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I'll join the Opethbgöery for funz and gigglez and laffz

Blackwater Park
Still Life
My Arms, Your Hearse (very even with Still Life)
Pale Communion

Don't much care for these albums, but I suppose the order is:
A virtually impossible task, but mine would be something like this:

Great/classic/changed my life:
Blackwater Park, Deliverance, Damnation, Morningrise.

REALLY good:
Ghost Reveries

Watershed, Still Life.

OK, somehow never really got into:
My Arms, Your Hearse (disappointment after Morningrise, which for a long time was my bible, still can't really get into it), Pale Communion (first and last song are alright), Heritage (totally partial towards it)

Exactly the same for me
Y U NO liek Orchid?

Forest of October, Under the weeping moon, and In mist...

And it doesn't sound overproduced like a lot of later Opeth.

I like Orchid, but that's about it. Songwriting's all over the place, not a huge fan of the iron maiden guitars and the clean vocals on "The Apostle in Triumph" is shit (and the lyrics are pretty lolz here and there as well).
There are definitely some really really good or great parts on the album though, like the acoustic interlude on "The Twilight is my Robe". "Forest of October" is probably the best song on the album, "Under the Weeping Moon" is pretty good and I cannot stand the intro to "In Mist She was Standing", too long and way too boring riffs to make it interesting for that long...
Morningrise is all in all a much better version of Orchid imo.
I cannot stand the intro to "In Mist She was Standing", too long and way too boring riffs to make it interesting for that long...
Morningrise is all in all a much better version of Orchid imo.

I've actually heard people say the same thing about Empire of the Cloud as well. I actually feel that many of the longer songs actually have a lot of character because the songwriters didn't feel the need to rush and finish the song (not always true, obviously).

The last 3 minutes of In mist.. are IMO right up there with the best music that Opeth has written.

To answer your question about MAYH, it doesn't seem to have any standout songs (or even riffs, tbh). It's like a good one-time watch movie. I never felt the need to go back to listen to it again after the first couple of times. I'd much rather take an album with 2 mind-blowing songs and 4 completely shit songs than an album with 6 songs which are average-good.
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I don't have a problem with the song being long per se, just that the riffs seems to go nowhere. The song gets a lot better after the intro though. I mean, Deliverance has a like... 2-3 minute outro, and i does not feel too long, in comparison.

I love all the songs on MAYH, maybe you should try it again? Or maybe it's just not your cup of tea :)
I don't have a problem with the song being long per se, just that the riffs seems to go nowhere. The song gets a lot better after the intro though. I mean, Deliverance has a like... 2-3 minute outro, and i does not feel too long, in comparison.

I love all the songs on MAYH, maybe you should try it again? Or maybe it's just not your cup of tea :)
I hold the outro of Deliverance and the outro of in mist in pretty much equal standing. Deliverance is much more headbangable though. :kickass:

About MAYH, I noticed.


I can give it another spin today, I guess.

Edit : Doing it now

Edit 2 : Got bored as fuck. Now listening to Dance of December Souls. God damn, I love this album. Definitely in my top 5 of all times.
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i have a hard time understanding how one would be bored by MAYH :( at least just listen to demon of the fall, credence and epilogue, there must be something you can like from that album

never got into DoDS :D that one and DO is probably my least listened to of all Katatonia's stuff