Resurrected Power Metal Thread

Fairyland-Score to a new beginning(amazing new album!!!!!!!!!!)

If you like Daniel Heiman`s(Lost Horizon) vocal check out:
Heed-the call
Crystal eyes-Confessions of the maker

What about Riot`s Thundersteel album, It`s a classic!!!

Since Pagan`s mind is mentioned, I will mention Circus Maximus.They are a brilliant prog/power band with a great vocalist, in my opinion,way better then PM.
I agree with this. I love the vocals but their music sounds a bit too simplistic for me sometimes. However, they have some really really catchy tunes and I look forward to seeing where they go from where they are now.

Definitely; and they're gaining popularity. The more popular they get, the more likely they'll be able to afford permanent members.
Circus Maximus gets points taken off for not having Jorn Viggo on guitar, not having Ronny Hansen on keys, not being completely centered around esoteric/religious/paranormal lyrical topics, and using the word 'Circus' in their band name.
There's a fantastic Maiden-esque band from my area I'm seeing in a month or so that people should check out. Nothing groundbreaking, but catchy, melodic power/heavy metal with an AMAZING vocalist. Listen to the high note he nails at the end of Dark Heart of the City:

Ahh! It's good to see Striker getting some recognition! These guys are local to my city, I'm mates with most of them, I went to music college with their lead guitarist and they're very active in the local music scene in my city. Great band, their CD release party is tonight and it's gonna be a blast.
well, i have yet to find a powermetal band that is better than Wuthering Heights. they have everything a powermetal band needs. i love their vocalist! thats how a vocalist in this genre should sound
Night of the Stormrider then Burnt Offerings for me.

While Dante's Inferno is probably their best song, Night of the Stormrider is much better as an album.

Also Greely doing NotSR songs>Barlow doing them.
Why do people talk about Iced Earth? They're the most fucking average band ever. Their career has been a string of deeply average albums highlighted by some fantastic shit; I can say without hearing half their stuff that the only thing I'll ever enjoy from them is Alive in Athens, for the twin reasons that the lifeless studio performances are gone and that they picked their less awful songs for it.
*foams at mouth*

Is there anything worth getting from Helloween? I should state that I have Keeper One, and I honestly wouldn't buy it if I had the chance to choose again.
Also, is Gamma Ray worthwhile?

'Keeper 1' is very easily my favorite of the 2 keeper albums, so....if you at least like songs such as 'I'm Alive', 'Halloween', and 'Twilight of the Gods' from that album though, then Gamma Ray is very much worth getting, since a more modern production take on that sound with maybe a tiny bit of experimentation pretty much sums up their discography. I would start with 'Land of the Free' or 'Powerplant'. The 'Blast From The Past' best of is great as well since it has a bunch of new, superior versions of the best songs from the era with Ralf Scheepers on vocals.
Yeah man, Opeth for-fucking-ever

I fucking love Helloween, but I like their albums "The Dark Ride" and their most recent, "Gambling With the Devil" better than their 'classic' material though I'm a huge fan of the Keepers and Walls of Jericho. Gamma Ray is fucking ace, I recommend "Land of the Free", "No World Order", "Powerplant" or "Somewhere out in Space"

But then again you don't like Opeth so this may just all be in vain