Pseudo Intellectuals and Opeth

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They Bore The Ever Loving Shit Outta Me. I Like Opeth Though. Psuedo Intellectuals Well Most The Ones I Know Anyway Are Fags. But I Live In New Mexico And Theres Alot Of Fags Here.
Tool is to much into image for my tastes, and their image is full of bullshit. They make great music, but really suck at passing an image.
Opeth doesn't try to pass this rediculousy fake image. They do not write numbers on their drums and say Satan tells them the numbers to hit. Mikael Akerfeldt does not paint himself blue (Maynard that is a huge rip off of the Blue Man Group) and sing in monotone for a whole concert. Opeth instead, let's their music take the stage and put on an incredible show. If Tool did that they would be a lot better in my opinion than just try to be a reclussive, "different" that is consumed with image. No one makes music like Tool does. So why not let the music take it Tool?

Also do not try to force music down the throats of psuedo-intellects and psuedo-artists. They cry everytime something new happens. Also Tool fans obsess with Tool, and Opeth fans obsess with Opeth. That is probably why you can not have a die hard Tool fan and a die hard Opeth fan as one person.
Image is nothing, thirst is everything. Sprite.

Now replace thirst with music and get rid of Sprite, and you've got how I feel about the bands. I enjoy both Opeth and Tool, but since I've been into Opeth longer than tool I automatically have a bias towards them. But Tool's Aenima is quite good in a different kind of way musically.

But for some reason at the moment I seem to be enjoying Death a whole lot, and find their music to be more visercal and exciting than either Opeth or Tool. I think it's more just Gene Hoglan's drumming than anything else. ;)
Really no people I know is "open-minded" by definition. Like these Tool fans who claim to be so. But it's all the same in this forum or any other. We criticize r&b, pop, hip-hop, or even tool, while those two rejected Opeth after half an hour. I don't claim to be open-minded, but I fucking sure try. (So should they, thought I'm in no position to say what they should or should not do.)
Apprentice's Master said:
But for some reason at the moment I seem to be enjoying Death a whole lot, and find their music to be more visercal and exciting than either Opeth or Tool. I think it's more just Gene Hoglan's drumming than anything else. ;)

Very nice there sir.
caligo said:
Really no people I know is "open-minded" by definition. Like these Tool fans who claim to be so. But it's all the same in this forum or any other. We criticize r&b, pop, hip-hop, or even tool, while those two rejected Opeth after half an hour. I don't claim to be open-minded, but I fuckings sure try. (So should they, thought I'm in no position to say what they should or should not do.)

i agree...also....everyone pre-judges...its impossible not to.
ShroudOfDusk said:
Trout and sodomy do NOT mix.

Unless you're talking about one-eyed trouser trout.

Yeah, my best friend is more of a musical snob. He refuses to find beauty in anything below the playing level of Shawn Lane, Ynwgie, Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, etc.

So, despite the astonishing depth of Opeth's catalog, he's only listened to the Opeth mix-CD that I made once. "Pretty cool, I like how the heavy parts switch to mellow". That's it? That's your in depth analysis? Listen to each album at least 7 times.

And there's the rub. We've all done the heavy lifting by listening to the albums. Just listening. We've heard the subtlety, the riffs, the harmonies, the brutality, and the honesty. Not too many people are willing to put the time into it.
as everyone else said, sounds like the guys aren't being openminded. i think they just aren't confident about their own artistic capacity to recognize anyone else's. they want to confine the application of the word "art" to only the people they listen to. stupid douches, opeth has excellent bass and drums. Martin Mendez is excellent at keeping a complex rythm.

Apprentice's Master said:
But for some reason at the moment I seem to be enjoying Death a whole lot, and find their music to be more visercal and exciting than either Opeth or Tool. I think it's more just Gene Hoglan's drumming than anything else. ;)

quite clearly it would have to be about Chuck's incredible compositional skills and solos. yea, chuck rules :worship:
I hate the prejudice people have against 'guitar based music'. The moment a band displays some technicality they say 'I don't like all that wanking off', or 'I prefer my music to be deep and arty without those crazy guitars showing off', etc. It's all bullshit, and by saying this they miss so much. Why can't people see that there is actually a wealth of expression in an extremely well-played, and even extremely fast and technical solo or riff. They are just denying the skill they hear, or maybe they feel alienated because they subconsciously wish they could play that well themselves. Anyone can pen some psuedo-arty music and lyrics, but not everyone can spin off a lightning fast solo, and that has to be saying something. Technical skill has an important place in music. I may not have it, but I have good ideas which are more creative than the norm. If I had the technical skill I'd be unstoppable, but it's good to have one half of the pie over nothing.
Static said:
I hate the prejudice people have against 'guitar based music'. The moment a band displays some technicality they say 'I don't like all that wanking off', or 'I prefer my music to be deep and arty without those crazy guitars showing off', etc. It's all bullshit, and by saying this they miss so much. Why can't people see that there is actually a wealth of expression in an extremely well-played, and even extremely fast and technical solo or riff. They are just denying the skill they hear, or maybe they feel alienated because they subconsciously wish they could play that well themselves. Anyone can pen some psuedo-arty music and lyrics, but not everyone can spin off a lightning fast solo, and that has to be saying something. Technical skill has an important place in music. I may not have it, but I have good ideas which are more creative than the norm. If I had the technical skill I'd be unstoppable, but it's good to have one half of the pie over nothing.

*sigh*...I can't stand alot of shred these days myself. I like some of it though, Michael Romeo, Steve Vai(more virtuosic though)...Kinda ends there. I used to be in this huge shred phase about 2 years ago, but I got over it because it all started sounding really monotonous. Which is why I can't stand Dream Theater. That's not to say I don't know a good solo from a shitty one...

I disagree with your statement on "anyone can pen some pseudo-arty music and lyrics." Listen to Kayo Dot. I've really never heard any music like it, (I haven't heard any other music that comes close to Opeth either but that's not the point). Kayo Dot is art, like it or not, call it pseudo pretentious shit if you want although I'd really disagree with your statement. It's not easy to pull off music that's "arty". You tell me, honestly though. Are there more metal bands that have solos that are just lightning fast, than bands with actual songwriting technique that exceeds expectations from most metal fans? I expect there to be more bands with fast solos.

The reason I got off my shred phase was because I discovered Jazz and Opeth. Opeth has great solos, emotional and melodic, better than anything Yngwie has ever come out with. We can argue that point to no end.

To go back on topic...

I like Tool as well and I think Maynard has an extremely unique voice. I wouldn't say he's better than Mikael...because they both have 2 very distinctive voices. Tool is not guitar based. Tool focuses on the guitar being music not a guitar for the sake of being a guitar. If you notice, Adam Jones may be playing and repeating the riffs alot over and over again with variations here and there. And as much as alot of people here will hate that, I for one like it alot. It shows that minimalism is indeed a songwriting tool(no pun intended). I can't stand alot of Tool fans as well, they're all like "Tool is better than Opeth OMG". But then again, there are alot of Opeth fanboys as well...
All aspects of music have their place. Most guitarists will tell you that they have gone through, or are going through a 'shred' phase. Those tend to manifest themselves every now and again. It's just tastes that change with the direction of the wind, and that's why there is all sorts of music to cater to those changes.

Of course you can argue that Opeth and Kayo Dot make music with infinately more compositional value than Yngwie, but can Opeth's music make you crack up with cheesy power metal vocals played over a shred-compromise of a 'riff'. I mean Yngwie may suck balls at any form of interesting composition, but he can play fucking fast, and on top of that he is worth a few laughs. I think its worthy to respect simply because of that.

I personally cannot stand Tool, but as we've seen, there are plenty of people who can, and on top of that love the band. There are just some things that people connect to that others can't.

Yngwie and Vai may be your trash, but they are also very much someone else's treasure.
how did we get onto the topic of yngwie

go the cheesy power metal\m/

the worst example of cheese was a video my mate showed me of a guy called michal angelo, playing a 4 neck guitar in an x shape, jumping from each neck in a shred

now that is wank

pure wank
AHAHAHAH I know this Michael Angelo. The music is sooooo terribly generic. Honestly, to all you who haven't heard his 'music': If you think Yngwie is the be all and end all of generic, then you HAVE to see this dude.
and see the video, the band is like called nitro \m/
*power metal wail* AND NOOOOOW WE HAVVVVVEE


bring on the x-wing guitar

id love if the bass player had a 3 neck tie fighter bass and they had laser battles on stage
Moonlapse said:
AHAHAHAH I know this Michael Angelo. The music is sooooo terribly generic. Honestly, to all you who haven't heard his 'music': If you think Yngwie is the be all and end all of generic, then you HAVE to see this dude.
Check this out:

Francesco said:
Guitar techniques can help you to show better you emotions; if you want, you can sweep on low strings and bend on high, or slide two notes and add one with tapping -- the combinations are endless!

Francesco said:
I play this way because I feel a particular emotion during these passages so I put my emotions in these fast notes and they are played with emotion.

Is he emotional enough for Opeth fans?
The bottom line of this thread is , tell your mates to grow some balls and listen to Opeth!! Threaten them that if they dont.................... They gonna get raped!
xxChaoticManifestoxx said:
*sigh*...I can't stand alot of shred these days myself. I like some of it though, Michael Romeo, Steve Vai(more virtuosic though)...Kinda ends there. I used to be in this huge shred phase about 2 years ago, but I got over it because it all started sounding really monotonous. Which is why I can't stand Dream Theater. That's not to say I don't know a good solo from a shitty one...

I don't necessarily mean shred, just technicality in general. Truth be told, I don't even listen to any virtuoso guitarists, because it doesn't appeal to me that much. You can have an awesome solo that has feeling and isn't technical - FACT. I'm only saying that it annoys me when somewhere hears something that sounds vaguely technical and instantly get repulsed - like complexity in music, and skill with instruments, is some kind of sin. I know many people that react like that.

I disagree with your statement on "anyone can pen some pseudo-arty music and lyrics." Listen to Kayo Dot. I've really never heard any music like it, (I haven't heard any other music that comes close to Opeth either but that's not the point). Kayo Dot is art, like it or not, call it pseudo pretentious shit if you want although I'd really disagree with your statement. It's not easy to pull off music that's "arty". You tell me, honestly though. Are there more metal bands that have solos that are just lightning fast, than bands with actual songwriting technique that exceeds expectations from most metal fans? I expect there to be more bands with fast solos.

'Psuedo' means - false, fake, pretend. I don't think Kayodot are actually 'psuedo' anything, sound like the real deal to me. Whether something is, that's open to opinion and interpretation. I like Kayodot, btw. I don't think you quite get the type of person I'm talking about here, they get repulsed by guitars sounding even 'sort-of' technical. Think Opeth or even Black Sabbath. Why? Because they are so used to artificial electronics and simple sounding mainstream riffs that they can't take proficiency with instruments as an expression in itself.

I meant anyone can PRETEND to be 'arty'. Anyone could, if they tried, but that doesn't stop it from being suckful.

The reason I got off my shred phase was because I discovered Jazz and Opeth. Opeth has great solos, emotional and melodic, better than anything Yngwie has ever come out with. We can argue that point to no end.

Yeah, technicality does NOT mean something is good. Mere technicality is hollow. Simplistic music with good ideas can be excellent. Combine the two, like Opeth, and you've got a winner. If only SOME people could see that and not just say 'this music is too guitar orientated'.
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