
"violent" is the key word here
white people commit crime non-stop, it's just that white people are commiting "non-violent" crime

According to FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, Blacks are not only over-represented in violent crime, but non-violent or "white collar" crime, such as fraud, embezzlement, counterfeiting, forgery, etc., as well. They are at least three times as likely as Whites to commit these crimes.

Thus, your theory above seems demonstrably false.
I'm pretty tired of the special treatment as well. Anyone who thinks there is none isn't paying attention. I'm sick of blacks saying what they want about "crackers", "honkeys" and whatnot, but when someone says "my pals", all the blacks want to fight that person.

I work with a lot of blacks, and I'm one of the people who get very offended by blacks making fun of whites. A lot of white people brush it off, and laugh along when they're being made fun of! The only reason I can think that they do is because they're scared to stand up against them.

P.S. I haven't read the whole thread, so I'm not sure if I'm the first person to post racist words. I figured we'd be able to handle them since me saying "the 'N' word" is putting it in your head anyway.
"violent" is the key word here
white people commit crime non-stop, it's just that white people are commiting "non-violent" crime

Not only are you wrong, that's an asinine thought pattern.

Violent crime has the most negative impact on society, communities, neighborhoods and people's lives.

Of the approximately 1,700,000 (and that's as of 1994!) interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites. Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to whites than the reverse.

There is more black-on-white violent crime than black-on-black violent crime.

White crime statistics are also distorted, because the FBI and so forth count Hispanics as White.


I work with a lot of blacks, and I'm one of the people who get very offended by blacks making fun of whites. A lot of white people brush it off, and laugh along when they're being made fun of! The only reason I can think that they do is because they're scared to stand up against them.

It's because the media has brainwashed Whites into believing they have something to feel sorry for when in all likeliness, none of their ancestors were involved in any of the wrong doings committed by the White race. Furthermore, the media also distorts these so-called injustices. Slave abuse was non-existent (as per the Slave Memoirs), and only a deluded moron would believe that slave owners raped their slaves.

There's a completely distorted view of White violence towards Blacks. The media and so forth take isolated incidents, for example - the dragging death of James Byrd and then they bring it up all the time.

It's a campaign of instilling White Guilt, so that Whites will have no problem when their neighborhoods become slums that no civilized human would live in.

Around here in stores and so forth, in fact - everywhere. Blacks adopt a pack mentality and walk in rows, blocking entire aisle's and expect Whites to move out of their way.

You won't see me stepping aside. Half the time they just jump at me doing their my pals "and what!?," "say summin," etc. I laugh and keep walking. The other quarter the fact that I won't move makes them think I'm a serial killer so they fuck off. And the final quarter results in some sort of physical altercation.
This is why the prison population of blacks and hispanics is what compared to white ?

the most recent statistics i've heard are
1 in 4 black males in america will be in prison at some point in their lives

60% of the american prison population is black

and hispanics in prison outnumber whites in prison
According to FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, Blacks are not only over-represented in violent crime, but non-violent or "white collar" crime, such as fraud, embezzlement, counterfeiting, forgery, etc., as well. They are at least three times as likely as Whites to commit these crimes.

Thus, your theory above seems demonstrably false.

the FBI's UCS only measures people charged/indicted with crimes

black people only make up 14% of the population but 60% of the population in jail/prison
the only way that this is possible is if there are black people in jail for crimes commited by whites, black people in jail for crimes that didn't happen, blacks getting longer sentences than whites, and white people commiting crimes without getting caught,
i know i bitched about how black culture creates criminals by glorifying crime, but even that doesn't completely explain how 14% of the population could be commiting 60% of the crime, especially considering that serial killers, serial rapists and child molesters are almost exclusively white people
I'm pretty tired of the special treatment as well. Anyone who thinks there is none isn't paying attention. I'm sick of blacks saying what they want about "crackers", "honkeys" and whatnot, but when someone says "my pals", all the blacks want to fight that person.

I work with a lot of blacks, and I'm one of the people who get very offended by blacks making fun of whites. A lot of white people brush it off, and laugh along when they're being made fun of! The only reason I can think that they do is because they're scared to stand up against them.

P.S. I haven't read the whole thread, so I'm not sure if I'm the first person to post racist words. I figured we'd be able to handle them since me saying "the 'N' word" is putting it in your head anyway.

totally agree with this post
michael richards has a lot of black friends, and when you watch that danm video on you tube, you don't see what the black guys said that pissed him off, and if you actually watch the whole thing, (instead of just the tiny front piece that the showed on TV,) it seems pretty clear that he's not actually a racist

and blacks making fun of whites gets really annoying
i can't even watch those shows where the principal cast is black people anymore, there's just too many jokes making fun of white people
Of the approximately 1,700,000 (and that's as of 1994!) interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites. Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to whites than the reverse.

There is more black-on-white violent crime than black-on-black violent crime.

White crime statistics are also distorted, because the FBI and so forth count Hispanics as White.

uh, you just proved my point, blacks are more violent than whites, i mean how frequently do you see guys in Klan hoods/robes actually doing violent stuff nowadays?
It's because the media has brainwashed Whites into believing they have something to feel sorry for when in all likeliness, none of their ancestors were involved in any of the wrong doings committed by the White race. Furthermore, the media also distorts these so-called injustices. Slave abuse was non-existent (as per the Slave Memoirs), and only a deluded moron would believe that slave owners raped their slaves.

There's a completely distorted view of White violence towards Blacks. The media and so forth take isolated incidents, for example - the dragging death of James Byrd and then they bring it up all the time.

It's a campaign of instilling White Guilt

all the slaves and slave owners have already died of old age, so i think that it's time for the black community to stop using slavery as an excuse for the modern black culture's behavior

all the slave owners also had white butlers and white maids, the butlers had children with the maids, and i've been told that if you're a white person in America, you're more likely to be decended from one of these butler/maid unions thatn you are to be decended from one of the actual slave owners (someone else mentioned this a long time ago, but i can't remeber if it was the begining of this thread or one of the other threads about racism)

the slaves got horny, just the same as any other human beings, the slaves fucked each other and there was a lot of slave/master sex going on that was totally consentual

yeah, i swear i heard a news show talking about the "10th anniversary" of the dragging death of James Byrd, it was an isolated incident, only one guy died, forget about it already

the white guilt thing makes white people wanna atack Micheal richards for using "the N word" even though he has a lot of black freinds, even though black people use "nigga" in every single fucking rap song out there, and even though the sitcoms with the black pricipal casts always do jokes making fun of white people
:lol: just look at all them dirty no good white mofos

Its all about guilt, imposing guilt on whitey for recognizing race and racial and cultural differences... yet blacks, hispanics, asians and middle easterners (this includes Jews) are the most racist clans there are. Myself I just love being hated because I know from where it comes.... jelousy and hypocrisy

guilt is but a con to get something others have earned to claim for oneself

learn about serfdom, learn about mankinds history, learn about what ALL went through in this country to make it what it was Some stepped up, others sat back and rode it, some cultures advanced, some focused on destructive regression, the truth hurts but never changes
:lol: just look at all them dirty no good white mofos

Its all about guilt, imposing guilt on whitey for recognizing race and racial and cultural differences... yet blacks, hispanics, asians and middle easterners (this includes Jews) are the most racist clans there are. Myself I just love being hated because I know from where it comes.... jelousy and hypocrisy

guilt is but a con to get something others have earned to claim for oneself

learn about serfdom, learn about mankinds history, learn about what ALL went through in this country to make it what it was Some stepped up, others sat back and rode it, some cultures advanced, some focused on destructive regression, the truth hurts but never changes

This is the proverbial "meat and potatos" of the whole racial issue. The position of Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Asian, etc. are sensibly self-preservation oriented and fully understandable. It is, as far as I know, only Whites who willfully embrace displacement, demographic suicide/self-destruction, and engage in the type of ritualized self-loathing that defies explanation. One doesn't hear a great deal of loud wailing from say Japan, China, or the like lamenting their tragic lack of "diversity' that is supposedly such a glorious blessing in western nations.

In other words, it is the preposterous and naked double standards and hypocrisy woven through the whole modern orthodoxy about race, ethnicity, etc., that is at issue. All intelligent people understand that mindlessly "hating" various groups, or considering all others inferior to one's own group is not only a dead-end street, but childish and belligerent as well. At the same time though, it is essentially only one group - Whites - who are supposed to celebrate their own demise and diminution, and any resistance is considered so much "hate" "intolerance" or what have you. This is a sick and dangerous game, and one that shouldn't cause one to be branded a nasty 'ol "racist" for pointing out or challenging it.
This is the proverbial "meat and potatos" of the whole racial issue. The position of Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Asian, etc. are sensibly self-preservation oriented and fully understandable. It is, as far as I know, only Whites who willfully embrace displacement, demographic suicide/self-destruction, and engage in the type of ritualized self-loathing that defies explanation. One doesn't hear a great deal of loud wailing from say Japan, China, or the like lamenting their tragic lack of "diversity' that is supposedly such a glorious blessing in western nations.

In other words, it is the preposterous and naked double standards and hypocrisy woven through the whole modern orthodoxy about race, ethnicity, etc., that is at issue. All intelligent people understand that mindlessly "hating" various groups, or considering all others inferior to one's own group is not only a dead-end street, but childish and belligerent as well. At the same time though, it is essentially only one group - Whites - who are supposed to celebrate their own demise and diminution, and any resistance is considered so much "hate" "intolerance" or what have you. This is a sick and dangerous game, and one that shouldn't cause one to be branded a nasty 'ol "racist" for pointing out or challenging it.


fucking bleeding heart wanky assed liberals, infiltrating our schools, government and media... working over our children at a young age, brainwashing them into a bunch of whimps that dont stand their rock... the very quality that made this country and all other white countries what they were. Even the Italians are smart enough not to fall for it. We had a saying, my friends and I, "Remember from where you came" today most white Americans are clueless

I hate the statue of "liberty" with a passion.... fucking French, today it steals the very freedom of its citizens... even the French Canadians dont want ANY infiltration and the English Canadians dont care much for the French. Its no big deal everyone does their own thing and understands territorial boundries..... an INATE quality in ALL living creatures.... but we gonna pound it out of Whitey

White crime statistics are also distorted, because the FBI and so forth count Hispanics as White.

the statistics of 'whites versus blacks' stats have the hispanics being considered 'white' INSTEAD OF the hispanics being considered 'black' and this is partially the NAACP's fault

the NAACP have the hispanics labeled as 'white' instead of 'black' (in 'crime stats') so that the NAACP is able to spend forever bithching about the FACT that 60% of people in prison are black, while completely ignoring the fact that the hispanics in prison definitively OUTNUMBER the non-hispanic 'whites'

the NAACP is able to blame the 60% of prisoners being black on 'racism in the justice system' if they ignore the fact that hispanics in prison outnumber the non-hispanic whites in jail

if the NAACP acknowledges that the hispanics in prison outnumber the whites, then they would have to admit that the 'hispanic culture' the and 'black culture' are social structures that create criminals
It's obvious that a divided people is a weak people. The Powers That Be understand the importance of unity and have done everything in their power to create divisions within the White Race.

Since the White race is the majority, it's imperative that they use divide and conquer tactics against Whites. United, the White race poses a serious threat to their pro-multiculturalist ideology; an ideology that is politically and economically driven. Any sort of unity by the majority along with a shared common denominator would be detrimental to such political and economic agendas.

We're told that diversity is our strength. The question is, for whom? Certainly not the White race. In fact, non-White racial and cultural diversity has proven itself to be detrimental to the very existence of the White race in it's own nations. For that, many perceptive Whites are disgruntled and bitter, and have every justifiable right to be so.

The only ones benefiting from racial and cultural diversity, are those with self-serving political and economic agendas. This includes the continued exploitation of non-Whites. With a little thought, it's not hard to see how racist views are formed by all parties involved.

"Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries."

"The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them."

"Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites."

"What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?"

"How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?"

"And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn't object to this?"

"But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews."

"They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white."

"Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."
- Bob Whitaker
It's obvious that a divided people is a weak people. The Powers That Be understand the importance of unity and have done everything in their power to create divisions within the White Race.

Since the White race is the majority, it's imperative that they use divide and conquer tactics against Whites. United, the White race poses a serious threat to their pro-multiculturalist ideology; an ideology that is politically and economically driven. Any sort of unity by the majority along with a shared common denominator would be detrimental to such political and economic agendas.

We're told that diversity is our strength. The question is, for whom? Certainly not the White race. In fact, non-White racial and cultural diversity has proven itself to be detrimental to the very existence of the White race in it's own nations. For that, many perceptive Whites are disgruntled and bitter, and have every justifiable right to be so.

The only ones benefiting from racial and cultural diversity, are those with self-serving political and economic agendas. This includes the continued exploitation of non-Whites. With a little thought, it's not hard to see how racist views are formed by all parties involved.

- Bob Whitaker

Excellent video! I would give a week's pay to be able to drop off that young blond gal with the bobbed-haircut on a street corner in a few very, very "diverse" neighborhoods within an hour of my home at about 3AM. She would get a bellyfull of the precious "cultural diversity" she so longs for I am sure.

That video is poo. This guy seems to have interviewed the un-enlightened populations. I don't even believe that black people are better than whites at sport - I believe that anyone who tries hard enough will get good.

Today's education is biased/inclined towards the western world. I suggest that it's all about a value system - the african american value system is fundamentally flawed.

I also considered a lot of those black guys in the video as being rather silly. The denial of black on white racism is something that needs to be looked into, because it's present, and it's evident, and most importantly, black people are in denial of it.

That said, I do agree that there is a distinct lack of support for white people in mainstream white culture. Why this is I have no idea.

In conclusion, that video is skewed. It takes the truth and moves it at an angle.

One day we'll find someone who will address racism in a real and genuine fashion, not skewed towards one ethnicity or the other.
I'm pretty tired of the special treatment as well. Anyone who thinks there is none isn't paying attention. I'm sick of blacks saying what they want about "crackers", "honkeys" and whatnot, but when someone says "my pals", all the blacks want to fight that person.

I work with a lot of blacks, and I'm one of the people who get very offended by blacks making fun of whites. A lot of white people brush it off, and laugh along when they're being made fun of! The only reason I can think that they do is because they're scared to stand up against them.

P.S. I haven't read the whole thread, so I'm not sure if I'm the first person to post racist words. I figured we'd be able to handle them since me saying "the 'N' word" is putting it in your head anyway.

I agree with this. I always insist that black people not call me my pals, I don't tolerate it from anyone. I think it's silly and ridiculous, and it makes me laugh when people defend their right to call each other my pals without being called that by other black people. It's stupid. Let one law rule us all. my pals is offensive.
Not only are you wrong, that's an asinine thought pattern.

Violent crime has the most negative impact on society, communities, neighborhoods and people's lives.

Of the approximately 1,700,000 (and that's as of 1994!) interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites. Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to whites than the reverse.

There is more black-on-white violent crime than black-on-black violent crime.

White crime statistics are also distorted, because the FBI and so forth count Hispanics as White.


It's because the media has brainwashed Whites into believing they have something to feel sorry for when in all likeliness, none of their ancestors were involved in any of the wrong doings committed by the White race. Furthermore, the media also distorts these so-called injustices. Slave abuse was non-existent (as per the Slave Memoirs), and only a deluded moron would believe that slave owners raped their slaves.

There's a completely distorted view of White violence towards Blacks. The media and so forth take isolated incidents, for example - the dragging death of James Byrd and then they bring it up all the time.

It's a campaign of instilling White Guilt, so that Whites will have no problem when their neighborhoods become slums that no civilized human would live in.

Around here in stores and so forth, in fact - everywhere. Blacks adopt a pack mentality and walk in rows, blocking entire aisle's and expect Whites to move out of their way.

You won't see me stepping aside. Half the time they just jump at me doing their my pals "and what!?," "say summin," etc. I laugh and keep walking. The other quarter the fact that I won't move makes them think I'm a serial killer so they fuck off. And the final quarter results in some sort of physical altercation.

Ohh please. Now there was never any white on black crime? The civil rights movements and the marches were probably just afternoon strolls taken by bored black families on sunday afternoon (let's go see dem purty flowers).

There was rape. It was rampant. Will smith. Colin Powell. Hundreds of other african americans with as much white as black DNA. You simply don't see that shade of skin in west africa. Unless of course you're of the opinion that the slaves seduced their masters? Of course that must be it. The blacks were happy, randy slaves who just wanted to shag massa all day everyday.

Now - I do not deny the black crime statistics - there's a lot of work to be done there. I however totally and completely deny that black on white crime is more than black on black crime. You should live in a ghetto before saying such a thing. Forget the reports and the stats - who keeps stats of the crime within the ghettoes anyway? The people who suffer the most from black crimes are BLACK PEOPLE!