Pseudo Intellectuals and Opeth

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I have a kinda similar thing, but not really. Its just a bitch when your friends dont let it rest, and still have the wrong idea, but there is nothing you can do to change that... stupid anger and letting it gete in the way of the truth... :erk: Ah well...
TOOL has got to be one of the most overrated pieces of shit I have ever heard.

They are exactly that… a pseudo art rock band for pseudo intellectuals.

When I saw them live a while back Maynard tried his hardest to sound profound and philosophical. It was all part of their lame, psychedelic stage act. I guess that many people were taken in by it. Thankfully, since then I have graduated and now I listen to much better music.

That is all I have to say.
tell your mates to grow some balls and listen to Opeth!!

Not to start a flame war or anything, but that's really fucking hilarious. I'm sorry. Anyone without enough balls for Opeth has got to be some kind of fucking jellyfish.

But I guess it can't all be ramming it down and fucking like a beast and Sadus attacking and persecuting maniacally.

Seriously, though, your friends are fucking wanker pussies if they can't handle Opeth. Don't waste time on them, as they're either too stubborn in their elitism to try something new, or too pathetically wussy to take it.
Opeth\m/\m/ said:
The bottom line of this thread is , tell your mates to grow some balls and listen to Opeth!! Threaten them that if they dont.................... They gonna get raped!

I think weve pinpointed whos NOT an Opeth intellectual.
RjBeals said:
Surprising that a drummer doesn't like Opeth. Lopez is a badass drummer and he does stand out on a lot of the tracks. I play guitar and love guitar based music also, but with Opeth, a lot of times it's the drums that blow me away..

Props to Martin Lopez !!

Agree. I'm a drummer.
Risquit said:
Yeah, my best friend is more of a musical snob. He refuses to find beauty in anything below the playing level of Shawn Lane, Ynwgie, Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, etc.
Eh, a lot of the material that I've heard from all of these guys seems sort of second rate compared to Opeth. I never thought I'd say that...especially since Shawn Lane's name is in the mix. I dunno, I just don't think a lot of the material by Cacaphony, Malmsteen, and Friedman is nearly as emotive as Opeth. The atmosphere Opeth creates seems to dwarf the phenominal chops of these guys. Once the novel of Perpetual Burn wore off I thought Jason Becker sounded very immature in terms of songwriting but he was still a kid when he did all this and I think he could've become one hell of a musician had he not been felled before his prime. I should probably dig through my CDs and get Speed Metal Symphony and Go Off! to see if I missed out on something. It's been about a year or two since I've listened to Becker. I love Megadeth and Marty has played some phenominal licks during his tenure with the band. Yet, even he said Dave showed him a lot of the solos tha the played on the albums and Dave pretty much made Megadeth. Friedman's solo stuff is pretty good. I like the Music For Speeding album he did for Favored Nations. I prefer it over something like Dragon Kiss or whatever the fuck that album is called. Malmsteen is a brilliant writer. However, he ruins the beauty in his music with his excessive wanking. The Rising Force stuff can be fun to listen to for 30 minutes but after that I'm ready to move on to something else. Malmsteen's creativity seems to shine through the wall of wank on his Concerto Suite in Eb min CD his performance with the New Japan Philharmonic. Malmsteen ruins a lot of the songs with his playing but he did compose the score for the orchestra and it was phenominal. As for Shawn Lane. Powers of Ten sounded stale though he is a far better songwriter than Malmsteen. I can't remember much of The Tritone Fascination for I lost the CD and his performances with Jeff Sykes and Jonas Hellborg are pretty awesome but despite being one of the greatest guitarist to ever live (RIP Shawn) I still haven't heard anything by him that rivals the emotion in songs like TBYF, Epilogue, The Moor, etc.

I've probably put much more time into this than I should but I just don't see how someone can slag off Opeth for material that seems very trite at times.
Moonlapse said:
All aspects of music have their place. Most guitarists will tell you that they have gone through, or are going through a 'shred' phase. Those tend to manifest themselves every now and again. It's just tastes that change with the direction of the wind, and that's why there is all sorts of music to cater to those changes.

Of course you can argue that Opeth and Kayo Dot make music with infinately more compositional value than Yngwie, but can Opeth's music make you crack up with cheesy power metal vocals played over a shred-compromise of a 'riff'. I mean Yngwie may suck balls at any form of interesting composition, but he can play fucking fast, and on top of that he is worth a few laughs. I think its worthy to respect simply because of that.

I personally cannot stand Tool, but as we've seen, there are plenty of people who can, and on top of that love the band. There are just some things that people connect to that others can't.

Yngwie and Vai may be your trash, but they are also very much someone else's treasure.
Watching the facial expressions and idioms of Vai and Malmsteen is priceless. I love it when Malmsteen stares at his palm like he's in some sort of trance and then out of the blue delivers a high kick to show his defiance to the gods. Plus the vocals that Doogie belts out are so cheesy that you can't help but smile or just go nuts. :kickass:

I can't connect with Malmsteen like the one guy that was mentioned in the other post I replied to but as Moonlapse said "there are just some things that people connect to that others can't". Still, that one subject that Riscuit was talking about has me scratching my head and that's probably due to the fact that I don't know this person enough to make a sound judgement on what dictates their musical taste. Just the idea of someone actually cognizant of what makes Opeth the great band that they are and just not taking the time to get a better take on the music doesn't settle well with me. I guess it's just that I like to put my time in to make sure I either love/hate something. I mean if something peaks one's interest, even in the slightest, I would hope that person would take it upon themselves to not miss out on an oportunity to share in something so many others seem to be doing.

Gah, why the hell didn't this person just totally dismiss Opeth for some highly biased opinion so I could just move on?
Moonlapse said:
AHAHAHAH I know this Michael Angelo. The music is sooooo terribly generic. Honestly, to all you who haven't heard his 'music': If you think Yngwie is the be all and end all of generic, then you HAVE to see this dude.
Batio isn't so bad. I mean his music is what it is and some of it is kind of surprising at times but if you want to see utter cheese see if you can track down the Speed Kills video. I think it's of him playing No Boundaries. He looks fucking hilarious. Good stuff though. :headbang:
Dreadful said:
Akerfeldt > Keenan

That is wrong. Whatever your opinion of Tool, its fans, Opeth and the world in general, Keenan is a better vocalist that Akerfeldt. Maybe you could say that Akerfledt is better for Opeth, but if you put them in a singing contest then there is no question on who would win. And I don't even like Tool.
spigot said:
That is wrong. Whatever your opinion of Tool, its fans, Opeth and the world in general, Keenan is a better vocalist that Akerfeldt. Maybe you could say that Akerfledt is better for Opeth, but if you put them in a singing contest then there is no question on who would win. And I don't even like Tool.
OMG MOONLAPSE BAN THIS N00B ROFLMAO! dude first of all Akerfeldt owns keenan, and im going to tell you why.

1st off. Akerfeldt plays extremely hard riffs and sings at the same time.

2nd. Akerfeldt is multidementional, he not only has a great clean voice but has a awesoem death metal growl also. (and does both while playing ) keenan doesnt growl or play a instrument.

3rd. Akerfeldt`s vocals are very emotional and flow very well with the music, not that maynards dont, but mikael does much more than telling people to watch out for the end of the world and UFO`s and how we are all too closed minded. Mikael is god, and he owns you and keenan. This is the OPETH forum, dont come in saying that dumb shit on this forum even if you do like tool also. Be "open minded" see that mikael plays a instrument at the same time while he sings, writes all of the bands music, and Is God , and also be "open minded enough" to see that maynard doesnt make the bands music or play a instrument.
spigot said:
That is wrong. Whatever your opinion of Tool, its fans, Opeth and the world in general, Keenan is a better vocalist that Akerfeldt. Maybe you could say that Akerfledt is better for Opeth, but if you put them in a singing contest then there is no question on who would win. And I don't even like Tool.

lets see maynard play the acoustic riff in the middle of leper affinity and sing the vocal line as well. Then we shall judge who is best.

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