
I agree with you in some ways but you have to realize they dont know what happened and this is how the system works. The charges were dropped once they had a handle on it. Its very typical to charge everyone involved at the onset

I find the audacity of your assertation to be offensive and demeaning. Verbal communication is an important institution in the history of Man's development, and it should be implemented correctly and encouraged with the use of proper grammar, spelling, and syntax. The neglect of such efforts is abhorrible, and would result in the complete disintegration of our global networking apparatus. The downfall of society shall be preceded and precipitated by the simultaneous and worldwide replacement of proper spoken and written language with ambiguous abbreviations, obscured orientation, vague verbal definition and... oh... oh, yes... oh, gods... yes... yes... oh, YES! YES! YES!!!!!

fuckin' a.
Wow I sure derailed this thread. Anyway back on topic. I think the idea that certain races are better than others is stupid. And I find it hard to believe that IQ chart because it doesn't include certain groups. Like West Asian, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander. And it just says "white" and "black." I would find it easier to believe a chart that goes into depth and names different european and african groups.
Wow I sure derailed this thread. Anyway back on topic. I think the idea that certain races are better than others is stupid. And I find it hard to believe that IQ chart because it doesn't include certain groups. Like West Asian, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander. And it just says "white" and "black." I would find it easier to believe a chart that goes into depth and names different european and african groups.

"IQ and the Wealth of Nations" contains the data by nation. Additionally, such a chart by ill-defined racial sub-group would have little empirical value.

"Better" is in the eye of the beholder ergo it is inherently meaningless. "Intelligent" and "prone to criminal conduct" are not.

Digressing, I do not want unintelligent and crime-pone individuals in my place of work, nor in my place of business, nor on my property if I can manage. This would be in my interest not only out of self-preservation, but also capital preservation and prevention of vandalism. Thus, if I were a business owner or property owner, it would be well within my property rights to prohibit such parties from entering or transacting, but the leftists say otherwise. If it turns out that the cost-justification in such a prohibition was not favourable, a competitor in a similar business, or rival landlord, would capitalize upon this market, gaining market share, and scaling operations so as to provide lower prices. Let the people be known by the fruit they bear forth through the free markets...tying this back into the point: look at the per-capita GDP in Africa and tell me with a straight face that those people are on par with us Europeans.
I agree with you in some ways but you have to realize they dont know what happened and this is how the system works. The charges were dropped once they had a handle on it. Its very typical to charge everyone involved at the onset

charge everyone on the onset?
you mean like in elementary school where they had that rule of when someone kicks the fucking crap out of someone else then the victim got in trouble for "provoking the violence"?

i could understand this in an elementary school where there's all this "he said, she said" bullshit with the witnesses being unreliable and the kids constantly taunting each other with the kids being too young to legally charge them with "assault"
but should this kind of rule be applicable to adults?
Yes, when there is a crime they must assume everyone involved had a hand in it. If you dont get it that is your problem, myself I certainly would have wondered what made that guy want to turn you into pulp rather than 100 other available people ? You have made no indications of this, only poor poor you that couldnt derail the situation in the first place let alone at least give a little of what you got. Regardless any charges against you were dropped so consider yourself fortunante.

My experience has shown me that the provokers always walk away with clean hands when they were only getting what they had been asking for. Laws favor provocation and only condemn those that react.
Monoxide, I find it really hard to believe that some guy just attacked you. You must have done something, even if it was unintentional. I got a bunch of mean looks from black people once for wearing a shirt with a bunch of k's on it. But I didn't even notice I was wearing it because I just put on the first shirt I see in my closet.
I beg to differ. Saying that group is prone to criminal conduct is like saying 'night is dark'.


Matthew Dwyer's eyes are blackened, his forehead stitched up and his arms scraped up. He said he was beaten by nine black teenagers.

Salisbury police said it was a racially motivated and gang-motivated crime. Dwyer is white.

Thankfully my apartment building is segregated de-facto so we do not have these problems :lol:
I will choose to ignore the pure ignorance of that post.

Cipher, where are you from?
Yeah, ignore the ignorance of my source too.

I'm from Chapel Hill, NC originally. Besides the ongoing hippie problem (thanks UNC), it's the pleasant part of the Triangle, an enclave in an otherwise-uncivilised state (and yes, this includes those yuppies in Charlotte :lol:). My father is from Scotland and my mother is English South-African...and I'm an anchor baby with no business in this country.
:lol: a joke perhaps, havent heard much else... well wait, I did notice a repetitive skip in the record but I just slapped the needle and a better record dropped down.
yeah, us white dudes can be flippy, I would have chosen any serial killers name though. Manson could easily correlate with any given gang leader that has "ordered people killed", that includes nearly if not every race and governing body. In fact Mansons own words were something along the lines of 'we were born with blood on our hands' which, as much as I hate the wack job... is true.
Monoxide, I find it really hard to believe that some guy just attacked you. You must have done something, even if it was unintentional. I got a bunch of mean looks from black people once for wearing a shirt with a bunch of k's on it. But I didn't even notice I was wearing it because I just put on the first shirt I see in my closet.

i was in a weird residential place where i was crammed in a room with blacks and hispanics, with very few white people in the building
it was the middle of summer, 103 degrees and a sealed container of milk exploded, the owner of the milk was gone, every one else in the room had children older than me, (i think i was only 18 at the time) and they thought that they could make me clean up the mess just because i was the youngest, where they thought of me as a child, i was dead to the world asleep when that milk thing exploded and the the thing that woke me up was being instructed to clean up a mess that wasn't even there when i had gone to sleep, i felt like they were treating me like a child, i insisted that they treat me like an adult cuz i was in a place where children were not allowed to be, and the whole group mentions that their children are older than me, and somehow the age gap between me and them was their justification for me being the one to clean up the mess, which i protested, i had actually agreed to clean up the mess myself, and was already in the process of doing it, when the bulkiest of the guys starts wailing on me, saying that i wasn't doing it fast enough
That guy must have had extreme anger problems or something. But I'm pretty sure there was more to it than that.