Resurrected Power Metal Thread

Silence does have The Power of One and Black Sheep, which are both absolutely killer songs.

It has some lackluster stuff too, but a decent album.
I just heard this song from Spellblast:

Listening to some other stuff of theirs sounds good.
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I just heard this song from Spellblast:

Listening to some other stuff of theirs sounds good.

Not bad; definitely classic cheesy power metal. :cool: Not quite as catchy as I like it to be.

Recently stumbled across these guys. Kind of in the vein of Eternal Tears of Sorrow, so a bit of a melodeath influence; but still very (extreme) power metal. Lots of wooden strings, and all scream vocals. I think this video actually cuts the song short, but you can get the idea.

How come I've never heard of them? It's some of the catchiest power metal that I've ever heard. They have two full-length albums. How long have they been around?