Really gay power metal song

Listen to it again, Spiff. It's seriously gay. Any album with piano ballads that gay has to be seen as well.....pretty bloody gay.

Nah, go try again Spiff. Seriously, chuck it on just one more time and you'll see what I mean. I paid five bucks for it and feel ripped off.
I paid $30 and wish I could have paid more for it because I felt like I was cheating the system, that's how good it is. So instead of tracking down the band and giving them the extra cash I decided to sponsor a skinny kids from one of them dusty countries in their honour.
If you're talking lightheartedness, Dragonland would be right up there.

Other than that, pick something from Sonata Arctica. eg Letter to Dana, and there's a few other songs on that album which are pretty "gay"
hahaha no! I just meant that if you use the definition of "Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry" as "gay", then Dragonland are "gay".

They're a pretty cheery sort of band!