Resurrected Power Metal Thread

I always forget how awesome old Edguy is cuz of how shitty they are now...Vain Glory Opera, Mandrake, Theater of Salvation, Savage Poetry and even hellfire club rule. One of the most underrated bands.
I always forget how awesome old Edguy is cuz of how shitty they are now...

So true. And don't get me started on that last Avantasia abomination. I almost threw my remote through the telly in frustration when I saw the clip to 'Lost in Space' for the first time.

At least Sonata's last couple of albums have been slower and more boring due to Kakko's desire to experiment and grow as an artist. He does seem to be doing it for the right reasons and making music that he wants to make, rather than for the sake of pleasing the fans. But Tobi on the other hand, seems to be hell bent on shitting all over his legacy by producing more poppy music for the sake of getting radio play. Oh well, at least he's honest enough to admit it.
Wait but I actually liked The Scarecrow LOL. Leave the happy hard rock sound for Avantasia, but keep Edguy like Hellfireclub/Mandrake and I'll be happy. I'm excited for the 2 new Avantasia albums in April.

And for Sonata, I loved everything up to Unia, Unia is really cool and different in my opinion. I have yet to give the latest one a good listen.
was avantasia ever good? the only album i heard was the last one and it sucked wart covered horse cock.

Avantasia's The Metal Opera albums are incredible, although the first one is slightly better; top notch power metal. They sound nothing like the horrid Scarecrow album.


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The Scarecrow isn't Horrid. And I'm listening to both new Avantasia albums now. I'm pretty open minded when it comes to Power Metal bands changing styles, I actually prefer it...I find nothing wrong with the new Tobias Sammet albums.

And Sonata's Days of Grays is pretty good.
New Kiuas leaked today. :)

Awwwwwwwwwww SHIT!

Gotta get me some. I'll be purchasing that though as soon as it gets released here in the States.

The Scarecrow isn't Horrid. And I'm listening to both new Avantasia albums now. I'm pretty open minded when it comes to Power Metal bands changing styles, I actually prefer it...I find nothing wrong with the new Tobias Sammet albums.

It's pretty horrid. Songs like "Lost in Space" and "Carry Me Over" make me want to vomit.
im listening to the new kiuas album now. it's got some cool riffing and the production and mixing sound great. the actual songs though, have no sense of atmosphere except for 'aftermath'. not bad but not great.
Seriously I've been hooked on this band Time Requiem for the past 2 days, the keyboards fit so well with each song it's amazing. Firewind vocalist was in this band for the 1st 2 albums. Which are pretty much there best.

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Not bad at all but musically they sound like a DT-Symphony X clone and vocally definantly a SX clone, not the voice but the melodic flow.
Firewind is Big in Japan. Can't go to the ESP store without seeing Gus G plastered all over the store.

Have totally fallen off the power metal wagon and am pretty much reduced to noob status. What's good these days?
Firewind is Big in Japan. Can't go to the ESP store without seeing Gus G plastered all over the store.

Have totally fallen off the power metal wagon and am pretty much reduced to noob status. What's good these days?

Ordan Ogan, Time Requiem. I haven't been listening to much Power Metal these days but, Einherjer could probably suggest some of the good stuff these days.

It sucks lol...pretty hard listening to Power Metal, when there is 610+ bands on my playlist to listen too.
Ordan Ogan, Time Requiem. I haven't been listening to much Power Metal these days but, Einherjer could probably suggest some of the good stuff these days.

Dude, I'm loving Orden Ogan. I bought Vale and Easton Hope and they both have been kicking my ass. I enjoy Easton Hope more, but they both have some killer tracks.


Other power metal that I've been enjoying these days:

Kiuas (my all time favorite power metal group, though they just released a new album which I'm skeptical about)
Hibria (their first album, Defying the Rules, is total power metal badass-ery)
Sabaton (pretty epic war-themed metal; Attero Dominatus is their best, with The Art of War not far behind; their debut is good too though)
Fairyland (despite the name, they kick major ass, especially their most recent record; I think this is the project of a Dark Moor member, if I'm correct)
While Heaven Wept (power/doom hybrid, although their last record was mostly power metal; really heavy, very melodic compositions)

V5 could recommend you some stellar stuff as well. Also, somebody posted a song by Winter's Dawn on the previous page, and they sound pretty awesome.