Hey Neils

If you could pick anyone...give me 3- famous people that you would like to sit down and have a drink with?
Haya Niels!

1. Who is your absolute hero or idol, and have you met him/her if the person is real?
2. If you are, what are you listening to just now?
who are your main influences?

Hey Paranoid-mex

Well, It's actually pretty hard for me to point a finger at specific people who I'm influenced by. I belive that the main inspiration or influence if you will comes from the early stages in life. I've been pointed towards many things musically by my family and discovered alot of things by myself when I was younger that has inspired me in one way or the other.

With that being said I do have people I've checked out. Regarding my bass-playing there has been bass-players like Les Claypool, Flea, Burton and those kind of folks. Later on I discovered people like Matt Garrison, Pastorius and the main bass-god of all time: Richard Bona:OMG: . These guys are not metal-heads but more in the direction of jazz. I listen to all kinds of music and have played ALL kinds. I enjoy building my music-knowledge bigger by playing all styles of music.

the inspiration-list from non-bassplayers are REALLY long. You can check it out on my profile on under favorite artists- Kinda the same thing:)


Hey Neils

If you could pick anyone...give me 3- famous people that you would like to sit down and have a drink with?

Hey Muzmaze

Wow, that's a tough one, buddy.

Dammit, I would really like to pick out the very "right" 3 persons but that's gonna take hours to figure out

Here are 3 famous persons I would like to meet:

Steven Tyler; The first idol I had that I can remember. Now adays he's f-ing 59 years old and still rocking HARD. Saw them last week here in Denmark. Awesome

Richard Bona; Just so I could steal some of his chops. He IS my favorite bass-player of all time, so....

Robbie Williams; So I could kick his ass:puke:
Haya Niels!

1. Who is your absolute hero or idol, and have you met him/her if the person is real?
2. If you are, what are you listening to just now?

Hi Xendra

1) My absolute hero? hmmmm..... Well, the one who comes the closest to a hero or idol - again - must be richard bona. And no, I've never met him in person. But that day WILL come:)
Other than that there's Bono from U2. A man who deserves alot of credit for what he does around the world other than playing music. And there's always Freddy Krueger, but he's not real:cry:

Right now I'm listening to Peter Gabriel with "In Your Eyes" from "So"


Hi Xendra

1) My absolute hero? hmmmm..... Well, the one who comes the closest to a hero or idol - again - must be richard bona. And no, I've never met him in person. But that day WILL come:)
Other than that there's Bono from U2. A man who deserves alot of credit for what he does around the world other than playing music. And there's always Freddy Krueger, but he's not real:cry:

Right now I'm listening to Peter Gabriel with "In Your Eyes" from "So"



Thanks for the answers Niels! :)
Hey Neils

Is Tuborg Beer available in the U.S.? What style beer is it & what beer would be comparable???
what was your first bass, and do you still have it?

Yes, actually I do. It is a "Cheri"-bass. It was really cheap and not that good. But it was okay considering the price. I bought it when I was 13 years old. About 5 years ago I made it fretless by myself. I haven't used it for a while now. Maybe I should put it on e-bay....

Sure you can have my autograph. Just say the word


Hey Neils

Is Tuborg Beer available in the U.S.? What style beer is it & what beer would be comparable???

Yes, it is available in the U.S. I think I had one when we played Prog-Power in September. But I do think that Carlsberg is more common in the U.S. when we talk danish beer. If you can't find Tuborg try a Carlsberg. They taste almost the same. But of course, Tuborg is just a little better:)


Hi Niels, when I was younger, I really want to play bass, but can't take classes and I'm not so talented that I could learn on my own :p...

Question is, how much time did cost you to be as good as you are now, It's more a talent or a perseverance thing, or a bit of both :)?