Post your non-music hauls here

Pi (DVD)
The Sting (2-Disc DVD)
There Will Be Blood (2-Disc DVD)
Memento (2-Disc DVD)
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (DVD)

Just Ordered:
The World at War (30th Anniversary Edition) (11-Disc Box Set):kickass:
Aguirre, the Wrath of God (DVD)
Got a book on Aztec and Maya mythology, a book on Moctezuma II, and a book on the Maya civilization.
Got this lot for a tenner:


Just in case you can't read the titles, what I have there is:
Great Masters of Fantasy Art
The Rodney Matthews Portfolio
Bruce Pennington - Eschatus
The Flights of Icarus - artwork by a range of artists, including Roger Dean, John Blanche (before he was famous), Bruce Pennington, Jim Burns and Angus McKie
And lastly... Views by Roger Dean.

Pure awesome.