Pseudo Intellectuals and Opeth

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Christ will you stop comparing Keenan to Akerfeldt, they have completely different styles of singing for completely different styles of music. You might as well be comparing Layne Staley to fucking Britney Spears for all the good it's going to do.
firas said:
I guess I can call myself an intellectual and I regret to admit that unlike myself, typical arty people would not be into bands like Opeth. Many people cannot get past the death vocals and the double kicks or the heavy riffs. I am actually a great fan of Opeth, and will continue to be so as long as they keep producing original quality music. I have attempted to introduce some of my friends to Opeth but alas, my endeavour failed. I guess people are comfortable with pop music, hip-hop or R&B because it's easy music. Opeth, or metal in general for that matter, is not easy listening. I think it takes a keen ear to appreciate the beauty and genuinity of Opeth's music. I'm glad I've discovered Opeth and to people who refuse to give them a try, it's their loss. :Smug:

Typical arty ppl would be into bands like the last Radiohead albums or some crap like that...ermmm the singularity and complexity of Opeth makes it certainly a difficult band to listen because it requires that: listening, you can't just have Opeth as a background ,as a landscape; everytime I put a cd on, I can't help but think and feel the music, not in a "uhhh see the colours" stoner kinda way, but with depth..if makes any sense.
Sometimes I feel quite sad that people don't live Opeth's music the same way I do, they really miss it, but I think again and I know I can keep it to myself and some others. I like it that they are not awafully famous although of course I wish and hope that they could live out of their music and not struggle it so much.
Id said:
I believe shred has a lot of emotion too, just as much as Opeth. However emotion is not the only reason I listen to music, sometimes you gotta cheese it up and just rock.
Rock is an emotion ;)
Hmm...personally I only think Radiohead had three good albums (The Bends, OK Computer, Kid A). The trouble with that band is that they are rather inconsistent in quality outside of those three, and I just cannot consider the others worthwhile albums. And if they release a third substandard album in a row, I think they will be finished.
Some of you opeth fans are really biased as well. Just seeing people dissing tool and radiohead proves it. Radiohead just has this style to them, kind of like can, that lends their music a great mellow tone. Their last CD is one of the best mainstream cds of the decade. Not because of the artiness, which it does possess in psuedo quantities, but the melody and emotiveness. As for tool, I like them even better then opeth just for lateralus. Overall opeth is somewhat better then tool, but lateralus is on another level to anything I've heard. If any of you know about "the holy gift", the album as a whole, when rearranged, is a cohesive work. It is like one huge song, with amazing drumming and great singing not just being good to be good, but to contribute. I prefer Maynard as a singer and I prefer Carey as a drumer, although I can see opeth having the better guitarist. Every band has dumb fans, so just be careful to make sure that you aren't one of them. And whoever said death owns, :rock:
How anyone can say that Maynard is better than Mikael is beyond me.

He's good, great in fact. but he can't match Mikael, and I'm not just saying that as an Opeth fan, because I also like Tool.
ethereallights said:
Tool is to much into image for my tastes, and their image is full of bullshit. They make great music, but really suck at passing an image.
Opeth doesn't try to pass this rediculousy fake image. They do not write numbers on their drums and say Satan tells them the numbers to hit. Mikael Akerfeldt does not paint himself blue (Maynard that is a huge rip off of the Blue Man Group) and sing in monotone for a whole concert. Opeth instead, let's their music take the stage and put on an incredible show. If Tool did that they would be a lot better in my opinion than just try to be a reclussive, "different" that is consumed with image. No one makes music like Tool does. So why not let the music take it Tool?

Also do not try to force music down the throats of psuedo-intellects and psuedo-artists. They cry everytime something new happens. Also Tool fans obsess with Tool, and Opeth fans obsess with Opeth. That is probably why you can not have a die hard Tool fan and a die hard Opeth fan as one person.


Tool fans are some of the most ravenous fans there are. They love Tool. They are kind of like people who use Macs. They are fantatical about what they use and tell everyone about it.

So can't we all just get along?
I remember reading live reviews for the last Tool tour (to find the set list for other shows around the one I saw) and was surprised to find a SHIT lot of whining about the opening bands. Not just one person saying he didn't like a band, but a whole handful of people saying "Blah, blah, the opening band were TERRIBLE!" without giving a decent reason why. I would have given anything to see Meshuggah open for Tool (we got the Melvins, but I wasn't complaining either). We barely ever get an overseas band opening for main acts here, so it kinda seemed ungrateful.
As much as I like Tool, the flames directed at fanatic Tool fans is well deserved. I don't really like elitist people, regardless of whether you like the same music I do. Going onto the Tool forums is an extremely frustrating experience and makes you wish that the "Stab user" feature was created.
But I guess the same goes for any extremely fanatic people (as noted by others).
A funny note - at the Tool show, Maynard was saying "Repeat after me - think for yourself *crowd says it back* question authority *crowd repeats it again* don't repeat what people tell you to say *only half the crowd says this back*"
Kinda shows you that some fans are too blindly worshipping Maynard.
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