Pizzicato Heartstrings
well your favourite genre is grindcore...
You beat me to it.

well your favourite genre is grindcore...
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus?
I've heard that album. the music's great, I just don't like the vocals.
what does that have to do with anything? I like doom metal, I just don't care for Candlemass.
Deeds of Flesh, Vomit Remnants, Godless Truth, Guttural Secrete, Beheaded, Unmerciful, Decrepit Birth, Inherit Disease, Septycal Gorge.alright guys I'm looking for br00000000000000000000000000tal DM like suffocation
solid production (where I can tell one drum beat from another, and one riff from another) and at least decent vocals (no monotone grunting)
tell me the most popular bands you can think off (that would fit the criteria)
thank you, that is all
I am looking for some Grindcore/GoreGrind/DeathGrind, something grind . . . heh. Anything like Devourment, or Implosive Disgorgence.
Vermin (Swe) - Plunge Into Oblivion
any good ?
Requests for brutal death metal are getting so boring!!