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:lol: Yeah that shit happens if you get too high. I smoke in extreme moderation since I don't like being wrecked and having those retarded stoner moments. Those times that you go to another room and can't remember what the hell you went in there for... Three times in a row...

The last and only time I went to work high was many years ago while I was working at a fast food restaurant. It was beyond disastrous. My manager called me for an unscheduled shift at the last minute, and it happened to be right after I smoked too much weed thanks to a jackass friend that can handle it way better than me. Since the manager and I were good friends I straight up told her that I had just gotten higher than expected and should not go to work. She was desperate and told me to come in anyways, and she would buy me a meal to help sober me up. Apparently she didn't realize how high I was... So I walked to work (short walk, it was down the road) feeling like I was floating the entire time.

That was one of the worst work shifts ever.

They put me on the front counter to take people's orders, and I was as high as a god damn kite and unable to function. There was a guy that literally had to explain his order to me like 4 times because it required a slightly more complex set of variables. At the time I could barely tell that this situation was pretty embarrassing because I was higher than I had ever been, and frankly just giving the right change back was a mathematical accomplishment. After about 2 hours I realized I had just made a complete ass of myself in front of about 60 mildly concerned customers. They probably thought I was a token special needs hire that was accidentally put on the front counter.

Never again. :lol:

