Right, I see your point. You want me to prove that the black man is the same as the white man. Okay, let's take a pool of middle-class black people - african immigrants here, not ancestral black americans. The reason for this choice is that they are less likely to be affected by the cultural baggage that affects the ancestral black americans. But this data has not been provided by anyone
Incorrect. I am not asking or demanding you prove that whites are the same as black, because I'm telling you they aren't(imho,and not insinuiating inferiority or anything, just to put it in a few words, which isn't the focus of my debate anyways). I am putting forth data that gives indications of genetic or otherwise (cultural etc, which is a fucking poor excuse for some of the things you are trying to blame on it) behaviours etc etc etc (all the shit being argued). You are disputing it, but you aren't backing it up. It has nothing to do with proving whites and blacks are the same.
Sure I don't have evidence, you know why? I'm not here to prove anything. I am here disproving the notion that people who come from the land mass I come from are somehow inferior to others, based on their genes. I beleive the black man has underacheived, for some reason or the other, but not that he is unable to acheive, and destined to the back seat of mankind forever.
In order to disprove something (logical fallacy btw) you still require proof. All you are doing is trying to sew a seed of doubt in the arguments. Effectively you are just saying 'I think you're wrong', but you aren't proving it. Also, I NEVER EVER said that all of x (what we are discussing) is 100% genetic. Nowhere have I stated such a preposterous idea. Though we COULD make another debate arguing the role of genetics in the creation of culture.
About the "scientific" (or IQ) test, I believe that these things are for a large part culturally biased. I have seen the results from IQ tests change. It is a well known fact that over the years, IQ can be seen to fluctuate. Also there is a tendency for your IQ tests scores to increase the more you take them. In other words, a person who can neither read nor write, nor has associated much with any form of western writing will be less likely to get any reasonable score in a paper based test. There are so many reasons why an IQ test is not a good measure of intelligence and learnability across so many different cultures.
So basically you are saying that just because someone does not possess the necessary skills to survive in X culture, doesn't mean they are less intelligent (or w.e) if they possess other skills that allow them to flourish in their own culture? If I am correct in saying that (let me know if I'm off base) then we need to create two different streams of discussions, separating african americans and other africans (including jamaicans), or else all discussion falls apart, because you use one do disprove the other and vice versa. Sorry mate, that doesn't fly.
In Canada. I beg to compare your friend getting killed to the native american (yes they are native americans too, I refer to America as a continent, not the USA) to the native americans reading about their whole people being wiped out by the coming of the "white man". Pray, tell me the difference between the current effect of multiculturalism and immigration that you complain about, and what happened with the native americans 500 years ago? You know, for all we know, in 500 years time, it may well be the white folks sitting around in reservations, lamenting the death of their way of life, and begging for handouts from the majority government/ culture of the day. That's extreme I know (seriously, I'm giggling here), but you never know.
not sure where you were getting at about my friend, that wasn't a murder based on conquering a nation. I'll just ignore that part.... Even IF IF IF we ASSUME that the effect would be the same as in the example of white man vs native american (which btw i have to say I don't know many people who correctly use the term american, so kudos there, what I was doing was trying to illustrate the difference between native americans in canada and native americans in the USA because I do not know much about those issues in the states.) and white man vs the now immigration etc, heres the perspective;
Europeans that settled the americas = the strong survive, to the victor go the spoils etc etc etc. When europeans came over, they came SPECIFICALLY to colonize, conquer and conquest. Just as hundreds of cultures have done in the past. (and nobody much is complaining about being Roman, now are they?) PRESENT DAY, it isn't a force of culture/race conquesting another race (which = war) but it is a gradual debilitation of the nation itself by immigrants (not all of course) emigrating from their country, and committing crime, sucking off social assistance (I can provide stats if you wish) and subverting the culture, IN ADDITION to the internal problems of the nation. Thusly, it would be natural for the presiding race to be pretty pissed off about it, if per capita the problems get worse. (for those who give a damn only... Its like the whole if you don't vote you have no right to bitch about politics thing)considering the government isn't even looking after its own population correctly. However due to affirmative action etc etc, the government is ALLOWING even FACILITATING such things, and OPRESSING those presiding people of the nation, who disagree. In effect we are being conquered without even being able to lift a finger against it. which is greatly different from the previous example. If I/we were allowed to fight for what I/we believe, then if I was conquered it would be because I/we were weaker/weaker race. Thusly it would be just another conquering and a new presiding culture, with now my culture on the sidelines being the conquered (now passing into fading history). Would we be bitching and moaning like we had sand in our vagina about our country being lost? Sure. But it doesn't change anything. Almost any other culture on the planet would not give in and allow their now presiding culture to be tainted. (look at other countries' immigration policies if you don't believe me)
I'm just sick of hearing other races bitch to the white man that they are evil and owe them something. If you were conquered I'm sorry, thats the way of nature or at the very least, the way of history. Me being hundreds of years away from those events, DONT OWE YOU (the other races) A GOOD GOD DAMN THING. Where your race is now is due to a failing of that race to pull together AS A RACE AND DEFEND THEMSELVES! THIS IS WHY CULTURES DISAPPEAR, and its been happening for THOUSANDS OF YEARS! why should I feel sorry for anyone? if the same happened to my race, why should anyone feel sorry for me? And if you look at many of the races out there who hold a grudge against my race (Africans included)(not altruistically mind you) they WOULDNT feel sorry for my race, and would make NO effort to help my race. Thats the way it is. A grudge isn't even required. It only takes another race becoming dominant, period. Im sick of hearing about fairness equality and all that other shit when my race is the only one held to those standards because we conquered most of the world. STOP bitching, take a look at your surroundings, and either decide to remove yourself from those surroundings in the belief that you can make it on your own somewhere else, ORRRRR pick up your fucking slack (however unfair or hard it is) and GET ON WITH LIFE.
I'm white, this is a white founded nation, if I get knocked down my government/people won't come to my rescue. Theres no 'white' education funds or white specific aid, white outreach, IN MY OWN COUNTRY! Even say 3rd generation african-canadians/americans will get special treatment despite being well established within the culture (like a 'native' white) over a white person. Like for fuck sakes it asks on pretty much every job application, loan application, bursary application if you consider yourself a visible minority. what the fuck is that bs.
(btw everywhere I have said 'you' but have not adressed you personally, I am merely using 'you' to refer to people who are not of my culture within the specifications I have given within the sentence. This does NOT mean anyone not of my colour as Africans etc that are 3rd generation for example are established canadians. I am not using 'you' in any kind of an accusatory, demeaning or patronizing manner)
BTW i just wanted to say, that none of this is said with hatred or anger in my heart. Most people describe me as having a problem of caring too much about things and people etc. What I have written is expression of frustration that stems from my perspective of failure to heed and take into consideration those universal factors. Especially when it forces me to live in an unconducive environment. (a bit ironic actually)