Pseudo Intellectuals and Opeth

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I really got into music during the whole nu-metal garbage phase of the late 90s, and I had a real objection to any kind of guitar solos, keyboard parts, etc. Broadening my listening I found other bands/artists who played guitar solos without sounding wanky, and now I rarely listen to bands that don't let their individual musicians have their moment in the spotlight. However, I'm still repulsed by garbage shredding type guitar playing, or over-the-top, cheesy keyboard parts. It's just not good music. It's like, 'wow, okay, you can play really fast.. good for you.. can you actually play something that sounds _good_?'.

In relation to the original post, I used to have that same opinion about 'guitar-based' music. I used to think anything with solos was 'teh gay!10!'. But since then, I've learnt better, and I love me a good guitar solo. But it's not from a standpoint of being awestruck by the technical abillity of the musician; its about the musician using that ability to create gorgeous melodies. I don't understand people who like shredding guitars; seriously, that stuff is gayer than anal sex. It's unlistenable. But a great guitar player who can use that skill to create beautiful soaring melodies is just brilliant.

So, again in relation to the original post, your friends will only broaden their horizons when they decide to do so. Tool fans in my experience are very closed-minded about other bands and other types of music. Tool fans love to rant about how deep and spiritual Tool's lyrics are, when in fact plenty of the them are just stolen from other sources (comedian Bill Hicks being the obvious one). Pointing out that Tool's musicianship isn't _that_ good only seems to elicit responses in the vain of 'oh, well you just don't _get_ it' (like that actually means something; no, I get it, I just don't think it's particularly good). These people will only open their minds to better music if they decide to do so; thrusting different/better styles of music upon them only seems to strengthen their Tool love. So let those people stew in their mediocrity, and enjoy the adventurous sounds of bands like Opeth.
From my personal experience I know, that TOOL music is highly addictive and you simply has no urge to listen to something else...fortunately I am not of of those close-minded TOOL fans that dig lyrics and act like MJK himself.

:Wreath: said:
anal sex is not always gay ;)
I second that.
Fredy_Brown said:
From my personal experience I know, that TOOL music is highly addictive and you simply has no urge to listen to something else...fortunately I am not of of those close-minded TOOL fans that dig lyrics and act like MJK himself.

It would be kinda wierd to see a bunch of bald dudes walking around all painted in blue with a banana sticking out of their underware...

as for anal's not neccessary gay but could be rather messy and smelly(if you don't use a condom your dick will smell like shit) and painfull to your partner if you don't use waterbased lube...let's put an end to the whole anal sex is rather inapropriate:err:
Guitar based music is my favorite, I don't care if I come across as a fanboy or not, I'm not one but I love the guitar better than all other instruments. WHat kind of music do these artsy fart people like if they are not into guitar music. Would it be rap? Just curious.
Moonlapse said:
Show them Silhouette, fuck them in the ass, then slap them with a large trout. Then try the Lamentations process again.
Your replies are some of the best here my man!!
Kenneth R. said:
I think Maynard is good but Mikael owns all over him. so few can compare to Mikael... perhaps Swanö and Gildenlöw
Kobi Farhi (Orphaned Land)
Jan K. Transit (In The Woods...)
Messiah Marcolin (Candlemass)
Rob Lowe (Solitude Aeturnus)
Warrel Dane (Nevermore)
Paul Kuhr (Novembers Doom)
Alan Averill (Primordial)
Big Boss (Root)
Opeth's music is much deeper and more intelligent than Tool will ever be. Your friends are just wannabe arty freaks because they don't realise this.
Orphaned Land kicks major ass. One of my favorite albums of 2004, and their previous work is also good.

Another Life - one of my most anticipated albums for 2006.
Opeths Music is not as 'Intelligent' as Tool. If what you are saying is Opeth technically more accomplished. Which i guess it is on Guitar. But as a band Tools Music is way more accomplished. Each Member in Tool is of equal importance to one another when it comes to giving the life to the song.
Although i do like Opeth more but i dont know why. Tool is definatley amazing and i wont hear a bad word of them.
Fredy_Brown said:
Big Boss is one of the biggest retards that I have ever met.
i never met him, so i cannot judge that. fact is, Root is an amazing band (my faves from your contry besides Myster's Hammer, which were brilliant aswell) and Big Boss is a skilled, outstanding singer.
Actually Root is the band that I hate the most....the most overrated bands in Czech Republic. He is good singer, but that´s all.
Btw do you know that he is a pedophilic gay? (I am not kidding)
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