Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Anti-Christ: 6/10 - Would have easily garnished higher numbers had von Trier decided to stick with what was working in the first 70 minutes of the movie rather than going into a shock-fest shit show.
WHAT!? I sat in the theater dumbfounded after I watched this film. God. Fucking. Awful. What did you like about it?

well...the Italian chick was like 6 points... the other points go the movie... :D
I liked it because of the whole Italian vibe ...i just love thos old "towns" ... and the thing that you never knew when he'll shoot her! ... and yea..the chick was hot! :devil:
My Neighbour Totoro - 3/10
Irritating as fuck, some very cool images. The cat bus tickled me and added another 2 points on alone. Irritation factor ruined it completely though.
Inception - 9/10.

Second time I've seen it, loses a bit of its dramatic edge, big screen really added to the experience but you still come away with the same feeling of not quite being sure whether you yourself are in a dream or not.

Definitely up there with the Matrix for candidates for films I am most likely to watch over and over (and I must have seen the Matrix over thirty times now)
The town 8/10,

I really enjoyed it and wouldve given it a higher rating, but the book was sooo kickass..Must be so hard to condense a book into an hour and a half and still keep it good...
Hot Rod 5/10 - the footloose punch dancing followed by to fall down the mountain was good, but it got old real fast

Aeon Flux 4/10 - typical MTV produced version of something better. save your time the animated series was better

Immortal 6/10 - I liked the premise and it had potential, but every time I saw that awful CG it distracted from the plot

1492: Conquest of Paradise 6/10 - I like Ridley Scott's work, but this is not one of his better ones.

Inland Empire 7/10 - can't fault it

The Live 8/10 - it's bad, but nostalgia bumps the score up for me
The Orphan - 8/10 - Pretty Cool.
Let The Right One In - 8/10 - Again, pretty cool... not sure I liked it more than The Orphan though. I might check out the English remake sometime.
Machete - 7/10 - Kinda entertaining/funny in some parts, but it was really stupid throughout a lot of it too. Didn't like it anywhere near as much as other Robert Rodriquez movies, like Sin City. Would be a 6 out of 10 without all the hot naked chicks. haha.
Event Horizon - 5/10 - Pretty lame...
The Walking Dead (tv series premier) - 8.5/10 - This was pretty sweet. High quality filming and awesome makeup artists. Reminds me of 28 Days/Weeks later. Will definitely have to watch the rest of the season.
Rewatched a bunch of stuff I hadn't seen for a while

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure - 10 - Don't need to say a lot about this one!

Drunken Master - 10 - Likewise.

Black Dynamite - 8 - ALMOST the perfect take on 70's Blaxploitation films... Almost.