Resurrected Power Metal Thread

Shit Running Wild are slaying me lately, I've listened to like 6 albums and they're all fantastic! Black Hand Inn might even be better than Blazon Stone. Trust me to get into them when they are just splitting up...
I wouldn't necessarily call Running Wild power metal, but Black Hand Inn is a masterpiece. The Phantom of Black Hand Hill just fills me with energy every time I hear it.
Somebody recommend me some good GUITAR-DRIVEN Euro power metal albums with reasonable numbers of FAST SONGS. Something along the lines of the first two Human Fortress albums.
Thanks. I'd like a little less of the neoclassical stuff, but it sounds good. Vocalist has range, but also testicles. Mixing's a bit rough, but the songwriting is excellent. I'll be looking out for this.
I'm down with keyboards, but I prefer they not be of the symphonic sort.
Just got Brainstorm-Soul Temptation, and it pretty much rules. Nice and heavy. Need to check out some more of their albums.
Yeah, I came around to it. Specifically, to Knights In Shining Armor, Defenders of the Crown, most of Gladiator of Rome, Mortal Sinful Wrath, and The Valiant. The rest is pretty bad. But the style of the album is what I'm looking for.

Also, which Stormwarrior album?
I admit that "Siege Tower" is a pretty awful song. The tunes you named are definitely the best on the record.

Stormwarrior's a bit faster than Human Fortress. The only album of theirs I've heard is the most recent album, Heading Northe.

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Theire singere ise terriblee, thee productione ise ae littlee tooe rawe, ande they'vee founde ae moree annoyinge grammaticale idiosyncracye than that ov the very voice ov the very silence, Behemoth, but the songs are really fucking good. I'll look into that one for sure.
Stormwarrior's first album is pure early (re: Kai Hansen fronted) Helloween worship, and is awesome.
Yeah, this is pretty fucking good.

EDIT: From youtube:
ooo these guys are awesome, if they sound this good live, then they must sound absolutely fucking awesome on CD

Yeah, anyone who can sound that good soloing on an unplugged guitar on a castle wall is a badass.