Post your non-music hauls here

Someone recommended that I get a rudiment book. I'm kind of interested in that, since I don't want to end up overlooking certain basic drumbeats as I get further along in my practice. Has anyone here ever studied one of those?
It won't hurt, but I really don't think you need a rudiment book to play metal. Just about everyone will recommend it though. It's still completely possible to be 100% self taught. You can learn a lot of stuff just by attempting to play songs you know. Plus, books are boring, and it's a lot of fun to just improvise beats or play songs. You do need a basic skill level before you can play even easy songs though. Otherwise you're stuck with playing Ildjarn beats for a while. If you invest in a set of mutes for the drumset, you can play along to songs while still being able to hear them. It's much more fun than a metronome. And more fun=more playing.
This guy I work with let me borrow the first 3 seasons of Nip/Tuck & I burnt myself copies of them. I'm close to the end of season 1. Damn, I think that has to be the best TV ever, by far. I haven't seen many TV shows though. I think Nip/Tuck has amazing characters. Christian & Ava are great fucking characters.

Watch Firefly right now or I will come to your house and make you sit through a Firefly + Serenity marathon

Any other Browncoats on the forum, please chime in. This guy thinks Nip/Tuck is as good as TV gets.
I have 70 on my external. And I am unlike a lot of people here (Nick and you, etc)...I delete stuff from my comp when I buy it instead of rip it. Because usually I've already had it d/led :p
I only have the standard 80 GB harddrive that came with my (2001) computer, which I share with 3 other people. It sucks that I can't have much music on the computer. :(