Prejudice in Metal Styles?


Nov 19, 2001
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I was online today, on a server, and I was told twice that I was a loser because of files I have shared. Why and for what reasons was I persecuted; for the very fact that I happened to enjoy death, black, and experimental metal. Apparently certain power metal/traditional metal types, who were both downloading Iron Maiden off me, have decided that anyone thats listens to Lamb of God, Morbid Angel, or Nokturnal Mortum- must be some kind of satanic lonely loser. Now, I have encountered this weird prejudice before in these power metal fans, many talented power metal musicians have told me they refuse to listen to death or black metal- strange I think. I also find it equally ironic that so many of these power metal fans, have no problem listen to stories and lyrics of swords, and dragons, fairies, and wizards- yet get agitated if they hear any song that is remotely blasphemous.

So, just what the hell is this all about- I dont make fun of power metal fans- I dont tell them their music is corny and repetitive. I will defend myself and my tastes as I have done here- and point out the problems in their attacks. Ive noticed the same behavior with Black metal fans- god tell them you like Dimmu or Rotting Christ- and you will never hear the end of it.

Why the hell are so many metal fans closed minded? I suppse its just because so many people are by nature closed minded- and obviously some of them are metal fans. Still, if anyone likes underground/ european metal, I have a innate respect for their musical taste- and I think this respect should be reciprocal.
Most Metalheads are close-minded.

At first when I got into 'tr00' Metal, I really wasn't into Death Metal or Metalcore. Fuck, 'tr00' Metal even opened me up to some Emo, a genre which I used to utterly despise. I like all kinds of music.

I hate people that think they have to only like Death Metal or only Black Metal, or whatever.

Music shouldn't have classifications. I have heard the most useless bickering at this board over such things as Nu-Metal. It's stupid. Who gives a fucking shit? Music is music...entertainment or art. Get the fuck over it.
most metalheads i know are NOT closed minded. hell, they accuse me of being closed minded because i dont like the shitty nu metal bands in my local scene. but in reality i listen to all forms of metal. from manowar to cryptopsy.

people are just self righteous. and its rampant everywhere. in music and out
Maybe all this close-mindedness goes on because everyone's always having a go at bands they don't like and people that listen to them, pissing people off so then they become all defensive.

To be honest I have no idea, I'm tired and this makes sense in my head right now... mostly.
Many genre Nazis are close minded, which I don't understand. Metalheads should unite, as we are so few in number anyways. I admit I am close minded, since I passionately despise hip hop and pop and would never give it a chance, but I'm cool with any genre of metal - I even gave power metal a chance even though I really dislike the vocals. I hate it when people are so ignorant and insult you for your tastes within metal.
You know, I got ripped apart on the Opeth board because I said I like some Limp Bizkit songs.

Close-mindedness is a horrible thing. Especially towards kids who listen to nu-metal. I used to be one of them, and always bashed death metal because I said it was gory and satanic and boring blastbeats and idiotic growled vocals.

I'm a lot better now. I listen to, well, almost everything. And if I don't listen to it or like it, I'll make it a point to make sure everyone knows why, and then I'll also point out that I respect the artist. Music should be universal, and people should be open to others' tastes.
ive never been called a loser or a non true metal fan but my collection has plenty of black metal, death metal, few power metal, prog rock/metal, jazz, experimental metal stuff, alternative, just plain rock and classic rock, classical, old school rap haha, beastie boys, classic country
speed said:
I was online today, on a server, and I was told twice that I was a loser because of files I have shared. Why and for what reasons was I persecuted; for the very fact that I happened to enjoy death, black, and experimental metal. Apparently certain power metal/traditional metal types, who were both downloading Iron Maiden off me, have decided that anyone thats listens to Lamb of God, Morbid Angel, or Nokturnal Mortum- must be some kind of satanic lonely loser. Now, I have encountered this weird prejudice before in these power metal fans, many talented power metal musicians have told me they refuse to listen to death or black metal- strange I think.
I find it to be the other way round. I prefer more melodic metal so I'll admit to being one of those power/traditional metal types you mentioned. I don't go around flaming people online though.

But I've experienced prejudice from fans of more extreme metal. They're just as likely to slag off fans of melodic metal and dismiss the music as gay, happy shit. To these people if anyone doesn't do death or black metal vocals then they sound like girls, just for the crime of having a vocal range that's wider than a strand of hair.

For example I remember telling an extreme metal fan that I listen to Iron Maiden, and his response was that their music is too happy and they're just about the image, putting more effort into t-shirts than in trying to play good music. Sheesh... some people really do have a problem with bands who have a fan base with more than ten people in it. And when it comes to preoccupation with image, look who's talking. At least Maiden don't feel the need to wear corpse paint. I've noticed that extreme metal tends to be heaps more reliant on image.

At the end of the day everyone's entitled to their own opinion I suppose, but I think the prejudice works both ways. No one should get the impression that it's only the fans of melodic metal that pick on those who prefer extreme metal. Unfortunately people are inherently close-minded by nature and we need to be more tolerant.
I think many people are very "tribal" about their music. You'd better be on their side!

If I were to say outright on this board that I listen to Freedom Call, I would get so much angry and threatening comments coming my way it would flood the board. I mean, if the moderators were as strict when it came to those sort of things as they are on most other boards I tend, more than half the members would have their accounts deleted. Assuming there even are mods here.
I agree Vic was ere- it does cut both ways.

Oh, who is listening to Sting? Is his new album any good? Ive always liked his music.
Why do people have to be like that?

I listen to BBMAK, Vertical Horizon, and Matchbox Twenty. And I like Michelle Branch. What? Teeny-bopper! Kill him!

The fact that I also listen to Gardenian, Cryptopsy, and Arch Enemy means absolutely nothing, I guess...

I also like Sting and Dave Matthews band, as well as pop-punk bands such as Fenix TX, Starting Line, and RxBandits and old-school rap/hiphop like Public Enemy, Krs-One, Run-DMC, Tribe Called Quest, and De La Soul.

And my favorite band is U2. I call THAT open-minded.
I've yet to hear Sting's new album. My uncle a much bigger fan, so he'll probably know. I'll ask him if it's any good.

I personally like Dream Of The Blue Turtles and Nothing Like The Sun best.