Proper Thread for Gavin's Coming of Age


Apr 13, 2002
1 - I hope that the hangover is not as terrible as it sounded in the other thread

2 - Happy 18th.
the following pictures represent your life on this joyous day. :p



@ Hyena: Thanks missy... Paracetemols and obscene metal is exorcising this demonic Hangover :p

@ Nick: Cheers man :D. Thats inspired me to put on some more burtal Deathmetal...

@ Scwedentod: Thanks very much. Three exclamation marks? I feel pampered :p

@ Rahvin: I'll never work out what you wrote in the search... I'm terrible at this game :p. Someone's present to me could be to work it out and tell me it :) in return I'll give you admiration.
Thanks Rahvin :D

@ Rusty. Cheers man, I really did aparrently :p. Hopefully I'll enjoy what is to follow... the spending of much birthday money. :D
Happy birthday! I thought you were 18 already.. so somehow I thought it was someone else's party :rolleyes: I blame the time :p
May the hangover be gone soon :)
Happy birthday you peace o´ cum! I hope your organs damaged permanently ´cause YOU poured booze down ye throat, and you die slowly in torturing silence.
Child of Time said:
Happy birthday! :wave: (pssst. search for your username at google image search ;) )

ah, who would have thought it'd be something oh so simple as that! you have my gratitude CoT... and thanks for the blessings.

@ Taliesin: I'm feeling quite a bit better already. cheers.

@Strider: Thank you also for the blessings. Older? I thought it was pretty explicit I was a bastardly lil'teenager.

@Naku: ... :ill: .... errr, thanks? :confused:
Happy birthday!!!
@ Idari... cheers :). You make it sound like we're at an ancient age. *Quarter Life crisis*

@Hitori... Indeed :p! Thanks very much, I'll use all this joy to do something creative :)

@ Kov, Thanks twice man. The Head feels different, and yet the same. Post more man, we're missing you New Yorkers :)

@Miolo: glad I could have been of some entertainment to y'all. :D Thanks loads man.

@Siren, Will do :D. Your blessings are appreciated :)

@Arch: Thank you my good man!

*Raises glass to y'all for being so lovely*

I wonder If I'll live to 19?