Resurrected Power Metal Thread

I'm not going to waste my time digging through albums and listing them. Speaking of wasting my time, I'm off to class. Educational waste of time, at least its worth something.
I have no idea what just happened. :rolleyes:

Question for WaiF--you don't think heavier instrumentals go well with clean power-metal singing, but I saw somewhere else on the forum that you play in a power/thrash combo band yourself? What's your sound, then? (Can I hear? :D --also I'm from Andover originally, so hey, if you're ever playing a show, let me know.)
Question for WaiF--you don't think heavier instrumentals go well with clean power-metal singing, but I saw somewhere else on the forum that you play in a power/thrash combo band yourself? What's your sound, then? (Can I hear? :D --also I'm from Andover originally, so hey, if you're ever playing a show, let me know.)

Nothing wrong with the style, you just can't do the soaring vocals. Thinking about this more, I think part of the problem is production. I don't like the squeaky clean metalcore production combined with precise corish thrash riffing and power metal vocals. Something about that bothers me. Metalium do a similar thing on Demons of Insanity and it's really bothersome.

My band plays a weird blend of styles that's closest to melodic death metal (the tr00 kvlt kind, not Gothenburg). We also have some more power metal material (with clean vocals). There's some stuff up at our myspace, but nothing finished and nothing particularly representative. Hopefully we'll do a rehearsal recording this Sunday. Thanks for the interest.
That album
1: Is prog metal if I've ever heard it
2: Is complete fucking faggot shit
3: Sucks balls
4: Should die in a fire alongside it's makers
5: Fuck you all
You're walking on imaginary eggshells over a pit of fiery doom if you don't at least concede that the vocalist can wail at an above average skill level.
Thinking about this more, I think part of the problem is production. I don't like the squeaky clean metalcore production combined with precise corish thrash riffing and power metal vocals. Something about that bothers me.

I barely notice production. Maybe it's because I hop into the power-metal gray area more from the hard-rock side than the extreme metal side, so I'm not used to whatever elements non-shiny-production are supposed to add. Also, I rather enjoyed the latest DragonForce album, so clearly I can't have any problem with absurd overproduction. :p

Maybe my music tastes are a bit feebleminded, but fast + intense + melodic vocals = :headbang: in my book.

Also, I'm stunned at the Lost Horizon hate. I'm not a big fan myself but a lot of my friends go bonkers for 'em.
Lost Horizon is certainly not progressive metal WAIF. WTF.

Listening again. Prog power, I'll give you that. Fucking wanky bullshit, though. Vocalist does have a good voice, too bad he doesn't use it to sing anything worth hearing. I'm listening to Think Not Forever and I hear stray bits that sound great, but the overall piece is encrusted in a thick layer of semen from all the wankery.

Also, everything they do well here Suspyre do much better on A Great Divide, which is the only wanky prog metal album I can stand, probably because it fucking rules.

Side note: the Lost Horizon band photos are fucking gay and the names just make them seem like imbeciles. This wouldn't be relevant if they hadn't used a photo of themselves for the cover...