
In Swansea the Asian/Black men look upon white girls as prostitutes. That's not right, but if someone did say something we'd be deemed as racist... I don't think anyone can really escape these people anymore, they're everywhere o.O

Have you been to Nigeria? Kenya? Jamaica? Go there and see how white men treat the local women. I can't speak for asians.

Here's the thing - there are good people and bad people in every culture.
Here's the thing - there are good people and bad people in every culture.

this sentence gives me the mental image of a bunch of Black Panthers standing next to a white supremecy group, you can't really say one is better than the other
race is a social construct. there are very minimal biological differences between races.

i'd say it's 50/50

the cultural differences between blacks and whites in USA is definately, unmistakeably the result of 200 hundrend years of racism

europeans act differently than the tribes of africa because of biological differences affecting behavior

Tyra Banks, Mariah Carey, Barak Obama acting like white people is because they're all half white
any black person with any kind of blue or green in their eyes has got some white ancestry and Oprah Winfrey and Whoopie Goldburg can both trace their family trees back to white male slave owners breeding with their female slaves
i'd say it's 50/50

the cultural differences between blacks and whites in USA is definately, unmistakeably the result of 200 hundrend years of racism

europeans act differently than the tribes of africa because of biological differences affecting behavior

Tyra Banks, Mariah Carey, Barak Obama acting like white people is because they're all half white
any black person with any kind of blue or green in their eyes has got some white ancestry and Oprah Winfrey and Whoopie Goldburg can both trace their family trees back to white male slave owners breeding with their female slaves

No. Culture affects behaviour. Not biological differences. European tribes act different from African tribes because of the different cultures that have risen from their experiences over time.
There is no race gene. The only differences between humans are about 0.01% and they are only things like skin color, build, hair growth, and other small things like that. There are no genes specific to any race. In fact if you were to only look at a persons genes you wouldn't be able to tell what race they are.

My source: The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.
For example reaction times... but lets not go there lest someones panties get in a twist.

Oh no! We really should go there!

If you are going to pick up on reaction times as a racial marker of IQ, how do you explain the results of an experiment recently reported in New Scientist?

They studied a group of Atheists in relation to a group of 'religious types' (sorry, I forget the exact religious denomination that was concerned).

The research, to be a reliable, respectable scientific endevour, set controls for age, race, gender etc. The participants were asked to identify a number of small random shapes that were contained within a larger random shape, and the time it took them to complete this task was monitored.

It was found that the 'religious types' (possibly Lutherians?) were quicker in identifying the shapes - a fact the researchers attributed to their constant need to distinguish between and evaluate the influences of church, state and wider society on their lives (though I prefer a fellow readers arguments that atheists took longer because they are more used to critically evaluating anything put before them).

Any way... These result show that such things as 'reaction times' can be affected by culture and upbringing. If such a relatively small cultural difference between the two groups could result in quantifiable differences, then the effects of larger differences are sure to be maginified and ultimately misleading to those who are unable to break out of their small-world, ethnocentric vistas.
And right when I thought this thread was buried in dust, someone decided to do some cleaning.

This thread is better locked.
Well technically speaking the research speaks for itself. Habits and just simple things you do influence your ability for achieving natural talents at a higher level, by this logic.

So that being said, who cares if you're white or black? If the trend proves that people learn on a linear rate based on these kinds of variables, wouldn't it make sense for their to eventually be no difference other than skin color if we were all doing the same things in life?
DISCLAIMER: I am not racist and do not believe any race is superior or inferior to another race. Thank you.

Now I am pretty tired of all this special treatment towards different races than white. Now, I don't go out at all so I don't really know if what I'm claiming is true, but the way I see it, a black person could attack a white person and get it tried as assault but if a white person attacks a black person it gets tried as a hate crime? Now I don't really know if this is true or not but this is the way my mind sees it. I am not trying to be offensive to any black person on this forum but don't you think this is (possibly) a tad unfair?

Thoughts? (Please tell me if what I'm saying is incorrect, I just don't know any better)

You are right. people are just people, we have the same rights/duties and we should be ALL treated equally !! and yeah i think Black people can use the white racism as an excuse to hurt. Being a black person doesn't mean you aren't racists, and that what keeps us all the same. I have nothing against Blacks btw
There is no race gene. The only differences between humans are about 0.01% and they are only things like skin color, build, hair growth, and other small things like that. There are no genes specific to any race. In fact if you were to only look at a persons genes you wouldn't be able to tell what race they are.

My source: The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.

You can get a breakdown down on your genes that tell you what percentage of what you have though, even specifying countries. I know this for a fact.
From http://whiteminority.wordpress.com/2009/01/19/interbreeding-threatens-rare-species/
Interbreeding Threatens Rare Species

Throughout the forests of its Pacific Northwest home, the spotted owl, listed as a threatened species, is facing a new challenge.

An interloper from the Midwest, the barred owl, has moved in and the birds are interbreeding—creating fertile, hybrid “sparred owls.”

And that’s the crux of the problem. Humans are bringing together animals that have never seen each other before, either through habitat destruction, the international pet trade—or travel.


When people say that it is the fault of white people if the presence of millions of nonwhites in our countries results in our outbreeding and destruction they are incorrect. As the evidence from the natural world shows, when species are brought in that can interbreed it causes miscegenation and extinction. Humans are doing this to us just as with the species mentioned in this report.
The difference, if you care to listen, is that humanity is ONE species. Unlike the owls you refer to.
The difference, if you care to listen, is that humanity is ONE species. Unlike the owls you refer to.

It is an opinion that humanity is one species and one that a number of biologists dispute. The main problem with calling humanity one species is that it raises a question over the point at which it separated from non humans (if you could look at the extinct ancestors between humans and apes). Effectively, calling humanity a species is a way of making a point that we are different to animals. There are groups of animials, such as sea gulls which are divided into separate species while being able to fully interbreed producing fertile offspring and having only a tiny difference in a spot in their iris to mark them out as being of one species and not another. The rules for humans suggest religous and political ideology plays a huge part in the decision to designate humanity as one species.
There is no race gene. The only differences between humans are about 0.01% and they are only things like skin color, build, hair growth, and other small things like that. There are no genes specific to any race. In fact if you were to only look at a persons genes you wouldn't be able to tell what race they are.

My source: The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.

there are genes that affect behavior
hyperactivity disorder, ADD, bi-polar disorder, schitzophrenia asperger's syndrome etc etc can all be traced to slight gene variations
i'm not saying that all black people act a certain way and all white people act a certain way because of a specific gene, i'm saying that with a large number of genes interacting with each other and the way specific way that genes interact with each other, it seems that a slight genetic difference is at the very least partially the explination of why Europe and Africa developed so completely radically different, even if all the differences got blended together over time, there was probably at one point, at least a small genetic component that was in some small way partially responsible for Europe and africa developing differently
You can get a breakdown down on your genes that tell you what percentage of what you have though, even specifying countries. I know this for a fact.

i know that a black person in america can have their DNA tested to find out what part of africa their ancestors came from, if that's what you're talking about
It is an opinion that humanity is one species and one that a number of biologists dispute. The main problem with calling humanity one species is that it raises a question over the point at which it separated from non humans (if you could look at the extinct ancestors between humans and apes). Effectively, calling humanity a species is a way of making a point that we are different to animals. There are groups of animials, such as sea gulls which are divided into separate species while being able to fully interbreed producing fertile offspring and having only a tiny difference in a spot in their iris to mark them out as being of one species and not another. The rules for humans suggest religous and political ideology plays a huge part in the decision to designate humanity as one species.

i know a black girl that's currently pregnant with a white man's child? is your post saying that such mixed-breed children should not be produced? cause if you are, then it would kinda be consistent with some other posts you've made about race.

maybe such a child would be okay in Europe, but here in America a half-breed child is an outcast, not fully part of either culture with both black and white people looking down their noses at the child, these racial identity problems usually cause tremendous psychological torment and sometimes years of therapy
It is an opinion that humanity is one species and one that a number of biologists dispute. The main problem with calling humanity one species is that it raises a question over the point at which it separated from non humans (if you could look at the extinct ancestors between humans and apes). Effectively, calling humanity a species is a way of making a point that we are different to animals. There are groups of animials, such as sea gulls which are divided into separate species while being able to fully interbreed producing fertile offspring and having only a tiny difference in a spot in their iris to mark them out as being of one species and not another. The rules for humans suggest religous and political ideology plays a huge part in the decision to designate humanity as one species.

It is also believed that canis lupus and canis lupus fimiliaris
is actually one species. Which I do believe to be true. However its well know that there are many breeds of canis lupus fimiliaris and they all display many different but specific characteristics and personalities as well as personal agendas and priorities. I personally love relating dogs to man for many reasons, not to get into due to the lenght I could go too... lol. However dogs are a good example of a excelerated line breeding program and the results... that are easily visible to most common humans... assuming they have had some exposure to domestic animals during their lives.

So by this I do feel we are one species, but of many breeds or bloodlines, which do exhibit particular traits. With that I shall let everyone examine their own bloodline (heritage) and its specific history as I have spent much time examining my anglo or celtic historic rootes.... further complicated due to my belief that not many of us truely know how much Roman could possibly be in our past as well. Then further complicated by what seems to me to be that most "whites" may possibly have descended and spred out to the north from none other than the Israelites.... which could further explain why Europeans were more easily drawn to Christianity. Then if we study the "Bible"... old testament... we can easliy locate the beliefs in slaves, extre sexual activities, personal greed, exploitation, self rightousness. failure of credibility/responsibility and the lack of ability to give credit where credit is truely due.

Not to say that all other races (breeds) and "faiths" do not also fall short of their claims to fame.

So we are all just a bunch of evolved monkeys trying to justify our importance and existance in order to validate our priorities... and in the end none of this matters... dust to dust, ashes to ashes, blown away so easily by the wind....
I would never use an artificially created breed to make a point about natural selection. Domesticated animals are unnatural, while you can make a point that different dog breeds have very different physical and mental capabilities and that so do breeds of men. Humans are becoming so unnatural that we are making dogs of ourselves - mongrels in particular. But before this process, we were far more distinct.

Were civilisation to break down and a dark age of brutality to return (not far fetched at all) there would be a return to tribalism and once again genetic bonds would create cohesion between those similar and barriers between those less related. When you look at the tree of evolution it is a story of ever increasing branching out, and various branches continuing while ancestral brances go extinct. The force of nature is to act on any difference in a population, no matter how small and force a species to become split again into further species. Until they have reached a niche where selective pressure stops. Various species of crocodiles and sharks have been static for a long time - each species being very homogenous and perfectly adapted to its niche.

In theory if it were possible to get all the shark species and muddle them into a mongrelised shark, then put them back - what would happen is that nature would set to work again brutally selecting those with mutations/genes best fitting their location and circumstances until the shark split again, over thousands of years, into many species.

Multiracialists and race deniers never face the implications of these facts.