Resurrected Power Metal Thread

I checked this band out about half a year ago and I quite liked some of their stuff which is/was fun to listen to. I'm not aware if they've been brought up here before.

Altaria - Unchain The Rain

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Guardians of Time are back together and have a new album coming out this year. :kickass: Their first album was decent, but their second one was a huge step up and it sucked that they broke up after that one. Pretty excited about this upcoming album, the samples in the studio diary sound promising.

From the 2nd album:

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The new Kiuas is growing on me immensely. I can't really decide which tracks to share, but for those who are interested here are a few. If you want to wait to savor the surprise, then don't listen; every track has something to offer, but in my opinion these are some of the highlights:



And the final two tracks of the album (which are probably two of my favorites they've ever done):

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Thats not bad Pat, seems more in the vein of Kamelot and more progressive (not hi-tech prog) than most european melodic power metal I've heard.
Yeah, they're definitely going in a more progressive direction. Their older stuff is much more straight-forward, balls to the wall power metal. They've always had a bit of a folk influence though.
I was only through the first two songs when I wrote that reply, I really hear why you like those last two, Im going to buy this.
Glad you dig 'em man, they're a killer band; possibly my favorite power metal band. Their first two records are so damn energetic, aggressive and just badass. On top of that, they're excellent musicians and they combine it with an extremely honed talent for composition (no excess wankery, and just enough progressive elements to keep the music interesting but still catchy and entertaining). Just all around a great band. I definitely recommend their first two records. Their third is good; it has some very lackluster moments, but makes up for it with some killer tracks. Lustdriven is a step up from their last album, but not quite as good as the first two (at least, that's my opinion of it so far).
I heard Within by Wuthering Heights and it seemed to me like the pinnacle of limp-wristed faggotry. Is their other stuff better?
I was quite into them a while back because they can create a great atmosphere every now and then. They wore thin after a while, though, as most bands do with me. The new one is certainly destined to the same fate, but it's fun for now. Try something from Far From the Madding Crowd or The Shadow Cabinet, as I haven't even bothered with the debut.
Ok. I've listened to Kiuas before, but was never particularly interested by them. It seems I never gave them a proper listen because I'm absolutely loving all their stuff on Spotify. I'm now officially a Kiuas convert. Fuck me this is good stuff.