Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Yeah I was pretty bored by District 9 as well. Salt sucked hard and Angelina wasn't even that hot in it , she looked emaciated. I watched the Tekken movie again last night and got more enjoyment out of laughing my ass off through that movie :lol:
Resident evil Afterlife 3d - 7/10

Was good fun

Pro: Some nice action, good music, that big zombie with the hammeraxe.

Meh: 3D, first time I tried 3d in real movies, seems like the 3d dident work optimal with me.. gonna get some contacts next time instead of going normal glasses with 3D glasses infront :loco:

Cons: Some of the action was a bit lame.. WORST FUCKING VILLAIN EVER ! D:
Machete 7.5/10 fun movie to watch with friends
Predators 5/10 i found it a little boring
Get Him To the Greek 8/10 (watching Jonah Hill chuck every 500 frames or so was hysterical. the running gag i guess)
The Wrestler 9/10 (old, i know - but just saw it. depressing as fuck, but reminded me how incredible of an actor Mickey Rourke is - weird plastic surgery or not. i kept wondering when they are coming out with a similar movie about a washed up 80's rocker. maybe they have?)
Kick-Ass 8/10 (heard it was good, and i agree!)
I found The Wrestler pretty dull personally.

Watched Bad Lieutennant: Port of Call New Orleans the other night. Immensely Dull. One cool scene with some fish eye lenses and iguanas but that's about it.
No, I haven't seen the original. I'm wanting to check it out though. A lot of comments on Rotten Tomatoes said it was outstanding for a remake.

The original film 'Let the right one in' was made in Sweden and is a 10 out of 10 can't bring myself to watch the remake . I highly recommend you check it out .