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you need to shut the fuck up,

perhaps you should consider the same when you really have no case to argue?? (like that reply to greys)

I think he's saying that songwriting matters more than the technical skill needed to play a riff, and I agree with that very strongly.

nobody here believes that more than greys

the discussion is not songwriting vs technical proficiency

the discussion is the complexity of meshuggah
perhaps you should consider the same when you really have no case to argue?? (like that reply to greys)
You should get used to the fact that if you don't see sense in something it doesn't mean that this something doesn't actually have sense. Plus, I'm begging you - don't get your ass to Black Metal thread for spreading around your bullshit. You have nothing to do there.
You should get used to the fact that if you don't see sense in something it doesn't matter that this something doesn't actually have sense. Plus, I'm begging you - don't get your ass to Black Metal thread for spreading around your bullshit. You have nothing to do there.

:lol: stop getting offended, I am not insulting you
Everyone should at least listen to Altera Enigma; I doubt that very many people here, if any, have heard their music.
I said what I think about it on the previous page. And I don't give a fuck about what he thinks about the certain band.
PS: And I'm not getting offended, wtf :erk:
I have been playing guitar for around 6 years(one year of lessons). Majority of Meshuggah riffs can be played on one string with mutes(e on a 6 string, do not play 7). Sadly you probably can't even do that regardless how easy it is. If you go buy a guitar I guarantee in a short while you can play and write music like meshuggah. In heavy music on what can be done with instruments on a 10 scale would give meshuggah a 3 and in music in general they they don't stand to anything. Meshuggah is nothing more than an amateur gateway band. I would say their drummer is a good drummer but that's all the credit they get. I am not even a great guitarist and realize how simple they are. Bands that are not even considered tech have harder music to play than them.

Personally I do not like Meshuggah. Or at least what I've heard. But just because you can play their music doesn't mean it is bad music. Even very simple music can be very good... case in point... Burzum or Darkthrone. Both are very simple and repetitive but both have made great albums. What makes music good is the quality of the songwriting and the emotional content of the music. Not how technical it is.
Personally I do not like Meshuggah. Or at least what I've heard. But just because you can play their music doesn't mean it is bad music. Even very simple music can be very good... case in point... Burzum or Darkthrone. Both are very simple and repetitive but both have made great albums. What makes music good is the quality of the songwriting and the emotional content of the music. Not how technical it is.

You are completely misunderstanding me. I am not basing music on technical skills,etc.. it's just meshuggah fans act like meshuggah is complex,technical,prog etc.. more so than other bands like they are somehow above other metal bands in terms of skills and that is what my comments are based off. I am being an asshole reflecting on how stupid and ignorant their fans are for exaggerating . I don't think that just because someone can play something it makes what they play less or bad,etc... blah blah. You took me very wrong.
Personally I do not like Meshuggah. Or at least what I've heard. But just because you can play their music doesn't mean it is bad music. Even very simple music can be very good... case in point... Burzum or Darkthrone. Both are very simple and repetitive but both have made great albums. What makes music good is the quality of the songwriting and the emotional content of the music. Not how technical it is.
Right. Modern people can play works of Bach and Mozart, but it doesn't make them any less talented, doesn't kill their status of geniuses. And their works are still masterpieces.
You are completely misunderstanding me. I am not basing music on technical skills,etc.. it's just meshuggah fans act like meshuggah is complex,technical,prog etc.. more so than other bands like they are somehow above other metal bands in terms of skills and that is what my comments are based off. I am being an asshole reflecting on how stupid and ignorant their fans are for exaggerating . I don't think that just because someone can play something it makes what they play less or bad,etc... blah blah. You took me very wrong.

OK... I understand you now... but you must admit that at least from the point of view of rhythm, etc. Meshuggah is very advanced at least in terms of metal music.
The Greys needs to understand what is the mathematics of music and how "easy" it is. And how "easy" is to write music, based on tonns of polyrythm. And I'm talking not only about the guitar (to the fact that you play it 6 years and so on). It is very technical. The majority of their stuff is based on jazz, while jazz is actually the most difficult music to play.
The Greys needs to understand what is the mathematics of music and how "easy" it is. And how "easy" is to write music, based on tonns of polyrythm. And I'm talking not only about the guitar (to the fact that you play it 6 years and so on).

Polyrhytms as I said can be quite vexing... though there are 'tricks' to learning some types of them. My former composition was really good at tapping out various meters against one another... I was never that advanced.
OK... I understand you now... but you must admit that at least from the point of view of rhythm, etc. Meshuggah is very advanced at least in terms of metal music.

I strongly disagree and feel people exaggerate them and do not see how someone can put them as musicians above just about all metal music and music. What are you basing this on ?. Do you play an instrument and know or do you just agree with people on the internet.
I strongly disagree and feel people exaggerate them and do not see how someone can put them as musicians above just about all metal music and music. What are you basing this on ?. Do you play an instrument and know or do you just agree with people on the internet.

Read my above post... I play piano and guitar and have a BA in theory and comp. So yes I know a few things about the subject matter.
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