
If blacks are genetically criminal then the African empires would've been driven to the ground instantly by corruption and crime. And why don't blacks in the suburbs steal a lot? Suburban households have much better things to steal.
Most of the African countries that emerged after independence are among the most corrupt on the planet. And what of the empires that emerged? There is a reason that Europeans colonized the Dark Continent instead of vice versa :lol:
Fenrisúlfr;7537707 said:
There is a reason that Europeans colonized the Dark Continent instead of vice versa :lol:

Ah, yeah, its called slave labor for mining.... exploitation of natural resources that belong to others..... DUH! Well they were just letting all that go to waist... right ? and what ? went corrupt after some misleading influence ?

if you listen very hard you can hear a faint :lol:
If blacks are genetically criminal then the African empires would've been driven to the ground instantly by corruption and crime.
you accidently acuratly described the African continent
there is definately a genetic component affecting black people's behavior
you accidently acuratly described the African continent
there is definately a genetic component affecting black people's behavior

I'm sorry, but this is enough.

Personally monoxide, I think you're making up stories in order to support your point. If you're not making up stories, then you're grossly exaggerating them. If you're not grossly exaggerating them, then they are rare occurences that you've been unfortunate enough to experience.

Your comment about black people's behavior is extremely negligent towards several competing factors. Black people in American behave differently than blacks in Africa. Black people in the inner city behave differently than blacks in the suburbs. Black women behave differently than black men. You have a predisposition against blacks because of these alleged experiences. However, even if they are true, you're being unfair and biased, and hardly objective at all. You should reevaluate your opinions.
^ well he's "a practicing wiccan" if that shows any indications of anything.... just sayin', not that I like to speculate on the brain waves of those involved with belonging to such things....... [chuckles and rolls the eyes]
Yep...Solmaila, Sudan, Congo, Chad, Eq. Guinea...and guess what race dominates Haitian demographics?

As for the empires...the reason would probably be our superior cranial capacity, though one could easily argue it to be an indirect reason, upon which more direct reasons depended e.g. muskets.
Fenrisúlfr;7537707 said:
Most of the African countries that emerged after independence are among the most corrupt on the planet. And what of the empires that emerged? There is a reason that Europeans colonized the Dark Continent instead of vice versa :lol:

Yes there is a reason why Europe has been the dominant force in the world for the past couple of thousand years, and race isnt the deciding factor. I suggest you do a little reading:

DISCLAIMER: I am not racist and do not believe any race is superior or inferior to another race. Thank you.

Now I am pretty tired of all this special treatment towards different races than white. Now, I don't go out at all so I don't really know if what I'm claiming is true, but the way I see it, a black person could attack a white person and get it tried as assault but if a white person attacks a black person it gets tried as a hate crime? Now I don't really know if this is true or not but this is the way my mind sees it. I am not trying to be offensive to any black person on this forum but don't you think this is (possibly) a tad unfair?

Thoughts? (Please tell me if what I'm saying is incorrect, I just don't know any better)

Hmm, I think you're misunderstood.

A hate crime is a crime that is motivated by someone for a specific reason such as disliking or hating someone of a certain race, disliking someone for being a homosexual, etc.

If a white person attacks a black person it isn't a hate crime unless the crime was racially motivated. That goes for blacks on whites as well.
If blacks are genetically criminal then the African empires would've been driven to the ground instantly by corruption and crime. And why don't blacks in the suburbs steal a lot? Suburban households have much better things to steal.

Not to mention criminality is a construct of law and is only applicable within the confines of a system that relies on things such as "criminality" for it to function properly in the first place.
Hmm, I think you're misunderstood.

A hate crime is a crime that is motivated by someone for a specific reason such as disliking or hating someone of a certain race, disliking someone for being a homosexual, etc.

If a white person attacks a black person it isn't a hate crime unless the crime was racially motivated. That goes for blacks on whites as well.

Until they invent a machine that can read minds, the motivation behind a crime is impossible to know.
Not always, theres stuff that can be learned from body language.

God this fucking pisses me off. If blacks are biologically criminal then throughout their entire history they would've been cheating out fellow tribesmen and frequently stealing from other tribes. They are in poor communities now and are committing crime because they are growing up in broken homes with very little mental stimulation and all they see is drug dealing. There is no possible way that a gene can manifest itself in a few centuries time. Genetics doesn't work that way.

The only separation between any races in genetics is their appearance. There have been studies and they have shown that all humans have the same nature and none are really more criminal than any other, it just matters on environment. Humans haven't been around long enough for major changes to occur. Between different "races".

IQ isn't a perfect measurer of intelligence, and someone define intelligence for me. But I guess they're probably going to define it in a way that favors Europeans.

And Monoxide, cut the bullshit, seriously. I've heard more believable stories from 5 year olds.
Or body language, people can tell if someone has hate for someone, if they find that the attacker has no history with the guy, then one of the possibilities is racial motivation.
Fenrisúlfr;7544602 said:
Yep...Solmaila, Sudan, Congo, Chad, Eq. Guinea...and guess what race dominates Haitian demographics?

As for the empires...the reason would probably be our superior cranial capacity,

Superior cranial capacity? first off, where's the evidence? Second, it is up to you to show us the links between the evidence and what has caused Europeans to conquer tribes all over the world.

though one could easily argue it to be an indirect reason, upon which more direct reasons depended e.g. muskets.

one could argue? It's not that one could, it's that that is what the facts are. Divided tribes, advanced firepower, geography, etc...
Yes there is a reason why Europe has been the dominant force in the world for the past couple of thousand years, and race isnt the deciding factor. I suggest you do a little reading:


I wouldn't put too much faith into Guns, Germs and Steel if I were you. I suggest you read Professor J. Philippe Rushton's review of the book:

J. P. Rushton's review of Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel

People may also want to read Professor Rushton's Race, Evolution, Behaviour as it explores racial differences in intelligence amongst other things:

Race, Evolution, Behaviour
Considering that most history professors praise Jared Diamond, and none that I've ever had have even mentioned Rushton, I think I'll stick with Diamond. Are you one of Rushton's students or something? He sounds rather disgruntled.