Resurrected Power Metal Thread

The gender of band members has no bearing for me, if it sounds good who cares? It is indeed retarded to discount a band simply because there are female members!

And to re-iterate, crystal viper are very very good. Trying to find the album on a site that will order to the UK now, not having much luck. I'm living in the wrong country for my metal tastes really, all the bands I really like seem to stick to the other countries.
Either you're not fully stating what it is you believe or you're really stupid. Do you mean bands with a female vocalist, or bands with a female at any position? For example, Bolt Thrower is all male aside from a female bassist.
What you guys think of the new White Skull? I didn't check it out yet but I'm thinkin of givin it a spin today. So far they are quite promising.
Call me an elitist but I cannot get into metal of any genre if there are females in the band, no matter how good the music is. Does anyone else have this problem?

if you're including bolt thrower in that and it's the only actual reason for not liking them then I think you're sexist because I sense zero oestogen levels in the music.

edit I hadn't seen that they've already been mentioned.
The gender of band members has no bearing for me, if it sounds good who cares? It is indeed retarded to discount a band simply because there are female members!

And to re-iterate, crystal viper are very very good. Trying to find the album on a site that will order to the UK now, not having much luck. I'm living in the wrong country for my metal tastes really, all the bands I really like seem to stick to the other countries.

Location: USA

Buy It Now £4.88 +£4.21

that's probably the cheapest option
Thanks, didn't look at auctions from the usa first time round, will probably go for one of those. Damn fair price too!
Hey what happened to talking about White Skull. Especially their new release. I still haven't spinned their latest unfortunately. I figured they would make a fine discussion.