Recent Purchases

This ingenious piece of clothing along with......



That Spider-man T-shirt is totally ace!

As for the first item... :lol:

It's actually the costume for the new Ultimate Spider-Man. On a shirt. Awesome! Details if interested :


The first review pretty much sums it up.

As for the beard, well.... Come on man, who wouldn't want one? :lol:
Devin Townsend - Deconstruction*

*My original purchase was gonna be Sodom's self-titled, but I was short some cash, so I got Deconstruction instead.

...funny how I got Pizza instead of a Cheeseburger.
Sodom's s/t is absolutely amazing. Get it ASAP.

About that. The new record store I go to now is located right beside the venue that holds the Onslaught concert I'm going to on Tuesday. I could probably head in to pick it up and another album as well after I get the tour shirt.

Edit: So, you said Better Off Dead is a great album to get?
Better off Dead is, in my humble opinion, Sodom's best album. It NEVER gets any attention, it's absolutely colossal.

Imagine Sodom playing Tank songs (which coincidentally, they do on BOD) and you're there. One of my favourite albums ever.