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V.V.V.V.V. said:
He's right, you know. :p

Your anti-Carcass stance is leading you to look like an ill-educated asshole. I command you to listen to their back catalogue again, and then examine just how vapid In Flames sound by way of comparison.

That advice, by the way, is free, from one friend to another :kickass:
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Heartwork is OK but lacks in emotion and memorability, in my opinion. The Jester Race, however, rules.

No emotion? Are you fucking mad ?

If the lyrics and musician ship of Death Certificate, to name but one of the highly charged tracks on this album fail to move you, while any of the filler on Jester Race does, I think you need to seek urgent psychiactric help.
Carcassian is right. The solo on Buried Dreams beats any solo on Jester Race, and there is more aggression and twice if not thrice the riffs. I love all four albums, but on a general scale, Necroticism and Heartwork have the edge over Jester Race and Whoracle.
In Flames blows ass. The Greys, when Agalloch starts playing shitty modern rock like In Flames, then you can say "fuck Agalloch." And every Agalloch release is better than anything In Flames could do, even albums like The Jester Race have nothing on The Mantle. In Flames are really shitty melodic death too, Heartwork > Any In Flames.

(Edit: By the way The Greys, nothing against you, just I don't see much in In Flames, apart from maybe birthing(if a word) a genre with some really good bands, but they themselves don't do anyhtign for me.)
metal_wrath said:
(Later) Carcass is more Death'n'roll and they do not match the melodic POWER of In Flames in any era.


Heartwork is really not Death N' Roll at all. The melodic elements of said opus are far more organic and emotional than the cheesy maiden inspired cliche fest that it early In Flames...
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