
Monoxide. Stop spewing bullshit. There is no evidence that different races genetically have different personality traits and your stupid misconceptions are not good evidence either.

You just look at what's going on without taking anything else into account and just say it's biological. Oops I stubbed my toe. Looks like I'm genetically predisposed to it. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that it was midnight and there were no lights on.

Blacks here act differently because of different culture and environment. If your stupid genetic theory were true then my African friend who was raised all his life by white people would have grown up inarticulate, badly behaved and violent like you think all black people are.
i didn't say that the cultural differences were totally completely because of genetics, i said they were partially because of genetics, and someone else just agreed with me
I totally agree with Aepep here. It's so stupid I won't even comment on it. Many people here adopt kids from all over the world, and if they are small when they arrive you will only see the differece in theire skincolor when they grow up. Nothing else.
You're a bunch of nazis and razist.

It seems you are the bigot, with your presumption and unwillingess to look past the surface appearance of the ideas presented. Discussion about what 'actually occurs in life' is neither Nazi or racist. They are both value judgements, which are not being discussed here.
Well, theire might be something I didn't understand, or perhaps it come's down to cultural differences. Perhaps I will find them more educated later on. We will see.

Or perhaps it has more to do with why I listen to metal...my rage :)
The question here is who are Samuel Taylor and The American Renaissance?

I will see if can get myself to read this.
I have read about half the article and it makes me sick. I feel like he has decided on blacks being less worth than whites and is arguing towards that.

For example, it is well known that criminals typically have lower IQs than non-criminals. The lower average intelligence of blacks and Hispanics as compared to whites and Asians doubtless explains much of the differences in crime rates. However, other genetic factors may be involved.

He is refering to other articles in the text, but I do not want to go in to this. Let's see how he selected the testsubjects. If he selected them from poor areas with bad schooling, it's no wonder he gets these results. As I have heard, most people in american prisons is of african decent.

And what about this?!!!

The view that the races differ psychologically is scarcely new. In a recent paper, Michael Levin notes that 15th-century Arab slaveholders concluded that blacks were unintelligent, had a good rhythmic sense, and were highly sexed. These were opinions of men who had had no previous contact with blacks and had no other information about them.

What? They might have been in need of justifying them being slaves.
Poor people tend to be criminal. And most blacks are poor. It is environmental. Back when all English people were poor there was a lot of crime among the peasants. Thats why the handshake was invented. Because all the peasants would be hiding knives up their sleeves. The handshake was for trust.
The fact is that some studies have shown that blacks are naturally less intelligent than whites. Certain people tend to latch onto this fact to support their personal beliefs. However, there are statistics that also demonstrate that blacks and whites possess equal intelligence/capability to learn at birth. It all depends on what you want to believe. It strikes me that some people, such as Haukrinn, are actually trying to be unbiased and are simply posting evidence for opposing arguments.

Others however, such as monoxide, are spewing rhetoric.
The fact is that some studies have shown that blacks are naturally less intelligent than whites. Certain people tend to latch onto this fact to support their personal beliefs. However, there are statistics that also demonstrate that blacks and whites possess equal intelligence/capability to learn at birth. It all depends on what you want to believe.

Do you know something called psychometrics? If you see the instruments used to gather information in those studies, and look clearly at their administration you will see that the results shown are pure nonsense.
I love this argument. Apparently someone here still believes that intelligence has something to do with skin colour? Surely you jest. And pleeease don't even mention african americans in this argument, if you haven't lived through what they've lived through. This "intelligence" that you speak of is merely a matter of your background and your cultural influences, I doubt that you (Einherjar86) would exactly thrive in a pure african-american ghetto. Let's not even talk about the shanty towns on the continent. Forget the studies mate, there is ONE human race. We get intelligence based on our cultures, our experiences, and our upbringing, as well as a sprinkling of genetics. There are dumb black people, as well as dumb white people (and dumb people in all races). Intelligence has nothing to do with your skin colour, otherwise this conversation would probably not be taking place.
I have read about half the article and it makes me sick. I feel like he has decided on blacks being less worth than whites and is arguing towards that.

He is refering to other articles in the text, but I do not want to go in to this. Let's see how he selected the testsubjects. If he selected them from poor areas with bad schooling, it's no wonder he gets these results. As I have heard, most people in american prisons is of african decent.

And what about this?!!!

What? They might have been in need of justifying them being slaves.

Excellent stuff Volve. Interestingly enough, if you go back far enough arabs felt that most western europeans were savages and unintelligent. And they should - they could read and write back when the celtic races still painted their faces blue when going into battle.
I love this argument. Apparently someone here still believes that intelligence has something to do with skin colour? Surely you jest. And pleeease don't even mention african americans in this argument, if you haven't lived through what they've lived through. This "intelligence" that you speak of is merely a matter of your background and your cultural influences, I doubt that you (Einherjar86) would exactly thrive in a pure african-american ghetto. Let's not even talk about the shanty towns on the continent. Forget the studies mate, there is ONE human race. We get intelligence based on our cultures, our experiences, and our upbringing, as well as a sprinkling of genetics. There are dumb black people, as well as dumb white people (and dumb people in all races). Intelligence has nothing to do with your skin colour, otherwise this conversation would probably not be taking place.

A sprinkling of genetics... so we could raise monkeys in affluent suburbia to do alright too? ;)
A sprinkling of genetics... so we could raise monkeys in affluent suburbia to do alright too? ;)

Well, possibly. If your DNA and a monkey's DNA are as similar as that of the average african and the average european, then we can probably get a cool chimp to replace you from africa.

Just to make sure MY DNA point is understood - the amount of DNA required to alter appearance is about 0.1%. In other words, you can and will find africans with a closer DNA setup with a european than other europeans have. The sprinking of DNA in my statement in no way translates to a different creature.
Its interesting that such intelligence/criminal studies dont explore the realm of white collar crimes, such a bunch of angels... they

no doubt genetically and DNA correct
Intelligence has nothing to do with your skin colour, otherwise this conversation would probably not be taking place.

What I've been saying all along. So far scientists have not been able to prove there are greater genes for intelligence in some races.

This whole "blacks are closer to apes" argument is retarded. Black people are the same species as us. They are no closer to apes than we are. I could say Asians are stupid because there are apes with skull shapes that are similar to theirs.
... Apparently someone here still believes that intelligence has something to do with skin colour?... This "intelligence" that you speak of is merely a matter of your background and your cultural influences, I doubt that you (Einherjar86) would exactly thrive in a pure african-american ghetto. Let's not even talk about the shanty towns on the continent... We get intelligence based on our cultures, our experiences, and our upbringing, as well as a sprinkling of genetics. There are dumb black people, as well as dumb white people (and dumb people in all races). Intelligence has nothing to do with your skin colour, ...

Firstly, the issue here is race and intelligence, not skin colour and intelligence. They're two very different things.

Secondly, the modern mainstream academic consensus flat out contradicts pretty much everything you just said. Here's a paragraph from Wikipedia's 'nature versus nurture' section summing up what most experts currently believe:

Evidence suggests that family environmental factors may have an effect upon childhood IQ, accounting for up to a quarter of the variance. On the other hand, by late adolescence this correlation disappears, such that adoptive siblings are no more similar in IQ than strangers. Moreover, adoption studies indicate that, by adulthood, adoptive siblings are no more similar in IQ than strangers (IQ correlation near zero), while full siblings show an IQ correlation of 0.6. Twin studies reinforce this pattern: monozygotic (identical) twins raised separately are highly similar in IQ (0.86), more so than dizygotic (fraternal) twins raised together (0.6) and much more than adoptive siblings (~0.0). Consequently, in the context of the "nature versus nurture" debate, the "nature" component appears to be much more important than the "nurture" component in explaining IQ variance in the general adult population of the United States.

Then there's this from Mainstream Science on Intelligence:

'Individuals differ in intelligence due to differences in both their environments and genetic heritage. Heritability estimates range from 0.4 to 0.8 (on a scale from 0 to 1), most thereby indicating that genetics plays a bigger role than does environment in creating IQ differences among individuals. (Heritability is the squared correlation of phenotype with genotype.)'

Just to make sure MY DNA point is understood - the amount of DNA required to alter appearance is about 0.1%. In other words, you can and will find africans with a closer DNA setup with a european than other europeans have. The sprinking of DNA in my statement in no way translates to a different creature.

Sorry, but did you even think this through before posting it? It can't possibly be true. Do you really think that two separated populations, e.g. the Italians and the Koreans, who've been endogamous for literally thousands of years would produce individuals who could be genetically closer to an individual of an unrelated ethnic group, rather than their own? Same goes for entire racial groups.

Unless you were including junk DNA. In which case your argument could also be applied to different species(!).

Here's a gene cluster study looking at the genetic structure of Europeans:
500K SNP Europe-wide study of genetic structure
I totally agree with Aepep here. It's so stupid I won't even comment on it. Many people here adopt kids from all over the world, and if they are small when they arrive you will only see the differece in theire skincolor when they grow up. Nothing else.

Perhaps if you were adopted by an African tribe at birth you would do this:

Actually traditional culture is an expression of the genetic character of the majority of the people. An adopted African will not feel right in a European culture and will identify with many aspects of his indigenous culture. Musical tastes are very genetically influenced. Of course non Europeans can often enjoy Beethoven, but generally they do not, and few Europeans can understand traditional Chinese music or get into it.

The kind of machete behaviour that you find in African nations over losing an election and the penis shrinking voodoo hysteria is not something that people of other races would join in with even if brought up there from birth. It's inconceivable.

European traditional culture however has mostly been replaced with the globalist commercial culture manufactured primarily in the US. This is something that adapts to the lowest common denomentator amongst humans and is not genetic. Some of us instinctively reject aspects of it.