Taliesin Immaturity Aside Feb 11, 2002 6,313 98 48 The Kop! Sep 28, 2002 #82 Q: The person responsable for all this shit? A: sometimes...
nafnikufesin N.F.F. Dec 6, 2001 12,277 346 83 52 In a Zone amandababypics.tripod.com Sep 28, 2002 #83 Q: Do you fantasize that you're a woman when you're having sex? A: All of the above
Jax Forum Goddess Feb 11, 2002 9,052 281 83 San Jose, CA Sep 28, 2002 #84 Q. Do you prefer men or women? A. Man, how can you even ask that!
Taliesin Immaturity Aside Feb 11, 2002 6,313 98 48 The Kop! Sep 28, 2002 #85 Q: Want to see me naked? A: not anymore...
L Lhorian addict Sep 9, 2002 5,801 67 48 Over here Sep 28, 2002 #86 Q: Do you often run around naked? A: Having to puke afterwards
Taliesin Immaturity Aside Feb 11, 2002 6,313 98 48 The Kop! Sep 28, 2002 #87 Q: What don't you like about being pissdrunk? A: Hmmm yeah, once in a while, why not?
nØthing Christpuncher Sep 11, 2002 2,608 123 63 39 Ohio lunarstrain.deviantart.com Sep 28, 2002 #88 Q. Would you ever have sex with a moose? A. But he started it!
Jax Forum Goddess Feb 11, 2002 9,052 281 83 San Jose, CA Sep 28, 2002 #89 Q. Would you quit molesting that moose? A. Sheep, pizza, and dominoes.
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Sep 28, 2002 #90 Q: What's your idea of a perfect date? A: That tickles!!
Jax Forum Goddess Feb 11, 2002 9,052 281 83 San Jose, CA Sep 28, 2002 #91 Q. What happens if I stick this candle right......there? A. Naah, a cat would work better than a dog.
Q. What happens if I stick this candle right......there? A. Naah, a cat would work better than a dog.
nafnikufesin N.F.F. Dec 6, 2001 12,277 346 83 52 In a Zone amandababypics.tripod.com Sep 28, 2002 #92 Q: Ever stuff a dog in your pants? A: Twisted Sister
Jax Forum Goddess Feb 11, 2002 9,052 281 83 San Jose, CA Sep 28, 2002 #93 Q. What band had the biggest influence on how you dress today? A. A cup of coffee and a quart of motor oil.
Q. What band had the biggest influence on how you dress today? A. A cup of coffee and a quart of motor oil.
nØthing Christpuncher Sep 11, 2002 2,608 123 63 39 Ohio lunarstrain.deviantart.com Sep 29, 2002 #94 Q. What do you use for shampoo? A. I ran him over with my car.
Ethereal Sage Mind Of Out Sight Of Out Dec 30, 2001 8,624 36 48 In a cacoon Visit site Sep 29, 2002 #95 Q:What was your initial reaction when you saw that clown startto break-dance? A: This will most likely be my last post, seeing I'm headed off to the Air Force Basic Training
Q:What was your initial reaction when you saw that clown startto break-dance? A: This will most likely be my last post, seeing I'm headed off to the Air Force Basic Training
Silver Raven Evil Wench Apr 7, 2002 428 0 16 49 Texas Visit site Sep 29, 2002 #96 Q. What did you say on your last day of freedom? A. My stomach hurts from all this drinking.
Ethereal Sage Mind Of Out Sight Of Out Dec 30, 2001 8,624 36 48 In a cacoon Visit site Sep 29, 2002 #97 Q: What did Egbert The Fish say to Humperdink The Other Fish while swimming in the fish bowl? A: Not for all the musical bliss in the world...
Q: What did Egbert The Fish say to Humperdink The Other Fish while swimming in the fish bowl? A: Not for all the musical bliss in the world...
~UlvedaL~ Where Lost Souls Travel Feb 19, 2002 1,531 17 38 Muspelheim... Visit site Sep 29, 2002 #98 Q: Rhapsody..... A: A thing that will suck in all eternity..(?)
Ziller ? Jul 9, 2002 653 3 18 Herwood, Tampere, Finland Sep 29, 2002 #99 Q: What would a mad scientist with a vacuum cleaner fetish create, to destroy the world with? A: A van full of retards
Q: What would a mad scientist with a vacuum cleaner fetish create, to destroy the world with? A: A van full of retards
Taliesin Immaturity Aside Feb 11, 2002 6,313 98 48 The Kop! Sep 29, 2002 #100 Q: What's 10 teachers stuffed in a car? A: I'd let someone else do it...