SlaughterofSoul Forever Underground Jan 28, 2002 1,721 1 38 42 Lewistown, PA Jan 15, 2003 #1,481 Q: Do you never turn down saying no to saying hi to the llama? A: Slaughterofsoul is the greatest person ever!
Q: Do you never turn down saying no to saying hi to the llama? A: Slaughterofsoul is the greatest person ever!
nafnikufesin N.F.F. Dec 6, 2001 12,277 346 83 52 In a Zone Jan 15, 2003 #1,482 Q: What's the funniest lie you've ever told? A: A bar of soap, three sheets of blank paper, and thirty feet of garden hose.
Q: What's the funniest lie you've ever told? A: A bar of soap, three sheets of blank paper, and thirty feet of garden hose.
Celtic_Fox Tabhair Mo' Saor Dec 6, 2002 64 0 6 43 Jan 15, 2003 #1,483 Q. What is on every Fed Pen prisoners wish list? A. Just because it was legal to do so.
nafnikufesin N.F.F. Dec 6, 2001 12,277 346 83 52 In a Zone Jan 15, 2003 #1,484 Q: Why did you only kiss that llama while the cop was there? A: A celibate christian.
SlaughterofSoul Forever Underground Jan 28, 2002 1,721 1 38 42 Lewistown, PA Jan 15, 2003 #1,485 Q:What's harder to find in my town than another metalhead? Aenis dentures.
nafnikufesin N.F.F. Dec 6, 2001 12,277 346 83 52 In a Zone Jan 15, 2003 #1,486 Q: How do always manage to keep a dick in your mouth? A: It won't be long until everybody wants one
Spike Blinded By The Light... Jul 15, 2001 9,060 402 83 42 Australia Jan 15, 2003 #1,487 Q: What do you think about the concept of having 'a life', as it pertains to this forum? A: Twice on a monday, once on a Wednesday, and THREE times on a Friday... every week!
Q: What do you think about the concept of having 'a life', as it pertains to this forum? A: Twice on a monday, once on a Wednesday, and THREE times on a Friday... every week!
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Jan 15, 2003 #1,488 Q: Ever pleasure yourself with a blender? A: Shut up! That makes me laugh!!!
Jax Forum Goddess Feb 11, 2002 9,052 281 83 San Jose, CA Jan 15, 2003 #1,489 Q. Did you hear that Gov. Davis is sending out $1K checks to every person in California? A. In your dreams!
Q. Did you hear that Gov. Davis is sending out $1K checks to every person in California? A. In your dreams!
Fractured Meh Dec 3, 2002 4,374 32 48 49 Sthlm, Sweden Visit site Jan 16, 2003 #1,490 Q: Can i eat lunch today? A: All i need to do that is access to the Internet.
NeXTLiFE In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Oct 1, 2002 436 4 18 Downunda Visit site Jan 16, 2003 #1,491 Q: Interested in expanding your general knowledge? A: Nudge nudge, wink wink....say no more.
Spike Blinded By The Light... Jul 15, 2001 9,060 402 83 42 Australia Jan 16, 2003 #1,492 Q: So am I the only one that thinks that Zeanra is......... the ahhhhhhh most be......... well, you know? A: Ooh! Suits YOU sir! Suits you!
Q: So am I the only one that thinks that Zeanra is......... the ahhhhhhh most be......... well, you know? A: Ooh! Suits YOU sir! Suits you!
Steve New Metal Member Jun 25, 2002 11,951 643 0 Fairfield, CT (USA) Jan 16, 2003 #1,493 Q: What do you say to make an old guy feel good about himself? A: Yes.
NeXTLiFE In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Oct 1, 2002 436 4 18 Downunda Visit site Jan 16, 2003 #1,494 Q: Is your incessant flatulence getting worse? A: She was hysterical.
Fractured Meh Dec 3, 2002 4,374 32 48 49 Sthlm, Sweden Visit site Jan 18, 2003 #1,495 Q: How did Zeanra react when she won those tickets for BSB?! A: I need 2 golfballs to do that.
NeXTLiFE In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Oct 1, 2002 436 4 18 Downunda Visit site Jan 18, 2003 #1,496 Q: Your mission (should you decide to accept it) is to take out Osama quickly and quietly. Can you do it? A: Let's hope he doesn't fall in love before he does it!
Q: Your mission (should you decide to accept it) is to take out Osama quickly and quietly. Can you do it? A: Let's hope he doesn't fall in love before he does it!
NeXTLiFE In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Oct 1, 2002 436 4 18 Downunda Visit site Jan 20, 2003 #1,497 Q: I have a sneaking suspicion Naf is getting far too involved with that llama....and not nearly involved enough in moving the Battle Of The Bands on to the next round. Don't you agree? A: There's an A.P.B. out on him as we speak!
Q: I have a sneaking suspicion Naf is getting far too involved with that llama....and not nearly involved enough in moving the Battle Of The Bands on to the next round. Don't you agree? A: There's an A.P.B. out on him as we speak!
nafnikufesin N.F.F. Dec 6, 2001 12,277 346 83 52 In a Zone Jan 20, 2003 #1,498 Q: Did you ever find out where your gay lover ran away to? A: Drink up, it's getting warm.
Fractured Meh Dec 3, 2002 4,374 32 48 49 Sthlm, Sweden Visit site Jan 20, 2003 #1,499 Q: What did you say to Antonio 5 minutes before you took that picture? A: David Hasselhoff.
Spike Blinded By The Light... Jul 15, 2001 9,060 402 83 42 Australia Jan 20, 2003 #1,500 Q: What were Lisa Simpson first ever words as a child? A: Diorama