Resurrected Power Metal Thread

Even if you don't like Eric Adams' voice, there's no denying his impressive vocal range, versatility and amazing vocal control.
Yeah, sure, but he what does he do with it? He shouts and then does the last half of every song in a falsetto. Manowar are great, but sorta like 80's Arnold Schwarzenegger movies are great; there's no subtlety, no attempt at credibility, just over-the-top manliness. I think some of their earlier stuff was more like actual music and less like an elaborate joke, but yeah. Still, when it comes down to it they release compact discs containing sound files that bring me pleasure more consistently than Hammerfall.
I never said HammerFall was any good. I just said Joacim is agood vocalist... Besides HammerFall has gotten more crappy not saying the vocals got crappy. Just the songs in general. Their latest is a disappointment
I'm not really a Manowar fan at all, too much filler and misogynist junk in the discography for me, but Adams is indeed a favorite. It's things like the one time he lets the air flow in that live 'Phantom of the Opera' he does with HolyHell (the phantom of the op-RAAAAHHHH), where the tone and control and power is just so incredibly hard hitting.
to me Edguy was always a mediocre and uninspired band

Bingo. I saw them live when my band opened for them last year and they were awful. They couldn't hold a candle to any newer power metal bands. Speaking of which has anyone listened to the new Hibria cd? It's pretty damned amazing.
Your saying Joacim is a joke? Hes a very good vocalist... He's done quite some good in HammerFall and his "Beyond The Gates" isn't too shabby either.

well, if you take vocalists like Hani Kürsch, Nils Patrik Johanson, Eric Adams, Matthias Blad or Daid Defeis you'll see that Cans can't even compare with them. there is no power, no balls in his thin voice. to me he is a one big joke of a vocalist
well, if you take vocalists like Hani Kürsch, Nils Patrik Johanson, Eric Adams, Matthias Blad or Daid Defeis you'll see that Cans can't even compare with them. there is no power, no balls in his thin voice. to me he is a one big joke of a vocalist

People are more or less born with the voice they are born with. I'm not huge on HF but his technique is certainly very much improved from the debut, and he is surely capable of singing a lot. There are other vocalists with freakishly small levels of bass and such in their voice; Mark Shelton, Billy Corgan, for two I can name right off the top of my head.
one song?

Several songs, multiple album covers, etc. I assume you're kidding.


Can't find an image of the fold-out of Triumph of Steel, but I feel like maybe you get the idea.
I don't think about it like that. Only Pleasure Slave ever really struck out to me and then only because it's kind extreme in it. Even for them I mean.

Yeah the album covers.
dude, why have I never heard this shit!?!!!

Bingo. I saw them live when my band opened for them last year and they were awful. They couldn't hold a candle to any newer power metal bands. Speaking of which has anyone listened to the new Hibria cd? It's pretty damned amazing.
No I havent heard the new Hibria, no fucking clue where to get it from!
From what I've heard, it's not as good as Defying the Rules.

Someone finally uploaded this song to youtube. So badass:

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Most power metal is good or decent. Theres only a few bands I dislike. Heres some good bands to check out that some of you may not have heard of.


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