Reccommend some Black Metal?

Feb 12, 2004
Portland, Oregon
I've mostly ignored Black Metal up until about a year ago. I've come to like Dimmu a lot and more recently I can't get Old Man's Child "In Defiance of Existance" out of my CD player. I like some Crade of Filth stuff, but only to a point. Beyond that I'm a BM newbie. I just want a few reccommendations for the cream of the crop in black metal/symphonic black metal. The more brutal the better.
Bathory, Venom, Sodom, Watain, Ondskapt, Ofermod, Malign, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Ulver, Negurã Bunget, Taake, Craft, Antaeus, Mütiilation, Vlad Tepes, Nehëmah, NCO, Armagedda, Holmgang, Woods of Infinity, Angantyr, Azaghal, Beherit, Kvist, Nachtmystium, Nifelheim, Arckanum, Morrigan, Nokturnal Mortum, Blodulv, Shining, Iuvenes, Nåstrond, Deathspell Omega, Drudkh.

Those should keep you occupied for a while, I think. Not all are strictly black metal, and not all releases in some cases, but I can't really be bothered to tell you what to get from which bands, general rule is early releases are better.
The VERY underrated first two albums of ...and Oceans, I expect you will enjoy.

Try some Carpathian Forest and Black Witchery also.
Gontyna Kry
Rossomahaar (Imperium Tenebrarum only)
Blut Aus Nord
Posted this good list in a similar thread on another forum.

Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Moonblood - Blut und Krieg
Wolfnacht - Heidentum
The Shadow Order - Raise Your Banners
Countess - Return of the Horned One
Megiddo - The Devil and the Whore
Summoning - Dol Guldur
Ad Hominem - Planet Zog: The End
Fullmoon - United Aryan Evil
Mutiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
Belketre - Ambre Zuetki Vuordrevartre
Nagelfar - Srontgorrth
Abyssic Hate - Cleansing of an Ancient Race
Demoncy - Within the Sylvan Realms of Frost
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Belial - Gods of the Pit Part II
Necromantia/Varathron - Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins
Darkthrone, Berzum, Mayhem, Ulver, Emperor

Album: The Kovenant - In Times Before the light(They used to be black metal and rereleased this album, now they're a shitty experimental space metal project)

I'm still a black metal newbie as well so i could use suggestions
It seems that you like symphonic black metal, or black metal lots of keyboards, more than raw black metal. I suggest:

Nokturnal Mortum
Mortuary Drape
Gontyna Kry
Stormlord (not quite black metal, but I think you would like them)
Emperor's first CD (all the others are not black metal, but good nonetheless)
ShadowOfDeath said:
Darkthrone, Berzum, Mayhem, Ulver, Emperor

Album: The Kovenant - In Times Before the light(They used to be black metal and rereleased this album, now they're a shitty experimental space metal project)

I'm still a black metal newbie as well so i could use suggestions
Suggestion - It's Burzum, and Ulver has only a couple good releases.
I recommend: Bathory "Under the sign of the Black Mark". That is the gateway to all things black and grim. Then try out...hmm ..maybe you should stick with the Under's and go for "Under a funeral moon" by Darkthrone... Both are great in my ears!

If "symphonic" (and not "black") is the keyword, try some Emperor. Or maybe Enslaved.
hardly anyone has mentioned EMPEROR! and thats a fucking sin. emperor is the most inportant black metal band to ever exist. way better than mayhem, burzum, and all the mayhem/burzum ripoff bands.

i would also recommend dissection and enslaved