Resurrected Power Metal Thread

Some long sentences there, and none of that made a whole lot of sense. "I like Black/Death metal, but I don't really like Black/Death metal and one time I was listening to a power metal band but they were kind of gay because I don't like them but now I do because I grew up or something so then I decided since they were good I'll listen to another power metal band but they were boring like the death metal bands that I don't like and I like some death metal because it's brootal but sometimes they are to boring and the harsh vocals are too over the top even though I don't like new power metal because my butthole hurts from a long night at the gay bar that had this awesome black metal band but they weren't black metal because they didn't have harsh vocals so they were more like really fast heavy metal like if Judas Priest speed picked all the time and had Sebastian Bach on vocals but he was really angry. Yeah."
Not a big Power metal fan by any means.

Listening to Dark at Dawn. MA lists them as Dark Power Metal. This band is pretty good.

Also I would highly recommend Galneryus to any fans of power metal.
I agree dude. Perhaps back in the late 90's/early 2000's there was an overabundance of Power metal bands getting promo cause there was a resurgence in the genre but now i think it's definitely not the case.
There seems like endless amounts of kvult black metal, deathcore and grind bands everywhere you look, much more than PM imo. and at least here in Sydney,Australia every fucking second band is Metalcore and we have a handful of Power Metal acts most of whom are really good because it's not being done as some sort of trend rather a choice made against the tide because the bands really love that music.
More power(excuse the pun) to them!!:kickass:
p.s Anybody here checked out the latest Cd by Finnish band MASTERSTROKE? I really like it and it sounds like a good mixture of NEVERMORE and EVERGREY. Actually it very much reminds me of later day German band ANGEL DUST whom i miss very much!!:kickass:

man if this band Masterstroke sound anything like Angel Dust then i'm sold one of the best ever imo.
Anybody listened to Celesty? They are a finnish band, 4 Albums, Legacy Of Hate being the best. I've never heard a song from them I didn't like and they are also awesome live!

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That crystal viper album is fantastic, great recommendation there. The vocalist works really well, don't hear many female ones.

Nice to hear some new metal that is actually good! :kickass:
Call me an elitist but I cannot get into metal of any genre if there are females in the band, no matter how good the music is. Does anyone else have this problem?

I have this problem as well. The only time I can listen to music with female vocalists is when I can't really tell it's a female vocalist, i.e. later Arch Enemy