Religion and Metal

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Conventionally, religion implies the supernatural and deities. You could define religion as broader, but then it would lose its meaning since there are numerous other terms that define the same thing as what you would consider a religion.

I think it makes most sense to study what people use as the philosophy with which they organize their lives. Religion, philosophy, politics, science, drugs, sex... anything can be a religion and have the same eventual effect.
Religion is not my personal thing but Im a big fan of free choice so I dont have a problem with a person following a religion if it makes them happy. As long as they dont use it to hurt people or try to push it on others, Im cool with it
Donnie Darko said:
Religion is not my personal thing but Im a big fan of free choice so I dont have a problem with a person following a religion if it makes them happy. As long as they dont use it to hurt people or try to push it on others, Im cool with it

The problem is, in most cases it is not free choice at all, and just a vertical transmission of the meme from parents to children (mostly in the more fundamental cases). Also, in most cases concerning fundamental religion, it doesn't make them happy, it just shatters their ability to ever at least partly comprehend reality, and gives them false hopes and false fears.
First of all, I'll say that I am a believer in Christ and all the Bible's teachings; I have no shame in that whatsoever. But do I believe in the Bible for every last literal word? No; believing it in a completely literal fashion would be ignorant in my opinion. The Bible is full of metaphors and symbols. Just look at Revelation, for example.

Contrary to popular belief, just because you're a Christian doesn't mean your taste in music has to be affected. I love metal and always will; the universe would implode if I had my Iron Maiden albums taken away from me. :) It's true that I don't agree with the anti-religious and Satanic messages given out through some metal...But honestly, do you think I'm gonna fanatically preach out against the opinions of others? :rolleyes: Everyone has the right to their own belief, and I'm disappointed at the zealots that do absolutely nothing except make other Christians like myself look bad. It's only done a disservice to the reputation of Christianity by turning people away.

Still, it disappoints me that people automatically label Christians as fanatical, bigotted literalists that are only out to take down anything that goes against their values. It's pure ignorance of what the original concept of Christianity was: love. Ever heard of "love your neighbor as yourself"? That's one of the most important values in the religion, and it's not what these zealous fanatics are practicing. I simply ask not to label the religion based on the actions of these narrow and intolerant people.

Again, I love metal, and I love Jesus. These two aspects of my life affect each other in no way.
Crossblade said:
Ever heard of "love your neighbor as yourself"? That's one of the most important values in the religion, and it's not what these zealous fanatics are practicing. I simply ask not to label the religion based on the actions of these narrow and intolerant people.

You can love your neighbours just as well without a religion as with one. One of the things that bothers me about religions is the fact that most of them claim to give their believers something that is exclusive only to those who believe the particular religion. In reality nothing is exclusive to any religion, every religion is based on nothing but blind faith, and does not have a rational basis. While your non-fundamental religious beliefs are harmless, provide you with an imaginary friend, and may even give you more happiness in your life as you would have without them, they are undeniably irrational and all they can offer are placebo effects.
You can love your neighbours just as well without a religion as with one. One of the things that bothers me about religions is the fact that most of them claim to give their believers something that is exclusive only to those who believe the particular religion. In reality nothing is exclusive to any religion, every religion is based on nothing but blind faith, and does not have a rational basis. While your non-fundamental religious beliefs are harmless, provide you with an imaginary friend, and may even give you more happiness in your life as you would have without them, they are undeniably irrational and all they can offer are placebo effects.

Yeah, I've always felt it was stupid to think that only Christians can turn the other cheek. The only real part of Christianity that's religious is the bit where there's an almighty being who loves you but will totally smite you if you do one of ten bad things.
What about pedophiles?

I think that everyone has the right to believe and do anything they want unless it harms someone else against their will. So..pedophiles, no. Junkies, yes. Christians, yes. Crusades, no.

*I would define harm as mental, psychological, physical, economic, social, or whatever.
I think that everyone has the right to believe and do anything they want unless it harms someone else against their will.

Okay. Try this: people who believe in unproven entities harm us directly by denying reality, and causing us to incur problems caused by sins of inaction. Kill all Christians now.

Is that what you meant?

I don't have a problem with anyone who actually follows Jesus' original ideas, but I really hate the church itself, for being a corrupt, intolerant, mass-murdering, promoter of ignorance and deceit, and an all-around piece of shit. Sorry to anyone who is offended. Stay out of Norway next time.

Ok, I'll stay out of Norway, and not remember every Norwegian by your opinions.
I think that everyone has the right to believe and do anything they want unless it harms someone else against their will. So..pedophiles, no. Junkies, yes. Christians, yes. Crusades, no.

*I would define harm as mental, psychological, physical, economic, social, or whatever.

I do disagree with the crusades immensely with what was forced on kings and people ect.'s BIG thorn in the side of the church, and no matter what it cannot be reconciled. I'm Catholic and I agree pretty much with what you wsaid there EXCEPT druggies that have children that THEY are hurting.
But honestly, do you think I'm gonna fanatically preach out against the opinions of others?

isn't that what you're doing by calling yourself a "Christian"?

It's only done a disservice to the reputation of Christianity by turning people away.

Why do all Christians concern themselves with the number of their fellowship? What sort of spirit of self does Christianity grant one?

Again, I love metal, and I love Jesus. These two aspects of my life affect each other in no way.

I hate you.
I'm an atheist, but really see no point to anti-religious music. First of all, I think all the Christian bashing (while warranted) is a bit cliché, but more importantly, the metal scene is already predominantly non-religious, so it's not like the message has any sort of measurable productivity.

I still aspire to get a band going someday, but my intended theme is natural history (astronomy, geology, evolution, etc.). More specifically, I intend to delve into evolutionary themes as much in my music as I do in my everyday life, but rather than bashing religion, I'll make no mention of it what-so-ever, because frankly, I think I'm above that, and also because I think that ignoring religion altogether is a tr00er atheistic policy than negatively acknowledging it.
rather than bashing religion, I'll make no mention of it what-so-ever, because frankly, I think I'm above that, and also because I think that ignoring religion altogether is a tr00er atheistic policy than negatively acknowledging it.
How about activist religious nuts trying to turn their bullshit faith into law? Can you really ignore that? Will you just keep your head down while they teach intelligent design in classrooms?
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