Journey 7.5
The sociological comment was half interesting/half meh kid need to grow up a bit.
I lack words to describe the Mahyem interview.
RJ Dio and Bruce Dickinson are badass.

Tropic Thunder 5.5
Kick-Ass 8/10 ...Hit Girl stole the show.

The comic book was a solid 10, however.
As a MASSIVE fan of the first three Die Hards, I was skeptical, but I loved the 4th one personally! (I own it on Blu-Ray, now THAT is a Hi-def experience :kickass: )

Hell yeah ! I have the whole Die Hard Collection on Blu Ray ! Got it on Amazon for $40 ! I love the 4th one too , and it's called Live Free Or Die Hard , not Die Hard 4.0 . Yes McClane is invincible in this one , but the movie is called Die Hard.