Recent Purchases

Just ordered this - I edited the design myself, only just finished editing it about ten minutes ago. Using MS Paint. Yeah, I never want to see another pixel in my life - but holy fuck, what a cool shirt

I got "Somethings Wicked This Way Comes" and "Burnt Offerings" by Iced Earth in the mail today. Both of which kick massice amounts of ass. :kickass:
I'm loving the $9.99 March Metal Sale at the local music store. Scored the following last night.

Deicide-To Hell With God
Metallica-Death Magnetic
The Seven Gates-Angel of Suffering :rock:
Gama Bomb's "Citizen Brain" arrived in the mail today, along with Invincible Ultimate Collection Vol .3 (Pure fucking genius by the way) and The Walking Dead Compendium 1 (ALSO fucking genius).
Well I finished my music business course today, I did good. So to reward myself I ordered The King of Fighters: Orochi Collection for PS2 - That's KoF 94, 95, 96, 97 and 98 in one package for about fifteen quid. Absolute bargain, although KoF'95 is already in my collection (I have a PAL copy on playstation, exceptionally rare and probably my prized possession)
I bought the Egmont Overture as performed by The London Philharmonic
it's only one song but it's so fucking awesome that it's worth this incredible super post
oh shit I just remembered I scored a bunch of sick ass vinyls

Raven - The Pack is Back (fuck yeah)
Savage Grace - After the Fall From Grace (Holy shit)
Vendetta - Go and Live... Stay and Die (Hoooly shit)
Hades - Resisting Success (HOLY SHIT)
Van Halen - Van Halen I (classic)
Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick (worth the purchase just for the newspaper)

Got all six for $50-ish? purchased separately of course All of them are in incredible condition
Invincible Ultimate Collection Vol. 5
(Pre-ordered) Invincible Ultimate Collection Vol. 6 (To be released on WEDNESDAY!)

I've been reading Invincible for like a week and a half, and in that time, I've bought and read the first four Ultimate Collections (issues 1-47-ish plus extras) and have become a raving fanboy. You all should look into it. :D
5 Ronin #4
Captain America #615.1
Captain America & Batroc #1
Daken : Dark Wolverine #7
Daredevil Reborn #3
FF #1
Namor : The First Mutant #8
New Mutants #23
Osborn #4
Silver Surfer #2
Thor #620.1
Uncanny X-Force #6
Wolverine and Jubilee #3
X-Men #9

Invincible Ultimate Collection Vol. 6

Avengers Masterworks Collection Vol.1
Captain America : Reborn
Captain America : Man and Wolf
Haunt Vol. 2
Infinity Gauntlet
Iron Man : Armor Wars
Thor : If Asgard Should Perish

All this, and I preorderd Surtur Rising by Amon Amarth. :p