Prior to 15 minutes ago, I was completely unaware of the concept of REAMPING

Ben Johnson

Jan 17, 2006
Call me a ign'ant retard, but I had no idea about reamping. I'm VEEEEERY excited to say the least. I think I'll be getting a Palmer PDI for late night recording, and when I find a rare moment to record at deafening, neighbor-enraging volumes, I'll reamp the clean sound to the amp and mic the 4x12.

This whole thing almost sounds too good to be true. I know feedback won't exist (maybe that's a good thing, actually), but does it retain the EXACT same quality if I had recorded straight through without the reamp?
If it didn't I don't think people like Andy would be doing it, but I don't really know for sure. :) (oh by the way, that would be using really good gear)

Yes, it's as good as it sounds. It really does sound exactly like you are plugged into your amp. I use it nearly every other day here at the studio and it's like the greatest invention since sliced bread. Saves soooo many great takes from being lost. See, we have the guitarist use our PODxt Pro for scratch tracks when we track the drums. And we record the unprocessed out from that as well. So many times a guitarist has finished the song and been like "oh shit, i wish i was recording that for real", and I explain to them about reamping and that it's all good. They have such a sigh of relief after that. Sometimes people pull off shit that they just simply cannot recreate, and that would royally suck if it had to be on there with the POD's tone instead of a Mesa Recto or 5150 like they really wanted. I've had guys actually try to hug me after I reamp their track into another amp. Good stuff.

Cool. I don't want to hijack my own thread, but if noticed that a pod has a completely different feel than a tube amp. Once I've been practicing on my pod for extended periods, my feel is very awkward and just plain different when I play on the amp. concern is whether or not the performance will be the same (as in pinch harmonics and stuff) when I transpose the pod-monitored, unprocessed performance through the head. The same can go for any amp, I suppose. Different amps have different feels; some are more forgiving than others...

I guess the only way to find out is to try it out. $200 ain't too bad for such an important piece of gear.
Ben - maybe you need to download my POD tones if you're having problems. ;)

Get a DI that has a pass thru out so you can go to the POD and to your audio interface, and track both signals simultaneously. Then use the Reamp to reamp. Simple and awesome!

PS - I highly recommend the Radial J48 active DI, especially if you have EMG pickups.
Consider them downloaded. :cool:

Although I'd been playing around with a Tech 21 PSA-1 Sansamp that I was somewhat happy with, and I was using the pod xt for cab sims. It was when I went from playing on that (direct) to my Voodoo Amps Hex-modded JMP 2203, which is by far my favorite rhythm sound, that I was disappointed by my lack of fluidity for leads and such, when I had been ripping them out left and right with the direct setup & headphones.

I have a true bypass A/B/Y box that I've never really used that would really do the trick here with the reamp.

Yes, I do use EMGs. How did you know?:err:
Keep in mind, my POD XT tones are designed to be used one of two ways:

1) Guitar - Tube Screamer Pedal - POD
2) Guitar - POD with STOMP button enabled

Otherwise they will lack gain and definition. Also, they're designed for having an EMG 85 in the bridge position. If you use an 81 in the bridge position, you might want to add some more drive and bass.

Most of us here use EMGs, wasn't sure about you specifically.
Kazrog said:
1) Guitar - Tube Screamer Pedal - POD
2) Guitar - POD with STOMP button enabled

1) You mean an actual tube screamer pedal?

I did find out early after buying the pod that none of the sounds are very good without the TS stomp engaged.

I'll check out your sounds tomorrow when I transfer them onto my recording computer.:cool:
Ben Johnson said:
Kazrog said:
1) Guitar - Tube Screamer Pedal - POD
2) Guitar - POD with STOMP button enabled

1) You mean an actual tube screamer pedal?

I did find out early after buying the pod that none of the sounds are very good without the TS stomp engaged.

I'll check out your sounds tomorrow when I transfer them onto my recording computer.:cool:

He does mean a real TS, yes. It really does make a difference.
use a real D.I., like the Radial one that Kazrog suggested, rather than the "uprocessed out" of the POD to capture your D.I. signal. definite quality difference.
Question: Has anyone just gone in with a DI box straight to soundcard and used guitarsuite or guitarrig or something similar to simulate the sound instead of a pod? Seems like it would be an effective way to reamp without dropping 8 bills for a podpro.
Anyone know what transformers they use in the Radials or other higher end D.I.'s?
My DI I built myself, sounds quite good compared to the few I've compared it too.

Heh, reading the Radial site... maybe I'll just ask John Vrtasic... Since I actually know him somewhat and he's a local call haha
Apparently they're Jensen I found in the FAQ, I wonder what mine is... Guess I'll open it.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Be careful tho, you might not hear noises and fingers sliding on the strings when tracking with the POD and those noises would just blow out extra loud when reamped on a tube amp.

Yes! This is what I'm afraid of.
Here's an odball question. I've already got a Sans Amp bass driver DI. I've often thought about using it to split a dry 6 string signal (sans amp effect switched OUT) to my amp & board respectively. Anyone see any issues with this, or should I go get the radial?

kev said:
Call me ignorant, but what on earth is this all about?

In a nutshell you are capturing a clean single from you guitar. Then at a later date taking that single and sending it through and amp of your likeing. This way you are not limited to what you recorded when the guitar player actaually tracked his part.