
That video is poo. This guy seems to have interviewed the un-enlightened populations. I don't even believe that black people are better than whites at sport - I believe that anyone who tries hard enough will get good.

Today's education is biased/inclined towards the western world. I suggest that it's all about a value system - the african american value system is fundamentally flawed.

I also considered a lot of those black guys in the video as being rather silly. The denial of black on white racism is something that needs to be looked into, because it's present, and it's evident, and most importantly, black people are in denial of it.

That said, I do agree that there is a distinct lack of support for white people in mainstream white culture. Why this is I have no idea.

In conclusion, that video is skewed. It takes the truth and moves it at an angle.

One day we'll find someone who will address racism in a real and genuine fashion, not skewed towards one ethnicity or the other.

Clearly the filmaker was trying to make a point - and he made it. I encounter folks just like those in the vid everyday, thus I still believe them to be a fairly typical cross-section of the population - specifically in urban/suburban areas.
either way, the central theme is 100% valid - modern attitudes and opinions on race are hopelessly skewed and often as irrational as they are false.

I don't think anyone here was suggesting that White people don't commit crime or anything as ridiculous as that! The fact is, however, that Blacks are considerably over-represented in virtually every category of criminal behavior on a per capita basis.

You may indeed be right in that Black on Black crime is actually worse than technically, or officially reported(and recorded). But that just makes the whole things so much more outrageous - to wit, they are committing that much MORE crime in general than is even known! And unapologetically preying on their own, while so many of the same incessantly wail about "racism" and "oppression" at the hands of Whites is rather absurd is it not?

As for addressing "racism" without it being skewed one way or the other(or indeed in many, many ways), I doubt that is even possible. Ironically, it is only Whites who are willing to divorce themselves from race discussion and assume an aracial posture. I have NEVER witnessed a discussion on race wherein non-Whites do likewise. I agree that an objective debate or discussion would be fantastic...but can you actually imagine such a gathering? I would predict no more than two minutes of civil discourse would unfold before the howls of "racism" began to fly in earnest!
Clearly the filmaker was trying to make a point - and he made it. I encounter folks just like those in the vid everyday, thus I still believe them to be a fairly typical cross-section of the population - specifically in urban/suburban areas.
either way, the central theme is 100% valid - modern attitudes and opinions on race are hopelessly skewed and often as irrational as they are false.

I don't think anyone here was suggesting that White people don't commit crime or anything as ridiculous as that! The fact is, however, that Blacks are considerably over-represented in virtually every category of criminal behavior on a per capita basis.

You may indeed be right in that Black on Black crime is actually worse than technically, or officially reported(and recorded). But that just makes the whole things so much more outrageous - to wit, they are committing that much MORE crime in general than is even known! And unapologetically preying on their own, while so many of the same incessantly wail about "racism" and "oppression" at the hands of Whites is rather absurd is it not?

As for addressing "racism" without it being skewed one way or the other(or indeed in many, many ways), I doubt that is even possible. Ironically, it is only Whites who are willing to divorce themselves from race discussion and assume an aracial posture. I have NEVER witnessed a discussion on race wherein non-Whites do likewise. I agree that an objective debate or discussion would be fantastic...but can you actually imagine such a gathering? I would predict no more than two minutes of civil discourse would unfold before the howls of "racism" began to fly in earnest!

First, I'd like to clear a slight ambiguity - we're ONLY talking about the western world here. Or at least countries where whites have had economic and political power for most of say the past 30 years. I specify this because most non-whites are not agressive towards whites outside these nations.

I do not argue with the statistics, they are horrendous and totally frustrating, to all and sundry. I however refuse to treat them as an isolated thing, as a state/behaviour that came about in a vacuum. I'm not saying that you do either. However, one redeeming factor of this is that it exposes most of those crimes as crimes, as different from racial incidents. This of course doesn't mean racial incidents don't exist.

The fact is that nowadays, new racism is becoming bigger, far bigger than racism (by new racism I mean reverse racism), and for some reason the authorities have been unable or unwilling to tackle it. Strange world we live in.

Regarding your "aracial" argument, I beg to differ. I have witnessed several. I have learnt and benefitted from several. And if you look at most of my dialogue on this thread, they have for a large part been quite aracial. I can indeed imagine such a dialogue, but it needs to start in small gatherings, the exchange of information between "intellectuals" of both parties. There is a great deal of scarring on both sides of the color divide, so a lot of wisdom and patience will be required, but it's really not as far off as you think.

Edit: To make my point a bit clearer, one of the things I pointed out was the lack of objectivity, the lack of reasoning on the part of some/most of the people who were questioned. Take for example the basketball question, does anyone truly believe that black "superiority" in the sport is a genetic thing? I bet you, if I held the same argument in say - the small, southern towns, I'd get similarly biased and ignorant statements.

I would like to see the responses from the same interview say within the ivory towers of havard, or even howard.
That video is poo. This guy seems to have interviewed the un-enlightened populations. I don't even believe that black people are better than whites at sport - I believe that anyone who tries hard enough will get good.

Today's education is biased/inclined towards the western world. I suggest that it's all about a value system - the african american value system is fundamentally flawed.

I also considered a lot of those black guys in the video as being rather silly. The denial of black on white racism is something that needs to be looked into, because it's present, and it's evident, and most importantly, black people are in denial of it.

That said, I do agree that there is a distinct lack of support for white people in mainstream white culture. Why this is I have no idea.

In conclusion, that video is skewed. It takes the truth and moves it at an angle.

One day we'll find someone who will address racism in a real and genuine fashion, not skewed towards one ethnicity or the other.

in the video, the guy clearly seems to have PURPOUSFULLY found people that look stupid, and because of badly done editing, it's also clearly obvious that he edited out any parts where anyone looked even semi-inteligent

I think that there is a SLIGHT difference between the races, that blacks have just a little bit more naturally occuring athletic ability (only the strongest of the africans got shipped to america durring the slave trade, and the black people always outrun the white people in the olympics)
but i think any random white person could become good at athletics if there were an effort, there just isn't any
in america every black kid spends all day daydreaming about being in the NBA, where as white kids put their atletic ability towards other things, like playing golf and swimming (before Tiger Woods there were no blacks playing golf, because golf is a "white man's game" all the blind people know that Micheal Phelps is a white guy cuz "black people don't swim")

when it comes to education, the same type of cultural difffereces pop up, whites do better on the tests than blacks, because the tests don't ask questions that people in the black culture would know the answers to (if it costs $300 to make a pound of crystal meth, how much money would you make selling it by the ounce to doctors and lawyers? the kid who has a meth lab in his living room is gonna figure out the answer quicker than the doctor or the lawyer) white guys don't become pimps because in the white comunity, pimps would get their asses kicked, the guy paying for the hooker doesn't like dealing with pimps, he'll want to pay her directly, he's kind of bribing her, in the white comunity a pimp would be considered an evil slave owner, where as in the black comunity the hooker is considwered the pimp's property and the "john" is just renting her from him

the questions on the tests are definately DESIGNED to have white kids do the best, but the asian kids do better the white kids because the asian kids actually study, the white kids are too lazy to get the highest scores on the tests that are designed for white kids to get the highest scores

yes of course black on white crime is an issue that black people ignore, can you imagine white people announcing to the black community that a Klan member is more likely to assault another white person than a black person? same kinda thing here, black people don't talk about black on black crime cuz it's embarrassing

yes the video is horrendously skewed
I agree with this. I always insist that black people not call me my pals, I don't tolerate it from anyone. I think it's silly and ridiculous, and it makes me laugh when people defend their right to call each other my pals without being called that by other black people. It's stupid. Let one law rule us all. my pals is offensive.

thank you
finnally someone mentioned this on a thread
a word is either offensive or it isn't, and in this case it is
Ohh please. Now there was never any white on black crime? The civil rights movements and the marches were probably just afternoon strolls taken by bored black families on sunday afternoon (let's go see dem purty flowers).

There was rape. It was rampant. Will smith. Colin Powell. Hundreds of other african americans with as much white as black DNA. You simply don't see that shade of skin in west africa. Unless of course you're of the opinion that the slaves seduced their masters? Of course that must be it. The blacks were happy, randy slaves who just wanted to shag massa all day everyday.

Now - I do not deny the black crime statistics - there's a lot of work to be done there. I however totally and completely deny that black on white crime is more than black on black crime. You should live in a ghetto before saying such a thing. Forget the reports and the stats - who keeps stats of the crime within the ghettoes anyway? The people who suffer the most from black crimes are BLACK PEOPLE!

the "civil" rights movement didn't happen untill the 100th anniversary of the "civil" war
and at the end of the day, it seems to me, that the treatment of blacks was actually worse from the end of the civil till the civil rights movement than it was before the civil war
before the civil war, there were no blacks dying of starvation, there was no black-on-black crime, there wasn't really any evidence of white-on-black crime, (unless you say that all the mullattos produced before the civil war were the product of rape)

yes there was SOME rape, but to say, or even imply, that all, or even most, of the interracial sex before the civil war was rape, is ridiculous

i would have said Tyra Beyonce and Condi Rice as my exampls of unnatural skin tones, but i agree with you, those skin tones wouldn't exist without race mixing

yes the crime in the ghetto goes unreported, but most of the people with internet access don't live in the ghetto
Just not going to let this topic die are you ? Thursdays are apparently your day to come to the computer and bump threads... with a healthy supply of bogus bullshit... I might add
Thursdays are apparently your day to come to the computer and bump threads

on thursdays i have to be real close to public internet place for reasons that i won't discuss on the ultimate metal forums, and i don't ussually go online on the other days out of lazyness and impatience, if you bothered looking at the IP addresses of where i'm at when i post, you'd notice they're almost all in the same Building in Downtown Dallas Texas, and without going into detail about exactly where i live, i'm not online every single day because the "Dallas Area Rapid Transit" system isn't really very "rapid" at all and it gets really f-ing frustrating when it takes all f-ing day to do a list of things on the DART busses when doing those exact same things would have only taken 20 minutes in a car, and i think i mentioned on another thread somewhere that i am so broke that i had to sell my car in order to pay last october's electric bill, this is why i post every thursday and almost exclusively on thursdays
Not alot different in the States over all, we talked a bit about this a few pages back. I think it comes from trying hard to accept and not be "the bad guy". My issues are not with "race" anyhow, Im just sick of the impact of immigration and then get labeled as a racist when thats not what its about with me anyhow.

I had a great talk and partying time with a Jamaican last Sat. I never met him before, we just happened to be in the same place at the same time. He has been here since '76, the year I graduated from high school. We had alot in common with how we felt about the state of the world today, that there is no balance and we are at or close to nearing the time to pay the piper. He had Christian beliefs, where as I have none but we connected in all other beliefs nearly identical. It was a talk I needed actually.
The weird problem here is that people treat foreign folk better than locals. It's tad over tolerance but it still racism with local people nonetheless o.O

in America
if it's obvious that you were born on the other side of the ocean, (except being from the Middle-East) you can get away with a hell of a lot more that what the people born here could get away with (before 9/11 this even included people from the Middle-East) we're bending over backwards to be nice to them, it's the exact opposite of how we treat those that were born in Mexico
No, I believe they are totally related and both have been more than touched upon in this very thread.... like nearly what seems to be a half a year ago now...........
This thread is stupid. Race is obsolete as anything but a social concept.

You really think so ? What do you base this on ? To me it seems it goes deeper, throughout all races. In the ultimate world, where all were responsible and easily employed and constructive I would agree, it should just be a social concept. Currently its not that simple.
race itself is meaningless, culture is where the real differences come into play. It would be wise not to confuse the two.
race itself is meaningless, culture is where the real differences come into play. It would be wise not to confuse the two.

Forensic anthropologist can tell what race and gender a person was just looking at their bones.
Race is in no way meaningless.

I guess I should have clarified--people ought to view race as meaningless, but they don't since meanings are always-already attached to race/ethnicity. Most of the time these are purely negative associations (or reverse guilt rendered in apologetics), but I concede that that is still meaning.

Race should be viewed as meaningless since skin pigmentation has nothing to do with the internal characteristics of an individual--socialization and the culture in which they are a part is where the real meaning lies; skin colour is wholly insignificant.
I guess I should have clarified--people ought to view race as meaningless, but they don't since meanings are always-already attached to race/ethnicity. Most of the time these are purely negative associations (or reverse guilt rendered in apologetics), but I concede that that is still meaning.

Race should be viewed as meaningless since skin pigmentation has nothing to do with the internal characteristics of an individual--socialization and the culture in which they are a part is where the real meaning lies; skin colour is wholly insignificant.

this post should have occurred WAY WAY earlier in this thread

i'm a white guy, and in a couple of days i'm gonna be having sex with a "black" girl, but she doesn't think of herself as "black" she only hangs out with white people and she's definately not part of the "black culture", she hates rap, doesn't understand ebonics, and won't even think about having sex with a ghettoville gangsta type thugs

my point here is that there is a difference between "race" and "culture" and every once in a while, you get people that have one skintone but behave in accordance with the social standards of the other
Race doesn't exist biologically, as is evidenced by the human genome project. The fact that "genetic diseases" are prevalent in a certain ethnic group and not another is wildly abstracted by people. There are more variations amongst individual ethnic groups than there are between one group and another.

Race only exists culturally. Racists confuse race with identity. Much of our cultural identity comes from subconscious things like raising our eyebrows in greeting or the distance we stand from people. If a chinese person is born in a caucasian culture he will learn these behaviours. Hence racial culture is not a matter of ethnicity.

"Alan R. Templeton, Ph.D., professor of biology in Arts and Sciences at Washington University, has analyzed DNA from global human populations that reveal the patterns of human evolution over the past one million years. He shows that while there is plenty of genetic variation in humans, most of the variation is individual variation. While between-population variation exists, it is either too small, which is a quantitative variation, or it is not the right qualitative type of variation -- it does not mark historical sublineages of humanity."
