
Some parts of Africa had kingdoms and such before parts of Europe. Also Africa didn't have the resources that Asia and Europe did. Also Europe was just lucky, they got things like engineering, good ships, guns, and stuff from the east. In Africa you do not need as many resources to survive as you do in other places, which is why Africans did not need to create a bunch of inventions. That chart is utter bullshit because some of the first civilizations were in South America, and they had astronomy, engineering, writing, and mathematics before a lot of Europe did. East Asians would probably score higher on the IQ test because learning is more valued in their culture, whereas in African American culture it isn't. Put a black guy in the typical honor-based East Asian family and he will be getting all A's and stuff. Put an Asian guy in the projects with a typical ghetto family and he acts ghetto and gets shit grades to live as a thug.

So are the Mesoamericans more intelligent than Germanic peoples because they had organized civilizations while they were still having tribes? Are Iraqi's smarter than the rest of the world because they achieved civilization and law system first? There is no intelligence factor, its all environmental.

Also the development of huge civilizations has more to do with dominance of one large group over smaller groups and/or groups coming together than intelligence. If it wasn't for that one dynasty that took over China then China would be a bunch of smaller countries with considerably less achievements because the bigger a group, the better pretty much (as long as it functions well). If you have one great inventor for every thousand, and one country has thousands more people than another, then you have thousands more great inventors, which leads to more inventions.

The only reason some of these places had these inventions was the amount of people they had and the amount of people they had contact with. I'll bet that if any of the Native American empires of South America had contact with the Chinese the Europeans wouldn't have any colonies there. Eurasia had so many achievements because of the contact they had with each other.

Also you do not compare entire continents by choosing the strongest link of one and the weakest of the other. I could say that Blacks are more intelligent than whites by comparing Mali to the Germanic tribes. I could say Hispanics are better than Asians by comparing the Maya to the Koreans. The reason Eurasia developed so well is not intelligence, it is environmental factors and luck.

Let me put it this way. Suppose Eurasia is a pot of top notch soil and Africa and the Americas are just dirt. Take two of the same flowers and plant them in the same pot, one will grow bigger and healthier. Which does not mean that bigger and healthier flower is better, but it was placed in a better environment. Eurasia had a bunch of resources, less geographical barriers, and oceans and animals which could deliver messages much better. To spread information in South America, you have to run across mountains, forests, and rivers and harsh environments just to deliver a message. Yes the Arabs had deserts. But they had camels to ride. I've been to Peru and seen pieces of the Inca empire, it would take me weeks and weeks to walk the distance I went in one train ride.

Afrocentric history. No civilisation in America predates Sumeria. Also - if none of you have heard of the Chachapoya I suggest that you have little idea about South American civilisation.
And there is the legend of the Aztec civilisation being founded by Quetzalcoatl.

Pre-historic Native American legends tell of white men with beards landing on the shores of the New World, bringing knowledge of science, engineering, and laws, and more. In the legends, they arrived in huge ships with swan wings, and the strange fair-skin.

There have been red haired mummies found in Mexico, Egypt (the Pharoahs traditionally had red hair and executed non royalty if they had it), China (the silk road was founded by the White Tocharians - and this explains a lot of inventions from the East) and Buddha was white/blue eyed, and red haired mummeies in the Canary Islands.
Most of Brown's charges are black, a fact that makes them much more likely than whites to die young. According to a report released this week by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, black teens in Ohio die at nearly twice the rate of white teens.

Columbus Public Health officials say the disparity in Franklin County is even worse. Here, the death rate for black teens is more than three times higher.

Child-health advocates say the gap is troubling.

"We are higher than the national average," said Barbara Turpin of the Children's Defense Fund-Ohio. "Whether it's violence or a health-care issue, this raises questions. Where do we look to try to bring that number down?"

Black infants also fared poorly, the report says, dying more than twice as often as non-Latino white babies and three times more frequently than Latino infants.

For years, the Casey Foundation has compiled an annual report on child well-being. This is the first time the data, from 2005, also has been broken down by race.

What do the Latinos have that blacks don't? Are they so much more privileged?

Something about western societies is disadvantaging those of African origin. They should live where they don't face those difficulties and expectations to fall in line with foreign standards - amongst their own kind.
yes, there is a problem with the black population in this country, I cant speak for others. Much of it is cultural environment, economic environment and the fact that we have been feeding this problemed issue for decades now, lots of entitlement and bad attitude going on there. I, myself cant boil it down to solely being a matter of intelligence, there is a very obvious ambition factor, even amounst many of the working. Upon my personal observation of this phenom I have found they are very crafty at their game. ** Please note I dont mean to imply that this is across the board carved in stone, I have worked with a few that worked right along pretty good, many of which had been through the military, once again showing environmental influence at play.
i am a bony white guy with no upperbody strenght
a few years ago i was having to interact with this scary-bulky black guy that was so huge from doing nothing but exersizing 24/7
one day he came up and totally beat the fucking shit out of me while i had my cell phone in my pocket, the only reason i didn't get killed right there is cuz i was surrounded by people that pulled the guy off me, i called 911 and when the cops got there i was battered so bad i had to go to the ER and the big black guy had a just a few minor scratches on him, (those scratches weren't even from me, they were from the people pulling him off me) and because the black guy had some "visible wounds" the cops tried to arrest me for a "hate crime"
If ever there was a definition for 'chutzpah'! This country is no longer safe for civilized people, if one is not carrying concealed, unless planning some 'white flight', one's death is assured.
:lol: there are dangers lurking from many in this world, those considering themselves civilized not excluded

@ previous poster - that is why Rocky Balboa was the last great white fighter.... lol "I was only walking down the hall when this black body builder beat the total crap out of me for NO apparent reason"

when I was in school I had this one dude always trying to get me to have a boxing match with him... if memory serves me he was as white as I was.
i wasn't trying to be a whiny bitchy brat
i was just trying to show an example of the situations where (in USA) the black people have the better end of the deal
i wasn't trying to be a whiny bitchy brat
i was just trying to show an example of the situations where (in USA) the black people have the better end of the deal

They usually do, and despite all their 'preferential treatment', they still leech off welfare and over-populate taxpayer-funded prisons.

@CO_child - Think not of him. This tends to help:
razoredge - This user is on your Ignore List.
UserCP - Buddy/Ignore Lists - type in name & click 'save list' :heh:
Its all easier that way, no resistance

i was just trying to show an example of the situations where (in USA) the black people have the better end of the deal

So this guy no doubt had assult charges filed against him ? Did you file hate crime charges as well ? Do you have any idea how the whole event came to take place ? This kind of information would better help someone who might find themselves in a similiar situation.

The entire thing with violent crimes and crimes in general is out of control in this country. The black hate crime angle is not the only one. If theres any written law, which are not hard to find these days, its a sure bet it will be filed against you.
Its all easier that way, no resistance

So this guy no doubt had assult charges filed against him ? Did you file hate crime charges as well ? Do you have any idea how the whole event came to take place ? This kind of information would better help someone who might find themselves in a similiar situation.

The entire thing with violent crimes and crimes in general is out of control in this country. The black hate crime angle is not the only one. If theres any written law, which are not hard to find these days, its a sure bet it will be filed against you.

The Rev Jesse Jackson is aware of how easily an innocent person can find themselves beat up by certain people more likely than others as can clearly be seen from this famous quote from him:
"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved...".
If Jesse Jackson, a black preacher who has for decades been at the forefront of the civil rights movement, is actually relieved that the person behind him is white and afraid if they are not is the most damning evidence of how one has every reason to avoid those who are acknowledged as being high risk for danger.
yep, the inner cities are hell, all the way around. None the less these problems do come in all colors and nationalities. The inner city is what it is, in this country its a product of economic climate as much as anything else. This economic climate is a broad issue, we have had generations of promoting birthrate through welfare, more kids more money. Our industries that once offered work in these areas have been gone for decades. Its nearly a totally irreversable situation, mistakes take alot longer to fix then they do to make and we have been at this mistake in this country for 60+ years, now compounding it with massive hispanic immigration, rather than making everyone that already lived here go the fuck to work. The drug issue could be cleared up quickly but we'd rather go to Iraq and slug it out with crazy sand rats than straighten out our own problems.

I would say in this example Jackson was addressing his following as to give them food for thought. There is much shame amounst the blacks that do try hard to rise above it all for the bad apples that spoil the lot. Many were outspoken about much of the content in rap lyrics

However I usually find Jackson and Sharpton to be total ass's that have had questionable impact on the over view of black/white race issues. We must remember though that our interpretation often comes to us however the media wants to spoon feed it.
Its all easier that way, no resistance

So this guy no doubt had assult charges filed against him ? Did you file hate crime charges as well ? Do you have any idea how the whole event came to take place ? This kind of information would better help someone who might find themselves in a similiar situation.

The entire thing with violent crimes and crimes in general is out of control in this country. The black hate crime angle is not the only one. If theres any written law, which are not hard to find these days, its a sure bet it will be filed against you.

yeah, he eventually got prison time for assaulting me, but whether or not i filed assault charges on this guy isn't really the point here, i get beaten to a bloody pulp, i have to go to the ER, i almost die, and i also almost got arrested for causing some tiny scratches, just because i'm white and the guy that almost killed me was black, and the cops wanted to bust somebody for a "racially motivated hate crime" so the city's police department would look good in the eyes of the NAACP
Actually you are wrong here, first the guy was advised by his lawyer or just knew to file hate crime charges, and/or the police were doing their routine. Its all a matter of routine and step by step guidelines brought to you by the job protection service of our law makers, lawyer, judges, governmental agencies, politician and law enforcement superheroes.

So you fall into the distraction and build your hate for the NAACP or black people in general, I always suggest looking at the top of the mountain rather than the bottom, thats where the big rocks gain their speed.
The Rev Jesse Jackson is aware of how easily an innocent person can find themselves beat up by certain people more likely than others as can clearly be seen from this famous quote from him:
"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved...".
If Jesse Jackson, a black preacher who has for decades been at the forefront of the civil rights movement, is actually relieved that the person behind him is white and afraid if they are not is the most damning evidence of how one has every reason to avoid those who are acknowledged as being high risk for danger.

Maybe it has something to do with black people in the inner city being poorer?
After reading through the whole thread I can only offer general thoughts, since I won't be able to respond to each and every post. While I do agree that the race card is sometimes thrown around too much, in many, and I would go as far as to say most, instances, it is used rightly so. A white person will NEVER be able to understand the mentality of a black or brown or any other race besides his or her own (and vice versa with browns and blacks). Something viewed as innocent entertainment to whites (Speedy Gonzalez is what I have in mind) can come off as blatantly racist to a Hispanic. And with good reason. Speedy Gonzalez is playing off stereotypes, which in turn are based on the ways differently colored humans view others. Race is nothing more than a social construct. Not all hispanics are illegal or here to "steal" jobs. Not all blacks are huge and waiting to beat somebody up in dark alleys. Point being that what some may perceive as not racist can be construed as racist by others (same with sexist, classist, or religious[ist?] comments). People of color are only inferior when the tests used to determine superiority and inferiority are themselves Euro-centric, or when one begins his or her research with ideas of how certain races are supposed to be or what one will find.
Reading the whole thread makes me wonder where people are getting the idea that there are dying races, blacks killing each other off, and race wars everywhere and that no one is safe. I do recognize that the latter two do happen, I just don't think that it is as widespread as the media would have us believe. The white race is not weakening, they hold the same power they have always held. It is no matter of dispute that those who have the power in America are predominantly white. In response to the first poster, I believe it takes more than a white beating up a black for it to be considered a hate crime. By some it may be viewed that way, but in the end the judge determines what happened in the crime, whether it actually was racially motivated or not.
I know this is off topic but damn. This forum is filled with verbal masturbation.

Not talking about you angelofdeath.
Actually you are wrong here, first the guy was advised by his lawyer or just knew to file hate crime charges, and/or the police were doing their routine. Its all a matter of routine and step by step guidelines brought to you by the job protection service of our law makers, lawyer, judges, governmental agencies, politician and law enforcement superheroes.

So you fall into the distraction and build your hate for the NAACP or black people in general, I always suggest looking at the top of the mountain rather than the bottom, thats where the big rocks gain their speed.

the cops trying to arrest me for a hate crime was something that shouldn't have happened, the doctors at the hospital put a stop to it based on me almost dying and the other guy's injuries being ridiculously superficial, but the ER doctors getting involved in the legal problems of the patient was something that should have been totally unnecasary, the hate crime charge against me was dropped, but my point was that me getting charged with the hate crime just shouldn't have happened to begin with, America's "Justice" System is fucked up all to hell