Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!


I thought Statham and Stallone made a great team , they really felt like they'd been buddies for years

P.S. I'm sure they are making a second and third and 4th since this is Stallones biggest hit since like fucking Cliffhanger

P.P.S. I would like to see Jean Claude , Kurt Russell , Carl Weathers, Micheal Jai White , Ving Rhames , Scott Adkins , Chuck Norris , and Thomas Jane in the sequel ! Fuck it , throw Ray Stevensen in and have all 3 Punishers in one movie !! Keifer Sutherland would rock , also Tony Jaa ! Put Tony Jaa against Jet Li !!

Edit: I forgot I wanna see Clint Eastwood as the Church type role , and Bruce Willis actually fight someone in the movie! Also Robert Patrick for the villain !

Bruce Willis is already having a more "in depth" part written for his character, he'll be back :p

Kurt Russel I can agree with as well as Jean Claude and of course Seagal but the others would be too much IMO. I think the main idea (for the most part) was the idea of having a lot of the big 80s action stars. I know Statham doesn't really fit that mold but we can forgive that simple because he actually is a genuine badass. My vote would be for someone who was alsways flirting with being a total A list actor and just never made it ... Michael Biehn perhaps. Robert Rodriguez managed to dig him out from under his rock for Planet Terror and the guy was in a lot of the bigger movies during the 80s and 90s ... Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, Tombstone, The Rock ... he's intense as fuck and would be a great addition to this type of movie

If they add too many people it would be like going to see Transformers 2 or something.

I also want to see Rourke's character get pulled into something a bit more
Hot fuzz 10/10
everything with Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright deserves a fucking oscar

quoted for truth!!!!!

but the other Simon Pegg movies arent that great :(

But the 2 guys together is just brilliant.

I heart that Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and ??? will be a trillogy.
So there will be one masterpiece commin up in the near future:headbang:
The expendables 2/10. Same old boring shit, weak plot, lots of shit exploding and meaningless death and violence. Gets 2/10 because the acting didn't make me cringe, just bored me to death.
Just caught on and saw Prince Of Persia... I actually liked it. 7/10... I don't think there was much as you COULD do with that movie. It was cool :)
Four Lions on DVD. 9/10
Comedy genius.

And since I haven't been watching many movies lately but rather episodes of the x-files, I'll rate those too haha.

Series 1:
Beyond the Sea - Creepy and intense and one of the best of the series 9/10
Gender Bender - Some extremely atmospheric scenes involving monk robes and rituals and chanting (\mmmmmmmmmmmm/) but a hammy idea and bad dialogue let it down - 6/10

Gonna watch another episode shortly haha :D
The expendables 2/10. Same old boring shit, weak plot, lots of shit exploding and meaningless death and violence. Gets 2/10 because the acting didn't make me cringe, just bored me to death.

The worst action movie I've ever seen. fortunately it was just a waste of time cause i downloaded it. :rolleyes: Don't even think to go to the cinema. Earn those bucks!
Just watched all the RE movies and went to see the 4th one in 3D

Resident Evil - 8/10
Resident Evil: Apocalypse 9/10
Resident Evil: Extinction 7/10

Resident Evil: Afterlife 5/10 I feel like I payed a full ticket to see a fuckin trailer of the 5th movie? visually stunning and that´s the 5 points I give it, but the story is total crap and the directing in general just sucks. Plus although the actor choice for Chris was great, the role they give him sucks balls, Chris is the coolest, nicest, most badass guy in the whole RE series and his movie character sucks