Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Dirty Harry´s Saga 7.5/10
Dirty harry (1971)
Magnum Force (1973)
The Enforcer (1976)
Sudden Impact (1983)
The Dead Pool (1988)
The Punisher (1989) 8/10 In comparison to the recent two, this one is like a Pulitzer Prize winning piece of literature to film.
Umm The Expendables was win.

Unless of course you were dumb enough to think that it actually wasn't going to be a meat headed action movie full of pointless violence and explosions.

Say what you will, but it's one of the few movies made in the last 10 years that actually captures the badassery of movies I grew up watching, not shits all over it with some half assed "gritty" remake that castrates classical masculine archetypes in favour of wimpy homos that the disaffected loser teenagers of today can relate to. The fallible hero cliche doesn't add substance to a character, it contributes to a culture of being a giant pussy about everything.
Umm The Expendables was win.

Unless of course you were dumb enough to think that it actually wasn't going to be a meat headed action movie full of pointless violence and explosions.

Say what you will, but it's one of the few movies made in the last 10 years that actually captures the badassery of movies I grew up watching, not shits all over it with some half assed "gritty" remake that castrates classical masculine archetypes in favour of wimpy homos that the disaffected loser teenagers of today can relate to. The fallible hero cliche doesn't add substance to a character, it contributes to a culture of being a giant pussy about everything.

are you serious??
I grew up in the 80's, loved to death that genre.
Loved a lot:
Rocky Balboa (6th episode or whatever it is), great drama, great story, and an old man that still punches like a young boy ;)
Rambo (IV) fucking badass, explosions, bodies ripped apart, violence and a hot girl.
This "the expandables" is nothing compared to those two movies.
Sly was back with such great movies (the ones above) but this sucks compared to those ones lol

But I'm gonna give it a 6.5/10 anyway, because it reminds me of the 80's when I was a kid
Jason statham alone can get a 8/10, that guy is always badass!
Umm The Expendables was win.

Unless of course you were dumb enough to think that it actually wasn't going to be a meat headed action movie full of pointless violence and explosions.

Say what you will, but it's one of the few movies made in the last 10 years that actually captures the badassery of movies I grew up watching, not shits all over it with some half assed "gritty" remake that castrates classical masculine archetypes in favour of wimpy homos that the disaffected loser teenagers of today can relate to. The fallible hero cliche doesn't add substance to a character, it contributes to a culture of being a giant pussy about everything.

Here's how I break it down...

Good acting? no.
Good plot? no.
Involving? no.
Good special effects. not really.
Believable, even relateable? no.

I don't know anything about any 80's and 90's action films, but that doesn't matter because The Expendables really sucked by any standarad unless you rate films by how masculine the main characters are :p
lolol nick cage was daaark in kick ass
pedo stache and all, scary as fuck

saw inception at the cinema the other day. 8.5/10
As far as the experience of watching it goes, it was a 10/10 in the moment. Total edge of your seat, forget to breathe, thought provoking, epiphany invoking type stuff.
On reflection, the film is so deeply rooted in the idea of the subconscious mind and how it can be used to sway people's thoughts, their lives, their mere will to live and exist through the suggestion of ideas and concepts, the grey area surrounding this morality, and how all of this plays into interaction between people that all the hollywood action sequences seemed just... Out of place? They were very gripping DURING THE MOVIE, but in hindsight, maybe the subject matter would've been better served had the film been a character piece.
For example, how many of the action sequences tied into the CHARACTER ARCS. The actual changes in the character as a result of what happens throughout the film? Basically none, the action scenes are all filler, to add excitement and tension to scenes that were already exciting and tense because of the CHARACTERS, not because of the gunfire.
But none the less, it's probably Christopher Nolan's best yet, and the first film of his that is legitimately as intelligent, as deep, as well read and as awe inspiring as it likes to think it is. Memento was pretentious because it wasn't as clever as it thought it was. This is sublime because it's EVERY BIT as clever as it thinks (and this time knows,) it is.

Very thought provoking though, I cannot recall a recent time a film has hit me so profoundly .
****primer 10/10
****inland empire 10/10

they are complex yet very familiar.

my two favorite films that i make an effort to watch once every couple of months because they always leave me with compelling thoughts and emotions.

as puerile as it may sound; these two films bring out a side of me that i actually seem to enjoy.
how all of this plays into interaction between people that all the hollywood action sequences seemed just... Out of place? They were very gripping DURING THE MOVIE, but in hindsight, maybe the subject matter would've been better served had the film been a character piece.
For example, how many of the action sequences tied into the CHARACTER ARCS. The actual changes in the character as a result of what happens throughout the film? Basically none, the action scenes are all filler, to add excitement and tension to scenes that were already exciting and tense because of the CHARACTERS, not because of the gunfire.

+1111111111111111111111, finally someone else mentions this, I thought the whole arctic base thing was so ridiculously unnecessary, out-of-place, and dragged out even while watching it, it's supposed to be a dream and yet it's all entirely literal and James Bond-esque, ugghhh

Still a solid 8/10 for the movie though