By the way, kudos to WeAreInFlames to starting this thing up. Please reply to my comment - you seem to have a lot of good ideas, and all your logos rule.
At some point you have to define conformity. Because if we say that it simply means to do what other people do, than eating, breathing, sleeping, etc, is conformist. If it means simply doing what other people do
because they're doing it, then you claim it includes not killing people, going to school, However, I think that the reason people do those things is not because everyone else does it, but because of the consequences of not doing it, which would be death and life in poverty, respectively. So, operating from that definition of conformity, I ask you, is listening to metal conformist? Why do you listen to it?
Reasons that would be conformist:
Because all the cool people listen to metal
Because other people told me I should
because I like the music/message/atmosphere/culture
Approximately 100% of metalheads are in it for nonconformist reasons, seeing as metal has never been "cool."
I feel that my life must have some meaning. Some purpose, and religion offers that to me. It offers that to a lot of people. If you choose to gain a sense of meaning from some other source, I believe that's completely possible, and I hope you find it - search, and you will. But please, for those of us who choose to do this by accepting a certain religion or philosophy, don't rail against the church or mosque or temple from which we draw it.
Now then, nobody has any problem with that. However, the shit you guys believe is just incredible. No offense, but stem cells have no right to life, premarital sex won't send you to hell, Jesus is not coming back and gay people are decent human beings. I realize I'm generalizing that all Christians are like the US Christian Right. However, the fact that some Christians believe these things should explain why rational atheists bash them.
However, the point of this thread (can't really remember what it was) was not to bash Christians, so much as (If I remember correctly) to question how one can reconcile blatantly anti-Christian music with religious beliefs. I personally think that if your beliefs force you to ignore a band's message, then you're defeating the purpose of the music. On the other hand, it's hard to reconcile Slayer's Altar of Sacrifice and Sunday Mass... so, if we could talk about that?