Recomend me some music! thread

So far, I have In war and pieces, sodom, m-16, and code red on my ipod and i'll listen to it in that order.
And in a little bit agent orange should be there soon and i'll listen to that too.
And hopefully later this week I can look around and see if I can get In War And Pieces somewhere on cd. :rock:
Okay, I listened to them all, minus Agent Orange which i'll listen to tomorrow, and I have to say HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT WAS AWESOME.
So glad I decided to check out Sodom today! :lol:
M-16 FTW

You should definitely look into Agent Orange and Persecution Mania given the chance.
as it goes for Sodom I only like Persecution mania and esp. Agent Orange. This album is so fuckin underrated. Obsessed.. is good too but the production sucks a bit. Never got into the newer stuff. I don't say that the newer stuff is bad but it just doesn't touch me at all.
How, necrobump.

Though I've been meaning to highly recommend a band called Money recently. NWOBHM band from the UK, did an album called 'First Investment' which got reissued in 2008 - go get it. It's class stuff, and not just because the guitarist's son is my singer in Hypertension hahaha.
Another massive bump for Panzerbastard. Just saw these fellas at their first ever UK show (well, they've done two Irish dates, but apparently that doesn't count) and despite only getting three songs, they're pretty fucking good - a weird mix of everything. MASSIVE fans of Celtic Frost, Discharge, Onslaught and Motorhead, so that should give you an idea.
That was their last one, right? New album out this year apparently. I though that "When Death Comes" was merely a 'good' album to be fair - when it comes to Artillery, all anybody ever needs to hear is "By Inheritance". Ace band all 'round though.
Artillery is on the list of thrash bands that I need to check out/buy music from. Whenever I go to buy thrash cds off Amazon, I always get distracted and end up getting something else. :lol:
Just listened to "By Inheritence". Pretty cool song, might pick that album up Friday.

I listened to "Doomsday for the Deciever" by Flotsam and Jetsam earlier. Now THAT is an album that's being bought Friday. For sure! That song was amazing!
Doomsday for the Deceiver is a really good album, probably F&J's best, though some of the lyrics suck. Same could be said of By Inheritance. The first half of the album is petty brilliant though, especially Khomaniac. If you can find the four-track demo they did after it called Welcome To The Mind Factory, well it's even better. I must say that Flemming Ronsdorff's vocals get on my nerves after a while and I prefer their new singer, but the music isn't as good as it used to be. When Death Comes is a good album for sure, but not incredible (Delusions of Grandeur is a great song, and the original version is on that Mind Factory demo I was talking about). My Blood is the new album and I don't think it's as good as the last one, though again it's certainly worthy of a few listens...
Right on Keenan, Going to listen to Artillery's latest tonight. "My Blood". Man I am diggin "when death comes" for sure.

I've got these few in my cart, ready to be bought when I get paid tomorrow :

Flotsam and Jetsam - Doomsday for the Deciever (20th Anniversary Edition. THREE DISCS!)
Heathen - Victims of Deception
Realm - Suiciety
Vio-Lence - Eternal Nightmare

Might throw "By Inheritance" by Artillery on there too.

I've got these few in my cart, ready to be bought when I get paid tomorrow :

Flotsam and Jetsam - Doomsday for the Deciever (20th Anniversary Edition. THREE DISCS!)
Heathen - Victims of Deception
Realm - Suiciety
Vio-Lence - Eternal Nightmare

Might throw "By Inheritance" by Artillery on there too.

They are all great. The Realm album may seem inaccessable at first but give it a few listens and you'll find it so goddamn rewarding, the tech riffage is unfuckingbelieveable.

The Heathen, well that should be mandatory, great album apart from the stupid theme-tune-esque major harmonies in the final song and the F&J 3-disc is grand, I well prefer the remixed version over the original.

Definitely chuck in By Inheritance aswell. I'd be surprised if you don't like it.

Dave, No Place for Disgrace isn't a bad album either despite the slightly weak production. It all went wrong for Flots after that. New album is utter pisswankage.