
That guy must have had extreme anger problems or something. But I'm pretty sure there was more to it than that.

Apologist for the bullies, eh? What part of the account appears to be inaccurate, or what act would be omitted from the account? They are more prone to criminal conduct; such ill character would likely manifest such an act as described.
Yes; it is a textbook assertion of dominance. In this situation, such an instinct would be driven by the propensity of gangs to mark territory, and assert dominance in said areas. Additionally, blacks have a cultural propensity to harbour animosity toward us 'crackers', that plus their tendency toward criminal conduct alone is an argument against any integration.
Getting angry because someone is not cleaning up milk fast enough?

yep, its something whites have done to blacks and others to others, ect. on down the line, their is ignorance on all counts.

It appears this is a inner city issue and that speaks for itself. Its too bad the problem is compounding and no one is willing to do any of the right things about it.
I've encountered plenty of crime prone white and asian people in the poor inner city. I don't think its the race itself. I just think its the environment.
Fenrisúlfr;7505883 said:
Yes; it is a textbook assertion of dominance. In this situation, such an instinct would be driven by the propensity of gangs to mark territory, and assert dominance in said areas. Additionally, blacks have a cultural propensity to harbour animosity toward us 'crackers', that plus their tendency toward criminal conduct alone is an argument against any integration.

this is exactly what happened
Yes. Say there were a group of people that put green dots on their heads...and are known for their propensity for criminal conduct, be it on account of gang or sub-culture affiliation. Many of them do, many of them do not, but their propensity is disproportionate i.e. the per capita incidence of violent crime, larceny, &c is at a high multiple to the general population. If I was to be a store-owner (knowing me, either high-end antiques, coins or luxury goods boutique), it would be reasonable to prohibit entry to those with green dots upon their heads as they are known trouble-makers, and I do not want my goods taken without payment.

If this was changed to skin colour, I would be sued into ruin and possibly jailed for merely protecting my bottom line.
That's because the evidence that links your racial make-up with your propensity to commit crimes when accounting for all other relevant factors is minimal at best. There's a difference between prohibiting black people from entering your store because black people commit a lot of crimes and claiming that black people are genetically predisposed to commit crimes due to the fact that they are black.
That's because the evidence that links your racial make-up with your propensity to commit crimes when accounting for all other relevant factors is minimal at best. [1]

There's a difference between prohibiting black people from entering your store because black people commit a lot of crimes and claiming that black people are genetically predisposed to commit crimes due to the fact that they are black. [2]

[2] Because of said pre-disposition, such a prohibition would be necessary. Yes, there is a difference, the same way gravity and a falling object are different, though linked. Here, have a gold star for discovering causality: *

Additionally, as such a store would be my property, I should have a right to prohibit anyone I chose from entering to begin with; if it costs me business, that is my own injury.

[1] Proffer said evidence and explain why it is minimal.
I find it hard to believe that a white baby adopted by a very poor black family in a terrible area would somehow go into system override and turn out like a proper English gentleman.
I find it hard to believe that a white baby adopted by a very poor black family in a terrible area would somehow go into system override and turn out like a proper English gentleman.

:lol: Sweet ! We'll soon, no doubt get a prerecorded responce to that one
That's because the evidence that links your racial make-up with your propensity to commit crimes when accounting for all other relevant factors is minimal at best. There's a difference between prohibiting black people from entering your store because black people commit a lot of crimes and claiming that black people are genetically predisposed to commit crimes due to the fact that they are black.

in the United States of America, "black" people only make up a mere 12 percent of the total popultion, yet "black" people make up an entire 60 percent of the people incarcerated in the american prison system at any randomly given moment.

the ACLU and the NAACP would tell you that these numbers are the result of white racist cops, white racist judges, and white racist jurys, but even considering those factors the math still doesn't add up, the "black" people still seem to have more of a propensity for commiting crime, it might be somesort of genetic factor for this, like the broke black people becoming drug dealers because black brains aren't smart enough to do corperate white people's jobs, but i think it's more of a cultural thing, the black culture is more prone to commiting crimes because the pimps/and drug dealers are worshipped and the cops are hated/feared
black babies' brains develop differently/slower in the womb than white babies, it's been shown that black babies brains aren't "fully developed" as quickly as white babies (in the womb) where the black babies born "premature" are measurably less inteligent than the white babies born "premature"
Maybe babies who are born as crack babies.

I don't know where you read that, monoxide.

it was a medical doctor trying to give a medical explination for the differences between white culture and black culture
i can't remember the site i saw it on, it was several years ago,
anyway, the mothers using crack durring pregnancy would explain the number of "retarted" black infants being higher (in percentage of the number of each race's babies born) than the number of "retarded" white infants
in the United States of America, "black" people only make up a mere 12 percent of the total popultion, yet "black" people make up an entire 60 percent of the people incarcerated in the american prison system at any randomly given moment.

the ACLU and the NAACP would tell you that these numbers are the result of white racist cops, white racist judges, and white racist jurys, but even considering those factors the math still doesn't add up, the "black" people still seem to have more of a propensity for commiting crime, it might be somesort of genetic factor for this, like the broke black people becoming drug dealers because black brains aren't smart enough to do corperate white people's jobs, but i think it's more of a cultural thing, the black culture is more prone to commiting crimes because the pimps/and drug dealers are worshipped and the cops are hated/feared

Do not forget biological factors; with a lower IQ comes less foresight i.e. thinking before acting. Thus, they are ill-suited to anticipating the actions of criminal activity, and thus get caught not only because they perpetrate said crimes to begin with, but also because they are too dumb to avoid getting caught. :lol:
Fenrisúlfr;7518099 said:
Do not forget biological factors; with a lower IQ comes less foresight i.e. thinking before acting. Thus, they are ill-suited to anticipating the actions of criminal activity, and thus get caught not only because they perpetrate said crimes to begin with, but also because they are too dumb to avoid getting caught. :lol:

this seems to partially explain the 12 percent of population making up 60 percent of prisoners thing i mentioned earlier
Yet in their origional environment they get along fine within their villages. No sense in applying any reasoning of reality to the equation though.