Recomend me some music! thread

A Shedding of Skin and The Heritage were their last two, where they REALLY started getting good. Which is a shame, but their first two albums - Golem and Urm the Mad - plus the EPs 'Misanthropy' and 'Leviathan's Desire' are solid slices of brutality. Much crustier around the edges, but do it faggot
The Sword's new album "Warp Riders" is amazing! The first instrumental is a beastly track, along with Arrows in the Dark. Highly recommended.


And after listening to "Scream" by Ozzy Osbourne in its entirety yesterday, I can strongly recommend...... That you stay the fuck away from it. Terrible, TERRIBLE album.
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Your face is terrible.

Seriously though, I thought Scream sucked. "Digging Me Down" is a great song and "Time" isn't that bad, but none of the others seem like something I'd want to listen to mutilple times.
*cracks knuckles*

Blackened thrash stuff - Obsessed by Cruelty
Straight-up thrash - Persecution Mania OR Agent Orange (I myself prefer PM)
Slightly more heavy metal sounding thrash - Better off Dead
Death metal-ish sounding thrash - Tapping the Vein
Punikier thrash - Masquerade in Blood
Straight-up fucking amazing metal - M16, Sodom or In War And Pieces
Same as the above but with a lot of melodic tinges - Sodom

To be honest, they only truely shitty thing Sodom ever put out was The Final Sign of Evil, which was a re-recording of their debut EP. It depends what you like, nearly every release is different so it can take time to fully appreciate them I for one am worshipping their newest album @In War And Pieces@ since it's pretty much a summary of their entire career
*cracks knuckles*

Blackened thrash stuff - Obsessed by Cruelty
Straight-up thrash - Persecution Mania OR Agent Orange (I myself prefer PM)
Slightly more heavy metal sounding thrash - Better off Dead
Death metal-ish sounding thrash - Tapping the Vein
Punikier thrash - Masquerade in Blood
Straight-up fucking amazing metal - M16, Sodom or In War And Pieces
Same as the above but with a lot of melodic tinges - Sodom

To be honest, they only truely shitty thing Sodom ever put out was The Final Sign of Evil, which was a re-recording of their debut EP. It depends what you like, nearly every release is different so it can take time to fully appreciate them I for one am worshipping their newest album @In War And Pieces@ since it's pretty much a summary of their entire career

Holy shit that's a lot to listen to..
hm.. i'll start with In War And Pieces first and then go from there.
Thanks for the list :kickass:
That's not even their whole catalogue hahaha. But go for broke, mate - surprised you've never really listened to them to be honest. Sodom is usually beginner material for thrash fans.

Oh damn...

And I think i've listened to them one time...
I see their album covers all over the place so I figured i'd give them a listen.
What I've heard of "In War and Pieces" was incredible, but I don't have it so I can't recommend it.

Agent Orange
Persecution Mania

That's what I got.

Also, this shouldn't need mentioning buuuuut....... Kreator and Destruction are similiar, if you haven't heard of them, then you should look them up too.
Well, you're PARTIALLY right - German thrash bands had a distinct aggressive edge to them, but saying that the so-called Teutonic Big 3 are all similar to each other is pushing it a bit if you ask me. Kreator got increasingly more melodic/rubbish, Destruction have pretty much been constant with their style (maybe with the exceptions of Release from Agony, Cracked Brain and Devolution - not to mention the dreadful Neo Destruction releases) and Sodom have probably switched their style up more than the other two combined.

Highly recommended listening though, here's a shortlist;

Pleasure to Kill, Terrible Certainty, Coma of Souls, Enemy of God

Pretty much anything, but I'd say their standouts are Infernal Overkill, Release from Agony, The Antichrist and Devolution. To make things easier, just get their album "Thrash Anthems" was was a bunch of re-recorded tracks from their first six releases.