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forthedyingbeautiful said:
I think pro-tools should be banned in general.To many artists re not even worth being aroud but with pro-tools they can sound just as good as needed. ie: all pop stars who really can't sing but can thanks to pro-tools.

You have no fucking idea what ProTools is.
Erik said:
You have no fucking idea what ProTools is.
Sorry but I have a very good idea of what it is. In fact two of my good friends have the lastest versions at their home studios. Since they still live with their mothers and spend all their money on recording equipment and programs. Not that they have really done anything with them yet.
forthedyingbeautiful said:
Sorry but I have a very good idea of what it is. In fact two of my good friends have the lastest versions at their home studios. Since they still live with their mothers and spend all their money on recording equipment and programs. Not that they have really done anything with them yet.

Wow you're an idiot.
forthedyingbeautiful said:
Sorry but I have a very good idea of what it is. In fact two of my good friends have the lastest versions at their home studios. Since they still live with their mothers and spend all their money on recording equipment and programs. Not that they have really done anything with them yet.
So what is ProTools then, and why is it in your opinion worse for music than analog recording?
What is Pro-Tools? Hmm let's see, maybe it's software that you would put on your computer, a high powered one at that, that is your basic and advanced recording interface. Where you can anything and everything you want to do to your recorded product. Stupid enough sounding for you, I thought I'd dumb down my answer so you could actually understand it?

I think it has destroyed the recording industry just because I like the sound of analog recording better. Plain and simple. Although there are ways to use your Pro-Tools and still make it have an analog sound to it.
forthedyingbeautiful said:
What is Pro-Tools? Hmm let's see, maybe it's software that you would put on your computer, a high powered one at that, that is your basic and advanced recording interface. Where you can anything and everything you want to do to your recorded product. Stupid enough sounding for you, I thought I'd dumb down my answer so you could actually understand it?
Oh, it's quite alright, I am currently studying sound engineering at university level and have access to about 10 ProTools HD, TDM and LE systems (all worth more than you) that I use regularly, so no need mate.

ProTools is not "a software" as such by the way, it's a complete combined hardware interface & software solution -- you don't just "put ProTools on your computer" like that.

forthedyingbeautiful said:
I think it has destroyed the recording industry just because I like the sound of analog recording better. Plain and simple. Although there are ways to use your Pro-Tools and still make it have an analog sound to it.
Well, you're making no fucking sense. People think that "ProTools" is some sort of magical fucking tool that makes everything sound plastic and manufactured. It's just a god damn digital audio workstation. It's all in the hands of the producer -- I can show you terribly overproduced pieces of shit done on entirely analog systems and I can show you recordings where it would be positively fucking impossible for you to tell whether it's a digital recording or an analog one, much less what digital audio workstation was used (it's not like ProTools is the only DAW; all modern DAWs like Nuendo, Logic, Samplitude, Cubase SX, etc. can be used for exactly the same things!)

I get fucking tired of people saying "oh I hate ProTools, it makes everything sound fake!" when they obviously don't know SHIT. You wouldn't fucking blame Microsoft Word if someone wrote a terrible novel with it.
I fucking hate Microsoft Word, it makes all modern novels so fucking slick and error free. I prefer my prose kvlt, and with teh errorz. Much more underground to use an analogue type writer, or old fashoned pen...

\m/ \m/
Sorry if I was wrong in saying you put it on your computer. I understand what you mean. It's not that I think that it sound all plastic and all, I'm not really sure what I'm getting at exactly. I just do not overproduced stuff in general but with the inception of Pro-Tools it has just seemed to get more prevalent than just a good clean production. But that really doesn't make sense either. Aww fuck it. I think it's more a case of people having tools at their disposal that they really do not understand and just over do it.
I just do not overproduced stuff in general but with the inception of Pro-Tools it has just seemed to get more prevalent than just a good clean production.
Yeah... Listen to 80's radio rock, synth and glam/hair rock or Metallica's self-titled album and try to tell me overproduction was not REALLY prevalent even 10-20 years ago... Sure ProTools and other DAWs makes it easy to, for example, do stuff like pitch correction for voice and cut/paste of different takes to get something sounding "perfect"; those things among others very easily sound plastic but like all tools, it can be used for good things or abused. Don't blame the tool, blame the user.

I think it's more a case of people having tools at their disposal that they really do not understand and just over do it.
THIS is more like it. People have insane amounts of possibilities on their hands; they hear what others (like Peter Tägtgren and his extremely polished Abyss Studio productions; now for the record I think that Peter is a talented guy and those productions have their place) do and try to copy it, and so after a while every modern album sounds the same, except most people don't have the know-how and talent of people like Tägtgren and so it sounds fucking shit instead.

It's a sad state of affairs but things have always been the same -- trends within recording come and go. When you listen to albums from 80's thrash bands or 70's bands like Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath you can instantly peg it as being from that decade only from the production. I predict that there will be a backlash against the current trend of "perfection" and polishing and making everything as big and loud as possible soon... People like to hear some rawness and imperfection.
It seems more like oon of those times where you were shot down miserably and changed your position accordingly.
No, I still like analog sounding recording better even of they are done with pro-tools or not. So, I just was mistaken. As he said blame the user not the tools ans he was right. He just showed me were I was wrong. So yeah kinda I guess.
So yeah, basically what I said. Don't worry though, it's happened to all of us mate.
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