Public enemy #1


The Band called ROCK
Nov 7, 2001
Molde, Norway
I sure hope that George W. Bush and the American people understands that their war in Iraq will end the friendship between them and Europe. Although leaders of Great Britain and Spain claim they support your ignorant and naive ideas, their people protest against it. As far as I can see, Blair is now the MOST hated person in Great Britain.

I belive you will have to learn the hard way that this war is not a weapon to decrease the terrorism, more likely it will increase it. And don`t come looking for sympathy the next time terrorists strike you as hard as they did Sept. 11 2001. In Europe there are no such feelings left for fools as Bush and his followers.

War is always wrong


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I hope that you understand that we help pull Europe out of two World Wars. When we want help, we don't get it. It's like this, France has turned their back on us. If you don't understand that, then how can I even continue.

It's not Buish's fault, it's Saddams. It's a very easy concept to understand. If Saddam would step down, War can be averted. But, since he's being stubborn, WAR is finally here.
~nightfall~ said:
I sure hope that George W. Bush and the American people understands that their war in Iraq will end the friendship between them and Europe. Although leaders of Great Britain and Spain claim they support your ignorant and naive ideas, their people protest against it. As far as I can see, Blair is now the MOST hated person in Great Britain.

I belive you will have to learn the hard way that this war is not a weapon to decrease the terrorism, more likely it will increase it. And don`t come looking for sympathy the next time terrorists strike you as hard as they did Sept. 11 2001. In Europe there are no such feelings left for fools as Bush and his followers.

War is always wrong


The only ignorance I see is your entire argument. Thank you and good morning...
~nightfall~ said:
War is always wrong

Yea, war never accomplished anything. Besides putting a stop to Nazism, fascism, communism, ethnic cleansing and slavery, what good has war ever accomplished?

Had bin Laden crashed an airplane into Oslo, we would have been the first nation summoned to help bail you out. And it has happened countless times over the past 100 years. If it weren't for the United States, ALL of the Euro-ignorant, such as yourself, would wither be dead or speaking German.

Saddam is a tyrant, a terrorist. He has killed over 2 million of his own people and will continue to do so. The Iraqi people want him out. They welcome the United States military. They eagerly await the freedom that this "war" will deliver them.

Saddam remains a threat to the entire world. He needs to go, now. And by outwardly communicating your protest against any American-lead military action against Saddam Hussein you have made known your support and backing of an international terrorist.

War is here and for good reason, deal with it.

And to respond to your comments regarding Tony Blair... have you even been inside the borders of the UK? Have you spoken to and asked all of these people you claim hate Tony Blair? How do you know he is the "most hated man" in the UK? Once again, you have made a baseless argument and proven just how big of a jack ass you really are.

And if you possess the attention span and the mental capacity to read, try these:,2933,81314,00.html

And if you would like to hear the side of a former Iraqi citizen who migrated to the United States arguing with a tree-hugging, sandal-wearing, worthless piece of human debris, listen here:

Maybe you will learn something today. Or maybe I am giving you too much credit.
i think northamerica and mr. monkey bush are too selfish. i hope Iraq would destroy you, or at least some part of you. the only thing that USA wants is the power.

Bush and USA say that they will hunt terrorists and stuff, but the only terrorist that are visible at this time are USA.

i'm beggining to think that Osama Bin Laden did a great work.

Northamerican assholes. Get Killed!
I think it's laughable that people think they know everything that's going on in the world. That basic civilians think they know everything about every government. I think many leaders such as Bush, Blair, Hussein and others know a lot of shit that the general public does not know. I don't necessarily promote this war, but I think these leaders know a little more about the REAL world than we civilians do. I think we are shrouded from the truth. Now, that's not to say that Hussein is doing/has everything Bush says, but, like my signature says, only a fool claims to know that which he does not know.
Kajor said:
i think northamerica and mr. monkey bush are too selfish. i hope Iraq would destroy you, or at least some part of you. the only thing that USA wants is the power.

Bush and USA say that they will hunt terrorists and stuff, but the only terrorist that are visible at this time are USA.

i'm beggining to think that Osama Bin Laden did a great work.

Northamerican assholes. Get Killed!

Straight from the cocaine infested country commonly referred to as "Columbia" - Home of the "get me the fuck out of this hell-hole Mail-Order Bride".

Are you retarded? Did you eat paint chips as a child? Live under powerlines? Do you think before you speak?? Please explain your infantile lack of objectivity....
mattcira said:
And it has happened countless times over the past 100 years. If it weren't for the United States, ALL of the Euro-ignorant, such as yourself, would wither be dead or speaking German.

Bullshit! The Europe was "saved" from the Nazi-Germany by the communist Soviet Union, not the Americans (read some military history written by someone else than a Hollywood-scriptwriter, if you don't believe me). Does that mean that we (as the "Europeans") should have done exactly like Stalin and his warmongering hordes told us? No. And that's why we don't need to support your Bush and his warmongering hordes.

Saddam is evil and has done loads of evil things, that's for sure - but so has every damn US president of the past fifty years. After the two already-collapsed evil empires of Nazi-Germany and Soviet Union, the USA have caused the most death and suffering in this world. Mere two millions is a pitifully small number compared to those hundreds of millions of people the USA have either directly or indirectly murdered during the past century.

I refuse to choose between the two evils of Saddam and Bush - I'm against them both!

Villain said:
Bullshit! The Europe was "saved" from the Nazi-Germany by the communist Soviet Union, not the Americans (read some military history written by someone else than a Hollywood-scriptwriter, if you don't believe me). Does that mean that we (as the "Europeans" ) should have done exactly like Stalin and his warmongering hordes told us? No. And that's why we don't need to support your Bush and his warmongering hordes.

Saddam is evil and has done loads of evil things, that's for sure - but so has every damn US president of the past fifty years. After the two already-collapsed evil empires of Nazi-Germany and Soviet Union, the USA have caused the most death and suffering in this world. Mere two millions is a pitifully small number compared to those hundreds of millions of people the USA have either directly or indirectly murdered during the past century.

I refuse to choose between the two evils of Saddam and Bush - I'm against them both!


Calling Bush a warmonger is wrong in it's self. It's pure ignorance to everything. If Bush was a war monger, why did he continue to find peaceful solutions to everything? I'm not getting an answer to this question.

Comparing Saddam's Army to the army in Nazi Germany is ridiculous. The Nazi's had some chance of winning, whereas Saddam's army has none.
Timmeth said:
Calling Bush a warmonger is wrong in it's self. It's pure ignorance to everything. If Bush was a war monger, why did he continue to find peaceful solutions to everything? I'm not getting an answer to this question.

What fucking peaceful solutions!?!?! When France, Russia and Germany try to find peaceful solutions, your goverment does its best to bring them all down! Come out of the barrel, dude - read some news not done by the American propaganda-machinery.

And it wasn't me, who brough the Germans into this thread, I simply replied to an ignorant comment. If I were to compare Nazi-Germany to some country of today, it would be the one you are living in...

Villain said:
What fucking peaceful solutions!?!?! When France, Russia and Germany try to find peaceful solutions, your goverment does its best to bring them all down! Come out of the barrel, dude - read some news not done by the American propaganda-machinery.

If we were so anxious and happy to go to war, why have we waited since October, when the President got Congressional approval to use force, to actually get to it? Why wait six months if we're so war-happy?
He wont get it. Jim is exactly right. Some libs just dislike Bush because they can, not because they have reason.
Villain said:
What fucking peaceful solutions!?!?! When France, Russia and Germany try to find peaceful solutions, your goverment does its best to bring them all down! Come out of the barrel, dude - read some news not done by the American propaganda-machinery.

And it wasn't me, who brough the Germans into this thread, I simply replied to an ignorant comment. If I were to compare Nazi-Germany to some country of today, it would be the one you are living in...


What peaceful solutions? I believe Bush gave Saddam 48 hours to leave to avoid war, right? Yea... and took 3 different resolutions to the UN... Asked the US Congress and Senate for a vote.... Like Jim stated, 12 years later, we are still dealing with the problem. How does that not show diplomacy hasn't worked? Tell me and I will stop revealing your lack of a thoughtful argument.

Comparing Naziism to US Foreign Policy... yea, we throw millions of innocent people into labor camps and gas chambers. You are a complete and total dipshit and have ZERO idea what you are talking about.

Your arguments are baseless and weak. Give up before you make a complete jag of yourself.
I was gonna post something on this thread but I was greatly disappointed with all this comments.
Yeah war stopped nazis,fascists and other stuff,but war also got them in power.
Saying "if you don't support this war because Saddam is evil and Bush is good then you are pro terrorist" is just fucking moronic.wake up guys,this is not the middle ages when there was black and white,now we have other colors and people are free to believe whatever they want.
As for Saddam needs to go,yes. Is Bush in the power to decide that? No. Are any of you in the military and shitting your pants for the coming war? No
so start thinking about all the people over there who might get killed for "freedom" a.k.a. oil and power.
flame me all you want,feel free to do it
manuelgv said:
As for Saddam needs to go,yes. Is Bush in the power to decide that? No.

So you can decide that right now, but somehow Bush is wrong for coming to the same conclusion?

This is the entire situation, isn't it? Absolutely everyone, even you, knows Saddam has to go but nobody wants to actually DO anything about it. So I believe what the US is doing then is called 'leadership'.

manuelgv said:
No so start thinking about all the people over there who might get killed for "freedom" a.k.a. oil and power.

A good point that I read today: How can this multibillion dollar campaign be about oil when we could get the oil much cheaper simply by buying it from Hussein?